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Thread: 2002 Honda Superhawk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.

    2002 Honda Superhawk

    Anyone here ever own one or know anybody that owned one?
    Was wondering how the bike is. i'm not a wheelie man myself and have heard that this bike is real torquey (guess thats a word) Was wondering if the bike is hard to handle or hard to keep the front wheel down. I 've been on several types of bikes so the bike doesn't scare me but if the front wheel is always wanting to come up that might b a problem. The only negative I have read online is the fact that it sucks gas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    its a v-twin. So those bikes have more low end torque instead of the high rpm in line 4 bikes. That bike would be easy to ride and would wheelie a lot less that that zx-9 you were looking at.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    eh superhawks are ok for stunting i think. i hate honda but they make good bikes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.
    yea the zx9 kinda fell thru probaly for the best. The zx was an 01 with 16000 miles the superhawk I'm looking at has 4500 miles and is an 02. Just don't want to get something that is always trying to lift up on me. I'm 36 with 2 kids and prefer to keep both wheels on the ground. Have read lots of good about the bike ppl gettin 30-40,000 miles with no problems

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.
    Went to deland this morning and took the superhawk for a ride. Pretty nice bike you could feel the thing would wheelie with no effort just something about the bike I didn't like. didn't get that mushy feeling and fall in love with it and not to mention the dealer wanted my bike and 1100 maybe that was the prob. I only owe 2500 on my cruiser so I will stick with it and maybe look for a sport bike when it is paid off. Then I'll have my chioice of what to ride. Besides I'm 36 with 2 kids how fast do I really need to kill myself. thanks to all who replied

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    This brings back memories. I went from a cbr 600f3, to a Superhawk, and wound up with my F4i becuase I missed the top end rush and the handling. These bikes are all the same from 98 to now. They're carbed, fuel injection is the way to go and you can find it on most bikes from 2001 up.

    I had mixed feelings about my hawk. You won't find more bike for the money. I got my 98 for 3k with 6,000 miles. Go check out cycletrader or ebay. It definetly has two major flaws. Both can be fixed, not cheap though. It gets terrible gas mileage. You'll be at the pump every 90 miles. You can get a bigger tank but it's not cheap. The other MAJOR flaw is the stock suspension. Again, it can be fixed but not cheap.

    I know why you didn't get the mushy feeling, it was the suspension. You can't flick this bike around like a modern inline. The suspension is soft, the bike is heavy, and it has a long wheelbase. The suzuki TL 1000 S is a similar bike. It's lighter, faster, etc. but not that reliable.

    I suggest you keep the cruiser until you find something else that clicks. I HIGHLY recommend you check out a honda vfr 800. It's a comfy sportbike with decent torque. You'll like it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    Man I love my TL 1000s for cruising around campus. I save the gsxr's for track days or weekends.

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