Okay, this goes back to the girls I met in TJ but on a different note... Now both times I've gone down there I've danced with the same one and been asked by the other one (who speaks english) to come stay the night with them.
Now originally when I met them with my bro we talked awhile before we danced and this is what I get from them. They both go to school down there (college) they seem to have some money as they don't work, they live in Ensenada (if that's how you spell it), and they have a vacation home in Rosarito.
The one that speaks english is very outgoing, however her friend which Is the one I hooked up with twice was very shy when I first met her.
Now to the main point... I plan on going to TJ this weekend and "if" I happen to see them (which I'm sure I will) I was wondering what you guys thought of actually taking up their offer?
I know it seems like it's risky, but from what I've learned they seem just like ordinary school girls looking to have a fun time with an american guy... They say they can give me a ride to the border in the morning and I can catch the trolley all the way to my house...
Now another option which I thought of was perhaps to get a motel with them for one night rather then head home with them... Need some input guys, I'm a horny kid who hasn't gotten any since November and this seems like a perfect oppurtunity although being horny my judgement is quite clouded...