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  1. #1
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Who hates their roomate and why...

    Well since there's alot of college student on here im sure there's alot of people that have some stories about why they hate their roomates...
    Me i really dont like mine...
    1. i'll put this one first cause its the most ****ed up...he has a huge mouth and told his gf (which is best freinds with my gf) that i banged a girl freshman year..he told her this to clear his own name cause his girl was mad we were talkin to her..and said we had a 3 some with a milf last year...he is a snitch for sayin this...he had to clear his name and **** me over with my girl...

    2. he doesnt pull his own weight around the apt. he doesnt clean for shit..only time he does clean is when his parents come...

    3.all he does is bitch about bills meanwhile he worked about 25 hours a week for a year without goin to school...thats it 25 hours...dont bitch about bills when u barely work...

    4.he is extremely lazy...he sleeps till 2pm and bitches when i make noise doing the dishes...i am up at 6:30am to go to class's and i stay quiet till about 10:30-11am during the week when im home...after that i dont care how loud i am..

    5. he told his parents that i crashed my bike doin a wheelie...i told mine i fell in a parkin lot...his parents talk to my parents so they get pissed...and he told his parents out of spite cause i told his parents he rides drunk and hi in the rain with no helmat, and rides very stupid for his skill level...

    lets here some of ur guys shitty roomate stories...

  2. #2
    Snrf's Avatar
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    MY house mate Pete uses SO MUCH freaking TP. Like its unreal, I buy like 4 rolls a week, and if I don't buy it, no one does...I actually took to keeping itin my room and carrying it with me, but then I got scared about wat he was using on like the 5th day of no TP and my flannel is in there so I caved in and bought some...dirty little scrotum

  3. #3
    Intruder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    Well since there's alot of college student on here im sure there's alot of people that have some stories about why they hate their roomates...
    Me i really dont like mine...
    1. i'll put this one first cause its the most ****ed up...he has a huge mouth and told his gf (which is best freinds with my gf) that i banged a girl freshman year..he told her this to clear his own name cause his girl was mad we were talkin to her..and said we had a 3 some with a milf last year...he is a snitch for sayin this...he had to clear his name and **** me over with my girl...

    2. he doesnt pull his own weight around the apt. he doesnt clean for shit..only time he does clean is when his parents come...

    3.all he does is bitch about bills meanwhile he worked about 25 hours a week for a year without goin to school...thats it 25 hours...dont bitch about bills when u barely work...

    4.he is extremely lazy...he sleeps till 2pm and bitches when i make noise doing the dishes...i am up at 6:30am to go to class's and i stay quiet till about 10:30-11am during the week when im home...after that i dont care how loud i am..

    5. he told his parents that i crashed my bike doin a wheelie...i told mine i fell in a parkin lot...his parents talk to my parents so they get pissed...and he told his parents out of spite cause i told his parents he rides drunk and hi in the rain with no helmat, and rides very stupid for his skill level...

    lets here some of ur guys shitty roomate stories...
    If I had a roommate like that he would no longer b my roommate.
    I no longer have roomates unless u count my wife and kids but, back in the day when I was single and running around my roommate and I could read each others mind we were tight. I could follow his line of bs and cover his ass with his girl and he could do the same for me it was great. When your young and single (not married) its alright to run around and hook up with milfs you don't need no stinky snitch around always cock blocking.

  4. #4
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    my roommate isnt all that bad but he has his moments where i just wanna beat the crap outta him.

    like ur roommate, mine doesnt clean shit, he never takes any initiative im the one that always gotta tell him to do shit. sometimes i feel like a f-u-c-k-i-n mom, im not gonna baby sit anybody.

    he always leaves a mess when he "cooks" and the house stinks of garlic. he is a spoiled lil mamas boy. the guy is a f-u-c-k-i-n mess, his room looks like a bomb was dropped there.

    he chews and leaves his disgustin spit cup everywhere. that shit is sick

  5. #5
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Intruder
    If I had a roommate like that he would no longer b my roommate.
    I no longer have roomates unless u count my wife and kids but, back in the day when I was single and running around my roommate and I could read each others mind we were tight. I could follow his line of bs and cover his ass with his girl and he could do the same for me it was great. When your young and single (not married) its alright to run around and hook up with milfs you don't need no stinky snitch around always cock blocking.
    i dont have any real freinds down ny i have freinds that i know will be aroudn forever...but it sucks cause he has such a big mouth i have to keep everything from him...specially when i get stuff in the mail i have to keep everything a secret...

  6. #6
    spywizard's Avatar
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    well, when i was renting a upstairs room, shared the house with 2 other guys, they were cool.. everyone cooked for themselves, and cleaned up, smelled like a bunch of guys living there..

    worse part, i woke up one night at like 2 am, the smell of **** was so bad and i don't go like that.. so i moved out, they don't need my money that bad...
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  7. #7
    Intruder's Avatar
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    That sucks. How long through the year r u in fl?
    Your a young guy there are alot of cool ppl here in fl. Get out and meet some ones. If not just come across his mouth with the back of your hand one time an say "Shut up bitch"

  8. #8
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Intruder
    That sucks. How long through the year r u in fl?
    Your a young guy there are alot of cool ppl here in fl. Get out and meet some ones. If not just come across his mouth with the back of your hand one time an say "Shut up bitch"
    i have this semester and next year...honestly though im fine with just having aquatinces (sp?)...i dont treat them like real freinds i hang out and keep them at a distance...i would love to hit him sometimes but im renting from his parents and still have another few months on contract...

  9. #9
    Intruder's Avatar
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    I guess right now your kinda stuck. surely you don't plan on renewing that contract do you?

  10. #10
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Intruder
    I guess right now your kinda stuck. surely you don't plan on renewing that contract do you?
    well im kinda stuck because its cheap as hell and my parents pay it..its $600 a month and that includes utilites...and its a nice size they dont want to pay more for me cause im not chippin in a dime...

  11. #11
    Intruder's Avatar
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    I guess if i was living rent free I would probaly put up with some bs. You know what you do wait till next time he's going on a hot date and slip him some exlax that will set him str8

  12. #12
    JAYROD's Avatar
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    mine was a lazy and dirty slob, not to mention a complete sponge. he's gone now.

  13. #13
    king6's Avatar
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    When I was in the Marines, they renovated half of our barracks. So they had us stacked 4 to a room. The one guy always left his dip bottles laying around. The other guy was a total bum and played PS2 all day and never left. The other jackass worked nights and made so much damn noise at night I couldn't sleep, he would sit there and listen to rap music till 4 a.m. And he would cut peoples hair in our room and never sweep up the hair, so I would get it stuck to my socks. I had the only computer, so they would download porn and rap music on my computer and fvcked it up with viruses.

  14. #14
    JAYROD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    When I was in the Marines, they renovated half of our barracks. So they had us stacked 4 to a room. The one guy always left his dip bottles laying around. The other guy was a total bum and played PS2 all day and never left. The other jackass worked nights and made so much damn noise at night I couldn't sleep, he would sit there and listen to rap music till 4 a.m. And he would cut peoples hair in our room and never sweep up the hair, so I would get it stuck to my socks. I had the only computer, so they would download porn and rap music on my computer and fvcked it up with viruses.
    not cool. how long were you stuck with them?

  15. #15
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD
    not cool. how long were you stuck with them?
    Seems like forever. But in reality I think it was like 3 or 4 months, then I moved to a different barracks.

  16. #16
    samoth's Avatar
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    I had both good and bad experiences with roommates my first two years of college, but I've had a single dorm since then. I couldn't imagine having to study all day with another person or people talking, listening to music, watching television, et cetera. If I'm paying for the dorm, I don't expect to have to go somewhere else when I want to study, lol.

    Then again, I'm one of those wierd people who came to college to, like, study and stuff. Seems like a rare thing.


  17. #17
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    i hate my roomate,

    because he chews my socks and underwear and somtimes he, bites

  18. #18
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i hate my roomate,

    because he chews my socks and underwear and somtimes he, bites
    But i'm sure you don't complain when he licks you

  19. #19
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    I would never live with another guy. I stayed a friends house for a few weeks while i was waiting to get into my place. I wanted to kill the guys who live there. And they were all friends. I would rather live with a girl any day.

  20. #20
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    But i'm sure you don't complain when he licks you
    Thank goodness for Peanut butter.

  21. #21
    chest6's Avatar
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    yessss amazing thread. I'll get back to it after im dun liftin

  22. #22
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
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    I once had a room mate tell the landlord that "I think bruce has steroids in the fridge. I don't know if they are steroids or not, but look how big he is..." He thought he was all buddy buddy with the land lord, so he thought he would make some small talk. The steroids in the fridge, were in fact a topical cream that was given (by perscription from a vet) to the house hold cat. WTF??? Then he told my g/f (who i'd only known for 3 weeks at the time) that I "do" steroids.
    I could have beat him bad, but Nothing happened, but I did steal his $200 sunglasses for being such a bitch. When I moved out, I told the Landlord I was leaving cause I couldn't handle living in a "drug house" and made reference to all the dope that moron smoked... I know things weren't easy for him after that from the nasty messages on my voice mail that I kept lau***ng at....

  23. #23
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    My roomates are both slobs, and I didnt realize what a "clean freak" I was until I bought this house. Having two people living in YOUR house and trashing it all the time drives me absolutely insane. Cleaning up after other people is my #1 biggest pet peave, yet I do it on the daily because I can't stand my own house looking like shit...

  24. #24
    bbplaya21's Avatar
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    in the woods.......
    My last roomate was a good friend. He was lazy as shit and never cleaned up. Broke my washer cuz he crammed a shit load of clothes in there. HAd a dog that shitted everywhere and would do a shitty job of cleaning it up. But now his dumbass who had a full ride for baseball failed out and lives back with his parents but still has to pay rent cuz he is still on the contract. My new roomate is broke as ****. He doesnt do shit and is always late payin me for bills cuz his damn pell grant check hasnt come on. And now the house smells like a black and mild. Im not a clean freak but **** there dirtyer than a toothless waffle house waitress

  25. #25
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
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    This is going to be a great thread!

  26. #26
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    on a side note im going too see a house tommorow with 3 hotties for roomates, ive never done it before and have no idea what im getting into but its too tempting, they have SOO many friends and they're cool as shit. plus ill be the only dude.

  27. #27
    Rye_guy's Avatar
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    I dunno man, to be honest, I love my room mates, ive know em all for many years, we're all like family... 5 of us in the house including the baby... we all work well togeather and take care of our own mess...

    but I have had room mates Ive hated for much the same reason as yourself, and a few more that you havent listed...

  28. #28
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    ok mine..i goto college but i live in a house thats not on campus, this is where I grew up but I felt bad for my buddy cuz his dad is a religious zealout and he couldnt take him, I grew up with him so I let him move in with me..

    1)he has a ****ed up obsession with toilet paper holders and thinks they're 'stupid' so he ALWAYS takes it off the roller and puts it on the back of the toilet, this pisses me off, and looks ****ing ghetto...

    2)Whenever I ask him to do anything he bitches and always uses the "I work soooo much bla bla bla", either too tired, or too this or that..The mother****er is a real estate agent, he sits in an office all day taking calls and goes on appointments, then him and all the dudes at his office go out and get drunk after work...yea cant help my ass...

    3)His ****ing girlfriend....lets herself in..uses my contact solution...and leaves her shit either in the house somewhere or in the garage...I told him my house is not a ****ing storage garage for her shit, take it the **** home..

    4)Also if the bitch is over and I ask him to do something, he'll hurry up and do it as half ass as possible and rush back to his room I guess because he's afraid he'll offend her, personally i could give two flying ****s..

    5)I live in a rather expensive crib, and its new construction...If I hear him bitch one more time about how shitty the builder is, how they should have "done this" or you should have had it in your contract to "bla bla bla" or he quotes his ****ing dad(owns his own construction bus) one more time about the way it should have been done, Im going to lose my ****ing mind...All builders cut corners and half ass shit, the only way to get it done right is to subcontract yourself and spend boat loads on quality materials, I dont have a million dollars to spend at this point in my life...

    6)Back to him bitching about working so much...I work 25-30 hours a week (im in sales and being a good salesmen allows me to work minimal hours yet make a lot of money), I am taking 13 credits this semester, which means Im in class an additional 15 hours a week, and anyone who knows college knows thats even MORE time in homework...Yet I still have to maintain this house and I goto the gym 4 nights a week...Ohh yea, I have a girlfriend as well that takes up my time..So Im spread pretty ****in thin an dont feel like hearin about a dude who works 40 hours with no other obligations but his 12 yr old looking girlfriend...

    7)He does burnouts on his way home everday, and my garage smells like burnt rubber every night..

    8)he takes up room in my fridge with his beer..

    9)basically hes a ****ing girl and never stops complaining...

    that covers it....ive had a ruff ****ing month...sorry for the rant

  29. #29
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    Oh I forgot... this one takes the ****ing cake...

    I said yo need to clean the hall bathroom please and windex the mirrors and tilex the tub&shower... his reply was

    " just clean the hallway and living room and the areas people will see..."

    I was like what the **** kind of logic is that...ok so just let the bathroom goto total shit because no one sees it but you...i just dont know where the **** he got off sayin somethin like that...

  30. #30
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Oh I forgot... this one takes the ****ing cake...

    I said yo need to clean the hall bathroom please and windex the mirrors and tilex the tub&shower... his reply was

    " just clean the hallway and living room and the areas people will see..."

    I was like what the **** kind of logic is that...ok so just let the bathroom goto total shit because no one sees it but you...i just dont know where the **** he got off sayin somethin like that...
    a dirty bathroom is ****in disgusting..and if u dont take care of it it goes to shit with soap scum in teh showers, toilte bowl gets nasty, sink gets grimy..floors are dirty...mirrors get shit on them...i am keepin my shit reletivley spotless and clean my stuff everyday..i like my stuff clean everyday..meanwhile my roomate will do a complete house "cleaning" every two-three weeks..then has the nerve to say "i love havin a clean house" ****in clean up ur shit..

  31. #31
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    Mine is just annoying. Takes baths. Hes in the bathroom for 40 mins and I'll bel ike when he comes out and he'll be like "Sorry my hair was really dirty"

    He'd always like talk shit to me when I was losing in madden to my other roommate so finally I went in our bathroom and got his towel that was covered with splouge and layed it in the middle of our living room in front of my other 2 roommates. Oh man was that funny. him pretty good.
    and yeah...he doesnt buy toilet paper. Always is borrowing plates and paper towels from me..then ill borrow a water from him he'll bitch at me everyday after that I owe him a water. I just say "when u buy toilet paper, I'll give you your water...and when u buy me 3 packets of forks.."

  32. #32
    spywizard's Avatar
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    God, i love being married to a great woman that earns good money...

    thanks for sharing..
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  33. #33
    big L 17's Avatar
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    i live with two other girls one bitches alote and just pissess me off the other one is pretty tight
    the first one is a coke head/alcohol that always wants to drink and up all hours of the night trying to wake me up

  34. #34
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    Ok, new story.

    I keep the heating on in my house a lot, cuz its cold. my tightwad little roommate SABOTAGED the heater, I've been waiting 2 days for it to get fixed when I noticed a tiny little valve on one of the pipes so I turned it and bingo its working. He blatantly just sabotaged it cuz he's fed up of the bills!

  35. #35
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    God, i love being married to a great woman that earns good money...

    thanks for sharing..
    haha f-u...ur a lucky guy though...

  36. #36
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Ok, new story.

    I keep the heating on in my house a lot, cuz its cold. my tightwad little roommate SABOTAGED the heater, I've been waiting 2 days for it to get fixed when I noticed a tiny little valve on one of the pipes so I turned it and bingo its working. He blatantly just sabotaged it cuz he's fed up of the bills!
    oh hold on u wanna talk about a/c and ****in roomate's a/c blasts cold air at night..mine just farts out a lil air...he know how hot my room gets if the a/c isnt on atleast 73 or 74 i told him to close his vents a lil and turn his fan off...then i did it for him...muther ****er insists on keepin it up till i sweat...then one day he took the face off the a/c controller so i couldnt do anything..i was like wtf...i went in his room at 2am and told him dont ever pull that shit again....

  37. #37
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    I had a roomate my freshman year, who didint clean, ate all the food and was just a peice of sh*t. used to smoke cigs in our dorm. ended getting me and him kicked out of housing... then the fun started..

    so i ended up moving in with him into a apt a lil off campus, because his dad agreed to pay, since he got my ass kicked out of housing. well long story short, he had not cleaned for months. the apt looked decent cause i made sure everynight i picked up after his drunk ass. i asked him numerous times just to clean his room because the smell was going across the hall into mine. it was discgusting. i dont care if your room is dirty, its your room, but when its so dirty that it smells and it starts effecting my room across the hall, then we have problems.

    so I went out one night with my buddies to a party ended up getting pretty close to blackout. came home there was shit like everywhere, he had thrown a party in the apt (its his apt) so i cant really say to much. then i walked in my room and it was a f*ckiin mess. people had spilt beer on my bed and floor and well to say the least i was f*cking pissed.

    he walked out of his room wicked drunk talking a bunch of shit cause i was yelling at him about my room. and proceeded to tell me i thought i was a "tough guy" cause i went to the gym. then he tried to walk by me in the hallway by pushing me. well i wasnt sober and i was ticked. this was the last straw. i ended up pushing him back, he threw a punch, clipped me in the shoulder and i just rocked him in the face about 5 - 6 times till he was on the hallway floor passed out covered in blood from a bleading lip and bloody nose. so i left him there changed my sheets cleaned up my room and went to bed. woke up at about 12pm the next day. whole house was mint! i swear it was cleaner then the first day we moved in. havnt had a probelm with him since, its now junior year. i still live with him, hes a good friend of mine, he f*cking cleans now and hes still paying rent
    Last edited by K.Biz; 02-14-2007 at 06:51 AM.

  38. #38
    big L 17's Avatar
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    i have gotten into two fist fights with the one roomate i dont like.she always comments about me using roids and stuff.

  39. #39
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    Thank goodness for Peanut butter.
    it aint cheating so why not?

  40. #40
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    I had a roomate my freshman year, who didint clean, ate all the food and was just a peice of sh*t. used to smoke cigs in our dorm. ended getting me and him kicked out of housing... then the fun started..

    so i ended up moving in with him into a apt a lil off campus, because his dad agreed to pay, since he got my ass kicked out of housing. well long story short, he had not cleaned for months. the apt looked decent cause i made sure everynight i picked up after his drunk ass. i asked him numerous times just to clean his room because the smell was going across the hall into mine. it was discgusting. i dont care if your room is dirty, its your room, but when its so dirty that it smells and it starts effecting my room across the hall, then we have problems.

    so I went out one night with my buddies to a party ended up getting pretty close to blackout. came home there was shit like everywhere, he had thrown a party in the apt (its his apt) so i cant really say to much. then i walked in my room and it was a f*ckiin mess. people had spilt beer on my bed and floor and well to say the least i was f*cking pissed.

    he walked out of his room wicked drunk talking a bunch of shit cause i was yelling at him about my room. and proceeded to tell me i thought i was a "tough guy" cause i went to the gym. then he tried to walk by me in the hallway by pushing me. well i wasnt sober and i was ticked. this was the last straw. i ended up pushing him back, he threw a punch, clipped me in the shoulder and i just rocked him in the face about 5 - 6 times till he was on the hallway floor passed out covered in blood from a bleading lip and bloody nose. so i left him there changed my sheets cleaned up my room and went to bed. woke up at about 12pm the next day. whole house was mint! i swear it was cleaner then the first day we moved in. havnt had a probelm with him since, its now junior year. i still live with him, hes a good friend of mine, he f*cking cleans now and hes still paying rent
    haha dam thats a good if i got home and there was shit spilt everywere i would def. fight...i get pissed when my roomate jokes about people sleepin in my bed when im not there...that is my space and it shouldnt be used by anyone but myself and gf...

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