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  1. #1
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Human life is cheap

    In todays world, just how cheap and meaningless is human life?

    Today on the radio I hear two stories.

    The first one being of a two year old girl found murdered in her cot by the mother, the possibility of sexual assault being high.

    An asian boy killed in less than sixty seconds by a gang of 40 people in a supposed racial attack. 0-60 seconds and your life is over.

    I know things are far worse in other parts of the world, South America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa but it just seems random acts of violence in the so called more "civilised" parts of the world seem to happen more and more now. Its like the human race wants to die.

  2. #2
    24labor's Avatar
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    It's sad to here those types of things. whats even more sad is the life we live now well most people. A lot of people work in jobs they don't really like for so many years then you get to retire when your 60 or so and then for the next 10 years before you die you get to enjoy life you know that thing that passsed by like 50 years ago. Think about it society has made the everyday man nothing more than a worker ant in the system. Thats why celeberties lives are always exposed b/c they can do what they want and enjoy everyday of life the way they want, sure they have their emotional problems and everyday problems like everyone else but that is my idea of how life should be just do what you want to (to a certain extent) but since money rules us you can't. My dream is like "office space" I'd like to just chill all day, run a gym or radio station and do whatever I wanted. Maybe a little off topic but I had to say that

  3. #3
    ect0m0rph is offline Member
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    Amen, the world is getting crazy. Where I live some nutjob just walked into a strip mall and started shooting people. Crazy! no one thinks he had a reason just wanted to kill people.

  4. #4
    numbat's Avatar
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    A man in Atlanta, GA, forced his three-year-old son and 18-month-old daughter to eat poisoned soup in an attempt to extort money from the Campbell's Soup Company.

    The man fed his kids soup laced with hot peppers, lighter fluid and prescription drugs.

    I also read a few days ago a man super glued his infants eyes shut and then later used acetone to try and get it off

  5. #5
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Society is getting horrible I agree. People are too unpredictable. Having all the freedom in the world comes with responsibility and unfortunately people are not very responsible most of the time

  6. #6
    Sepsis's Avatar
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    people should be screened prior to being allowed to breed!

  7. #7
    JC.1987's Avatar
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    i wish we could all de-evolve back to the good old days when we were all monkeys and hell with society today where people "buy a car to go to work, and go to work to pay for their car". lol

  8. #8
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    We are a species of over 6 billion living on a planet that can sustain life for 4 billion. What can you expect.
    We are very stupid and this world is going to end very soon..

  9. #9
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Simple crime and punishment, if someone has no fear of punishment for breaking laws set by society. Then laws are meaningless and punishment is a joke. For some criminals going to prison only furthers there reputations and criminal careers.

  10. #10
    jmax is offline Associate Member
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    then we send them to prison where they act the world has done them a injustice. I HATE convicts. They are the vomit of society

  11. #11
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmax
    then we send them to prison where they act the world has done them a injustice. I HATE convicts. They are the vomit of society
    In a realistic world societies would not have career criminals if you know what I mean.

  12. #12
    valcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    We are a species of over 6 billion living on a planet that can sustain life for 4 billion. What can you expect.
    We are very stupid and this world is going to end very soon..
    you got it C_bino

  13. #13
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    We are a species of over 6 billion living on a planet that can sustain life for 4 billion. What can you expect.
    We are very stupid and this world is going to end very soon..
    Agreed, there is no specific human cause for an increase in violence. As the world increases in population we will continue to see rises in violence. We did a whole unit about it in biology. I personally think there should be a limit to how many kids a couple can have. You see some of these families with 8 and 9 kids. I think that is extreme. Not to mention the low life white trash that have kids just to kid governmint aid and good stamps.

  14. #14
    24labor's Avatar
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    It's like I always say a person is an intelligent,interesting being, but people are a dumb,ignorant species waiting to be destroyed, not by global warming or some sort of illness, but from themselves

  15. #15
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Take it from Terminator 2: "Were not going to make it are we?"
    Arnold: "Its in your nature to destroy yourselves"

  16. #16
    dece870717's Avatar
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    I keep seeing this word species come up... maybe this teaching of we're just animals has something to do with our behavior.

  17. #17
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    If someone kills a child, I think they should be arrested and put to death within a few days. It's just ridiculous, these sickos don't deserve to live. Child molesters too.

  18. #18
    Rye_guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    We are a species of over 6 billion living on a planet that can sustain life for 4 billion. What can you expect.
    We are very stupid and this world is going to end very soon..

    exactly, there is so much starvation and suffering around in the world due to over population. I recall seein a program about "critical mass" where when a select species over populates a certain amount of space, they start to destroy one another for many reasons... however this is quite evident in africa where some 26,000 people die daily from starvation and lack of clean water.... people will kill each other for land, food, and whatever other resource or possesion they deem worthy.

    we're a messed up species... sooner or later you will see commericals sayin Please spay or neuter your kids... hahaha

  19. #19
    Rye_guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    We are a species of over 6 billion living on a planet that can sustain life for 4 billion. What can you expect.
    We are very stupid and this world is going to end very soon..

    exactly, there is so much starvation and suffering around in the world due to over population. I recall seein a program about "critical mass" where when a select species over populates a certain amount of space, they start to destroy one another for many reasons... however this is quite evident in africa where some 26,000 people die daily from starvation and lack of clean water.... people will kill each other for land, food, and whatever other resource or possesion they deem worthy.

    we're a messed up species... sooner or later you will see commericals sayin Please spay or neuter your kids... hahaha

  20. #20
    Rye_guy's Avatar
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    double post. sorry bros.

  21. #21
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 24labor
    It's sad to here those types of things. whats even more sad is the life we live now well most people. A lot of people work in jobs they don't really like for so many years then you get to retire when your 60 or so and then for the next 10 years before you die you get to enjoy life you know that thing that passsed by like 50 years ago. Think about it society has made the everyday man nothing more than a worker ant in the system. Thats why celeberties lives are always exposed b/c they can do what they want and enjoy everyday of life the way they want, sure they have their emotional problems and everyday problems like everyone else but that is my idea of how life should be just do what you want to (to a certain extent) but since money rules us you can't. My dream is like "office space" I'd like to just chill all day, run a gym or radio station and do whatever I wanted. Maybe a little off topic but I had to say that
    have you forgotten the american dream? you live in one of the few places where escaping something like you just described is possible yet you can't see the forest for the trees.

  22. #22
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    I think human life today is more worth than ever, world poverty is decreasing, obesity is now a bigger problem than starvation.

    Just remember how it was like a few hundrad years ago when you where killed because you had the guts to claim earth was circling the sun.

    Alot of shitty parts of the world needs to catch up. But todays generation is on avarage better of than any previous generation.

  23. #23
    24labor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    have you forgotten the american dream? you live in one of the few places where escaping something like you just described is possible yet you can't see the forest for the trees.
    You're right some lucky ones do et to live the dream but thats just it a dream reality is anythign can happen at any moment lose your job from downsizing, wife dies from a drunk driver or anythinhg in one instant and the dream is dead b/c of some carless human taking advantage of thier life. You don't see animals having war and murder I mean they hunt and fight when they have to but they just live.

  24. #24
    24labor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    I think human life today is more worth than ever, world poverty is decreasing, obesity is now a bigger problem than starvation.

    Just remember how it was like a few hundrad years ago when you where killed because you had the guts to claim earth was circling the sun.

    Alot of shitty parts of the world needs to catch up. But todays generation is on avarage better of than any previous generation.
    I agree and disagree although starvation is gone obesity is up. What I mean is one problem replaces another and will probably be that way forever. I can only imagine the problems that a wait in the future. We need to take a lesson from star trek, we work to better ourselves and not for the almighty dollar eh Johan?

  25. #25
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    humans suck, unfortunately. overpopulated, and i dont see a way out of making it worse

  26. #26
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    I think human life today is more worth than ever, world poverty is decreasing, obesity is now a bigger problem than starvation.

    Just remember how it was like a few hundrad years ago when you where killed because you had the guts to claim earth was circling the sun.

    Alot of shitty parts of the world needs to catch up. But todays generation is on avarage better of than any previous generation.

    I've wondered about this Johan. I mean back during the time of Tuetonic Knights it wasn't good but then that's the whole point. We dont LIVE in those times anymore and yet the world is still a dark place. All humans have done over the years is get better and better at being assholes.

  27. #27
    JC.1987's Avatar
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    i tihnk im going to switch to buddhism, then commit suicide, and then get re-incarnated as a blade of grass or something. that would be cool, cause grass is peaceful.

  28. #28
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......i lust for battle

  29. #29
    mousetraps's Avatar
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    buy a gun, keep it loaded.

  30. #30
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 24labor
    I agree and disagree although starvation is gone obesity is up. What I mean is one problem replaces another and will probably be that way forever. I can only imagine the problems that a wait in the future. We need to take a lesson from star trek, we work to better ourselves and not for the almighty dollar eh Johan?
    Well in the long term I think things like obesity will be banished by medicine, genetic engineering or similar things. Its a stupidity disease aswell so I cant say I feel any sympathy towards fatties. Starvation on the other hand is not a chooise so seeing it decrease is heartwarming.

    A star trek world would be nice

    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    I've wondered about this Johan. I mean back during the time of Tuetonic Knights it wasn't good but then that's the whole point. We dont LIVE in those times anymore and yet the world is still a dark place. All humans have done over the years is get better and better at being assholes.
    But in the "civilised" world life is good. People in the EU, north america and japan doesnt suffer from brutality of the same kind as in the dark ages. Sure there are scumbag murderers, rapist and other filth around. But atleast we have protection against them with a good police force ect. We also dont have to be afraid of diseases anymore.

    The rest of the world will sooner or later be uplifted to our standard of living. Its just a matter of time. It could be done faster if we in the rich countries wanted to sacrifice more in order to help them. But thats pretty unrealistic I guess.

  31. #31
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    [QUOTE=Kärnfysikern]Well in the long term I think things like obesity will be banished by medicine, genetic engineering or similar things. Its a stupidity disease aswell so I cant say I feel any sympathy towards fatties. Starvation on the other hand is not a chooise so seeing it decrease is heartwarming.

    A star trek world would be nice

    The aquisition of wealth gone? No more material objects? The sole driving force of the human race is to explore and study? I would LOVE to see that future but IF we survive for a few more hundered years, the human race will be more like the world of STAR WARS.

  32. #32
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    The aquisition of wealth gone? No more material objects? The sole driving force of the human race is to explore and study? I would LOVE to see that future but IF we survive for a few more hundered years, the human race will be more like the world of STAR WARS.
    I dont se anything wrong with aquisition of wealth and material objects to be honest. I dont care much for it myself and I can agree that its sad when so many people care about money and objects more than anything.
    But it is afterall the drive to aquire wealth and material objects that is the sole cause for our living standards of today.

  33. #33
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Overpopulated? The entire worlds population can fit within the city limits of Jacksonville, Florida...twice. You ever drive across Wyoming or Texas they got so much space out there its ridiculous. If it's crowded where you live...move. I think this overpopulation stuff is pure propaganda. And theres plenty of food out there, you can goto any grocery store in the USA and were not running out anytime soon. Only reason some countries like Africa are having it so bad is because there economy sucks.

  34. #34
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717
    Overpopulated? The entire worlds population can fit within the city limits of Jacksonville, Florida...twice. You ever drive across Wyoming or Texas they got so much space out there its ridiculous. If it's crowded where you live...move. I think this overpopulation stuff is pure propaganda. And theres plenty of food out there, you can goto any grocery store in the USA and were not running out anytime soon. Only reason some countries like Africa are having it so bad is because there economy sucks.
    jacksonville huh? anybody wanna get factchecker on this guy...

  35. #35
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Well you could squeese in the entire world population on 65 billion square meter and everyone would have a 10 square meter area to move in. That would be 25100 square mile.

    Jacksonville is 885 square mile according to wikipedia.

    If he means packing them tighter, one square meter(10 square foot) per person, it would take 2510 square mile.

    If we put every person on the planet in texas each person would have 105 square meters each. Thats 125 square yards.

  36. #36
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    It pisses me off when someone with no cause murders. Especially children then you got the bleeding hearts saying " don't execute him the death penalty isn't a deterent"...Well if you execute him it would definately be a deterent to keep him from killing again.

  37. #37
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    It pisses me off when someone with no cause murders. Especially children then you got the bleeding hearts saying " don't execute him the death penalty isn't a deterent"...Well if you execute him it would definately be a deterent to keep him from killing again.
    oh man, don't start the death penalty argument

    US is one if not the only western developed country with the death penalty. US is also the western developed country with the highest violent crime. The death penalty is decidedly punitive, the deterrant argument doesn't really hold water any longer.

    and i for one have no problems killing people that kill.

  38. #38
    rubix6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ect0m0rph
    Amen, the world is getting crazy. Where I live some nutjob just walked into a strip mall and started shooting people. Crazy! no one thinks he had a reason just wanted to kill people.
    I was in that mall

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