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  1. #41
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    started at 6' and 199 now i am 6' and 295...not even close to big enough...but one day i will be big enough...prolly not....
    I haven't seen you on here too often anymore, what have you been up to? Have you gained alot of weight recently because I don't remember you being 295! That's HUGE what's your BFP?

  2. #42
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    6ft,210,95kgs@ 7-8% my goal when i get back from europe this year, ill be there 38weeks after that

  3. #43
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    MY blood pressure is high and my cholesterol is through the roof. Eating 4,000+ calories per day for the last 10 years trying to gain weight is catching up to me.

    I either need to learn to eat very clean and healthy while still taking in those calories... if that is even possible? or it's slice up and drop down to the 230 range which I can maintain on 3,000 cals

  4. #44
    WEBB's Avatar
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    i had trouble getting on with my ISP and just moved across canada to Alberta so i can get on all the time now but i am super busy with work now so i dint have much time....i did a huge 24 week cycle and it was great i had some igf in there and went from 250 to 290 in that time and could see some abs in the morning...i just got back on not to long ago and i am growing again and up to 295 as of last week, not to lean but prolly close to 12% tops... still thinkng about natinals in august but i dont know if i have the time...

  5. #45
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    i had trouble getting on with my ISP and just moved across canada to Alberta so i can get on all the time now but i am super busy with work now so i dint have much time....i did a huge 24 week cycle and it was great i had some igf in there and went from 250 to 290 in that time and could see some abs in the morning...i just got back on not to long ago and i am growing again and up to 295 as of last week, not to lean but prolly close to 12% tops... still thinkng about natinals in august but i dont know if i have the time...
    Much respect. Do you lose weight when you're off? Are you on IGF/Slin year round?

  6. #46
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    i had trouble getting on with my ISP and just moved across canada to Alberta so i can get on all the time now but i am super busy with work now so i dint have much time....i did a huge 24 week cycle and it was great i had some igf in there and went from 250 to 290 in that time and could see some abs in the morning...i just got back on not to long ago and i am growing again and up to 295 as of last week, not to lean but prolly close to 12% tops... still thinkng about natinals in august but i dont know if i have the time...
    Wow those are some incredible gains man! I'm sitting at around 250-255lbs right now and I am about to run another cycle soon. What did you take for those 24 weeks?

  7. #47
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    well 5'7" at 175 right now id like a 200-215 around 10% ill be happy and im sure that would be 'big' i have a wider and thicker frame then my father and i think he was 5'9"-5'10" @ 235 then 205 lean so im sure i could get a good 235 at 10% and be big as all hell..god i never thought id like being on the shorter side...

  8. #48
    WEBB's Avatar
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    Super, i cant get to my diet and cycle right now cause i am way the hell up north workin for the next 2 weeks and i have already been here for like 2 weeks, but if you search the igf section for my log you will get everything down to the number bro, if you cant find it pm me and i will get it to you asap....i lose about 6 pounds when i go completely off, and i use igf not slin for 5 weeks on 5 weeks off at 100mcg ed....

  9. #49
    Snrf's Avatar
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    "when is BIG, big enough?"??

    When I'm webbs my dreams!

  10. #50
    WEBB's Avatar
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    thanks for all the props guys....still thinking about trying to get ready for canadian nationals in august, but i have to be able to be home and near a good gym all the time and my job doesnt really permit that at the moment..i am up in northern alberta workin in the oilfield building a huge oil facility , but the good news is i make wicked cash and they put us in camp which i like a 3 star hotel with a cook that has all your meals ready for you and i mean things like steak and shrimp, chicken breasts, omlettes for breakfast made to order...the gym is small and doesnt have much weight but its enough to get a good pump on and stay active...

  11. #51
    RussianVodka's Avatar
    RussianVodka is offline Senior Member
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    I'm not big enough yet. 6'2'' 260lbs 15%bf

  12. #52
    DNoMac's Avatar
    DNoMac is offline Senior Member
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    I feel you guys. If I saw myself now when I was in high school, I'd be completely satisified. But now, I def wanna get much bigger. At 6ft, I'd like to be around 230 w/single digit bf.

    I've been gaining steadily through the winter. I've put on about 20lbs since sept (naturally) and have put on little bodyfat (I was way too low on kcals for a while). With spring approaching, it makes cutting very tempting, but I'd like to keep the ball rolling while I'm puttin on the mass. Decisions decisions...

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