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  1. #41
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    oooh dear, Foskinem is in da hizouse

  2. #42
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    said colt .45 and two zig zags baby thats all we need

  3. #43
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    So are you going to fvck this chick or are you just ranting?

    dosent really matter cause its fun to talk about....

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    So are you going to fvck this chick or are you just ranting?

    dosent really matter cause its fun to talk about....
    I like ranting. It makes me feel good. I don't think I will fvck her, even if she offers. I don't like participating in a cheating affair, I just don't think it is right. I just couldn't figure out why girls do this shit. There are better ways to get attention, like setting yourself on fire.

  5. #45
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I don't get it sometimes. Maybe I can't read signals as well as I use to. There is a girl in one of my classes whom I sit next too. She is nothing spectacular, but I would hit it. Anyway, we started talking over the last couple of days, just friendly stuff. But I noticed if I leaned back in my chair she would lean forward so I could see her ass crack. Now I know that couldn't be an accident. I also would show off the goods, I would roll up the sleeves on my shirt to show her my arms, she would always look over at me too. Then today, she said that she didn't like her jeans because they don't fit. She stood up and pulled her jeans away from her waist a good 3 inches, I could totally see down her pants, I could describer her underwear down to the last thread. I thought "cool, I'm gonna close this deal and fast".
    Then she starts talking about her fiance, WTF!?!?!
    So, I came to the conclusion, A -she is lying, B- she's a slut. Either way, fvck it, don't feel like playing mind games.
    It could be that she started to talk about her fiance to see what your reaction would be. Being engaged doesen't stop some women, if they want you they want you. When I was in Miami for the superbowl I was out with some friends at this place called Pearl with a bunch of guys and there were tons of women. There was this one HOT latin chick that was there that some of my friends knew from my neighborhood. Everybody was sweatin this chick and kissing her ass so bad it wasn't even funny, I was just laying low watching everyone drool over her. All of a sudden she comes over and sits next to me and starts talking to me asking me questions about this and that. She had a rock on her finger so I guess she is engaged. When she heard that I was from her neighborhood she was so dissapointed because some of the guys I was with know her fiance. But she was like, oh I think you are hot and I would really like to get to know you and things like that but these guys know my boyfriend, she never said fiance. To make a long story short if I was from down there I would have had her in my bed in a minute but being that she knew some of my friends and we are from the same neighborhood it's going to take some time. I'm sure I am going to see her around my hood, it's only a matter of time. Just lay low and be cool and ignore her. Make her want you. Good luck!

  6. #46
    hateme is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    your dead right,but go for it anyway,she maybe a slut you dont know till you
    I agree he should hit it.

    Normally, I would say if she is engaged to stay away. But, she is only 18. If he hits it, and they end up not getting married. It would be the best thing to ever happen to her "fiance".

  7. #47
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    Hey just curious why one of my posts was removed from this thread?

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by hateme
    I agree he should hit it.

    Normally, I would say if she is engaged to stay away. But, she is only 18. If he hits it, and they end up not getting married. It would be the best thing to ever happen to her "fiance".
    I know if I don't someone else will. Just seems like too much drama just to get laid.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I know if I don't someone else will. Just seems like too much drama just to get laid.

    And that's what it's about 99% of the time with 99% of women. BULLSHIT DRAMA. DRAMA and attention, the two cornerstones of the female "mind****" way of thinking.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I know if I don't someone else will. Just seems like too much drama just to get laid.
    sounds like a big headache if you went through with it bro, let somebody else have the drama.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD
    sounds like a big headache if you went through with it bro, let somebody else have the drama.
    How is it drama? Married chicks are less drama. They can't call you all the time. You can't call them. They just want some ass. Good deal to me.

  12. #52
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    I had a similar situation when i was in school. Girl was flirting all the time and i was going to ask her out. She says i have to tell you something. I'm married. So i didn't. Next time i see her she goes aren't you going to ask me out? I told her i was till she was married. She said I'm married not dead. So i banged her while she was supposed to be in her classes.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    How is it drama? Married chicks are less drama. They can't call you all the time. You can't call them. They just want some ass. Good deal to me.
    The truth man! Alot of chicks dig married guys for the same reason. And most engaged or married chicks that cheat go for other married or engaged guys because there are no strings. With over 1/2 of all marriage ending in divorce and I would probably venture to say as high as 70% of marriages having infidelity in them. Just do what you gotta do to make YOUR life as good as you can, because when It's all said and done you'll regret things you didn't do... I banged 3 chicks in highschool and like 20 some between highschool and when I got married in the Marine Corp. My biggest regret besides getting married at 19 is not hitting more chicks in highschool when I had a million chances!

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I had a similar situation when i was in school. Girl was flirting all the time and i was going to ask her out. She says i have to tell you something. I'm married. So i didn't. Next time i see her she goes aren't you going to ask me out? I told her i was till she was married. She said I'm married not dead. So i banged her while she was supposed to be in her classes.
    Married not burried, and I've never seen a ring plug a hole.

  15. #55
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    As much snapper as there is floating around college, I think I can find one with no strings attached. I just found her actions strange and amusing. Her fiance is probably some average Joe Schlub, and I am fit and athletic, as she is as well. She is probably interested but wont act on her feelings, and I wont push. I wouldn't be suprised if she starts complaining about him to me.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbat
    We can be emotionally shallow at times .i agree..But i never knew true EVIL till women....

    I know were gonna get flamed by sum of the female members .. O well..
    We are not evil, you just don't understand us. I just feel bad for you guys I hope one day you can all find a good relationship, a lot of you sound like you find some pretty unstable women.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by prncezzml
    We are not evil, you just don't understand us. I just feel bad for you guys I hope one day you can all find a good relationship, a lot of you sound like you find some pretty unstable women.

    Yeah i suppose u are right..I guess theres sum1 out there for everyone..Knew i might get a lil flaming for that one

  18. #58
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    Here's what I dont understand, Its about me, I love my wife and kid to death but I don't want to be with her right now as bad as it sounds, I wasn't done growing up and I feel like she is holding me back from my goals in life. If I could marry one person it would be her but I wish I could have done it in 5 years. So just do everything you can before you get married.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbat
    Yeah i suppose u are right..I guess theres sum1 out there for everyone..Knew i might get a lil flaming for that one
    I agree 100%, I just don't know why I always find the crazies and the emotionally unstable. After she said she was engaged I almost started lau***ng just at the irony of the situation. Seems like I can't catch a break. I almost wish I was younger, so I could be more immature. Just talking to some of these young girls is like talking to children. I always thought girls were more mature than guys. Some of them are, and some wont shut the fvck up about the stupidest shit.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Here's what I dont understand, Its about me, I love my wife and kid to death but I don't want to be with her right now as bad as it sounds, I wasn't done growing up and I feel like she is holding me back from my goals in life. If I could marry one person it would be her but I wish I could have done it in 5 years. So just do everything you can before you get married.
    Just freeze her in carbonite and thaw her out when you are ready.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Here's what I dont understand, Its about me, I love my wife and kid to death but I don't want to be with her right now as bad as it sounds, I wasn't done growing up and I feel like she is holding me back from my goals in life. If I could marry one person it would be her but I wish I could have done it in 5 years. So just do everything you can before you get married.

    Good advice there..

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I agree 100%, I just don't know why I always find the crazies and the emotionally unstable. After she said she was engaged I almost started lau***ng just at the irony of the situation. Seems like I can't catch a break. I almost wish I was younger, so I could be more immature. Just talking to some of these young girls is like talking to children. I always thought girls were more mature than guys. Some of them are, and some wont shut the fvck up about the stupidest shit.

    know what u mean ..For me being in relationship drama compromises my ability to run at 100%..I guess it boils down to finding the right one..

  23. #63
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I don't get it sometimes. Maybe I can't read signals as well as I use to. There is a girl in one of my classes whom I sit next too. She is nothing spectacular, but I would hit it. Anyway, we started talking over the last couple of days, just friendly stuff. But I noticed if I leaned back in my chair she would lean forward so I could see her ass crack. Now I know that couldn't be an accident. I also would show off the goods, I would roll up the sleeves on my shirt to show her my arms, she would always look over at me too. Then today, she said that she didn't like her jeans because they don't fit. She stood up and pulled her jeans away from her waist a good 3 inches, I could totally see down her pants, I could describer her underwear down to the last thread. I thought "cool, I'm gonna close this deal and fast". Then she starts talking about her fiance, WTF!?!?! So, I came to the conclusion, A -she is lying, B- she's a slut. Either way, fvck it, don't feel like playing mind games.
    Its a *SHIT TEST*

    And you prob already failed. You have absolutely no idea what women are like now and days do you? If you had any idea what type of shit women have gone through before to hide the fact they were cheating on thier bf youd shit your pants and be f**king this chik as we speak.
    Like a girl literally walking by in her bf's arms, in a bar, opening her eyes wide at you and dropping a napkin on the floor with her digits.(after you have a 5 fvcking minute convo with her on the dance floor)
    Than she tells her bf shes "not feeling well" he drops her off home, you call. Take her back to your place and fvck the shit out of her.

    This shit ISNT RARE.

    Girls have basic needs, and there IS a huge gap in gender communication that fvcks EVERYTHING up. Im not advising you make this your new paradigm. But anytime in the gripe of obsessing over what to do.
    Drop the world, drop society. Drop EVERYTHING you've ever know or been taught. Build a little bubble around you and her. Let that feeling on the inside, that straining you want to repress with a million BS excuses and JUST GO FOR IT.
    You have NOTHING to lose. EVER. This type of situation is always WIN-WIN.
    Even if she does say no. You've made a statement of interest, she never really says no, in a way she just takes a rain check. And you act you like you dont hear know.
    You continue flirting, touching, getting her to touch you (even punch you over a joke) ANYTHING.
    In life the biggest thing I can tell you is NATURE.. INSTINCTS.. WHAT WE ARE is **FVCKING CRAZY**
    Things do and always do *just happen*.
    Girls with bf's get slammed by random men, sometimes a couple at once.
    You can totally be on a professional level with some chik and always kinda feel this underlying tension, than one day it *just happens*.
    You are fvcking murdering things from *just happening* with all your excuses, even ones you havent mentioned in this thread.

    Advice from this point:
    DO NOT mention her BF.
    If she mentions him, so you OVERAMPLIFY his VALUE to her.

    She says but "i have a bf"
    You say "ohh thats wonderful, you 2 must love each other, he must buy you roses everyday and make crazy blissful love to you, hes prob thinking about you right now"
    (basically what you do is paint a picture you know is not real to her)
    And subconsiously a knee reflex type reaction will occur where that little fantasy you just verbalized and BRANDED in her mind will make her angry inside that THATS NOT HOW THINGS REALLY ARE in her life. And you will become the new prospect of such pleasures. Secretly she will grow to admire you. And you NEVER pull back NOR do you move forward at this point.

    You let her seduce you, you become 100% ambigous, if you ACTIVELY flirt with her at this point you activate her guilt complex and destroy EVERYTHING.
    Ambigous = cool.
    I could go on for years about how to do this exactly but this is already long enough.

    Last edited by Bojangles69; 02-15-2007 at 10:38 PM.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Its a *SHIT TEST*

    And you prob already failed. You have absolutely no idea what women are like now and days do you? If you had any idea what type of shit women have gone through before to hide the fact they were cheating on thier bf youd shit your pants and be f**king this chik as we speak.
    Like a girl literally walking by in her bf's arms, in a bar, opening her eyes wide at you and dropping a napkin on the floor with her digits.(after you have a 5 fvcking minute convo with her on the dance floor)
    Than she tells her bf shes "not feeling well" he drops her off home, you call. Take her back to your place and fvck the shit out of her.

    This shit ISNT RARE.

    Girls have basic needs, and there IS a huge gap in gender communication that fvcks EVERYTHING up. Im not advising you make this your new paradigm. But anytime in the gripe of obsessing over what to do.
    Drop the world, drop society. Drop EVERYTHING you've ever know or been taught. Build a little bubble around you and her. Let that feeling on the inside, that straining you want to repress with a million BS excuses and JUST GO FOR IT.
    You have NOTHING to lose. EVER. This type of situation is always WIN-WIN.
    Even if she does say no. You've made a statement of interest, she never really says no, in a way she just takes a rain check. And you act you like you dont hear know.
    You continue flirting, touching, getting her to touch you (even punch you over a joke) ANYTHING.
    In life the biggest thing I can tell you is NATURE.. INSTINCTS.. WHAT WE ARE is **FVCKING CRAZY**
    Things do and always do *just happen*.
    Girls with bf's get slammed by random men, sometimes a couple at once.
    You can totally be on a professional level with some chik and always kinda feel this underlying tension, than one day it *just happens*.
    You are fvcking murdering things from *just happening* with all your excuses, even ones you havent mentioned in this thread.

    Advice from this point:
    DO NOT mention her BF.
    If she mentions him, so you OVERAMPLIFY his VALUE to her.

    She says but "i have a bf"
    You say "ohh thats wonderful, you 2 must love each other, he must buy you roses everyday and make crazy blissful love to you, hes prob thinking about you right now"
    (basically what you do is paint a picture you know is not real to her)
    And subconsiously a knee reflex type reaction will occur where that little fantasy you just verbalized and BRANDED in her mind will make her angry inside that THATS NOT HOW THINGS REALLY ARE in her life. And you will become the new prospect of such pleasures. Secretly she will grow to admire you. And you NEVER pull back NOR do you move forward at this point.

    You let her seduce you, you become 100% ambigous, if you ACTIVELY flirt with her at this point you activate her guilt complex and destroy EVERYTHING.
    Ambigous = cool.
    I could go on for years about how to do this exactly but this is already long enough.

    That actually makes sense. Sounds like some good advice, I never thought of it that way.

  25. #65
    hateme is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Here's what I dont understand, Its about me, I love my wife and kid to death but I don't want to be with her right now as bad as it sounds, I wasn't done growing up and I feel like she is holding me back from my goals in life. If I could marry one person it would be her but I wish I could have done it in 5 years. So just do everything you can before you get married.
    Good honest post bro.

    Everyone I know that is married or divorced said they wish they would have waited longer.

    Please continue to tell the youngsters to wait so they can achieve their goals, and get everything out of their system.

  26. #66
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    Thanks Hate, I tried to talk 2 of my friends out of it at 20 and now both of them are misserable, not saying everyone will be but why not wait??? Also Bojangles, That was an awsome post. 100% True to the core, makes me glad I dont have a sister Basically you can't eat pizza everyday, almost no one can.

  27. #67
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    bojangles for president!

  28. #68
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    I don't understand why you have to get married young. In the Marines, there were a bunch of guys that got married at 18 or 19, and half of those ended before they reached their second year. Not to mention all the money they lose in the divorce, houses, cars. Fvck that. Plus the kids, I knew a guy that was paying $2,000/month in child support. That's alot of money, he was only a sergeant.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    Yeah, I can see how her ass showing wouldn't be a big deal. As a see that a lot in my classes. But for her to stand up and pull the front of her jeans away from her body, so I can see her yellow underwear with red elastic trim, I think sends out a pretty serious signal.

    Well put her to the test. ask her to go out for dessert one night. heres the way i look at it. dont take her out to dinner because she has a damn fiance, and shes not worth it. shes barley even worth dessert but if u take her out for icecream.. 10-15 bucks which is no big deal and chicks love chocolate... and your feeling it and you can tell shes feelin it as well, ask her to come back to your place. if you get negged then w/e who cares, u had a mindless dessert with some good looking girl.

    Wait your in college right? well obviously if your in class.shes prob bullsh*tting and if shes not then shes prob a lil whore. so heres advice that has never gone wrong for me "Split it, dont lick it and hit it "

    Goodluck bro

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I don't understand why you have to get married young. In the Marines, there were a bunch of guys that got married at 18 or 19, and half of those ended before they reached their second year. Not to mention all the money they lose in the divorce, houses, cars. Fvck that. Plus the kids, I knew a guy that was paying $2,000/month in child support. That's alot of money, he was only a sergeant.

    Yep thats me, stupid LCPL Derr has to go and get married in vegas at the courthouse a month after I got engaged at the Marine Corp ball. I had a ton of 18-19 year old friends that were married, i bet half of them were. Marine Corp matures you to fast and you think your ready for anything. Alot of those marriages, already over.

  31. #71
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    Dude, I love bojangles threads on females...he knows his shit to the tee. Its funny how you just explained all of that becuase thats the way i played this last little thing out and it exactly played out as you described...painted lil image in her head and slammed her on valentines day....muahaha....guilty??? Not so much....ego boosted, very much so.

  32. #72
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    ............this has been very enlightening.........playah hatahs!!!!lol

    There ARE great people (women) out there, but best to be cautious......I guess.................. Is it really that bad for girls to crave male attention? I would take that chick's flirting as flattery, she obviously thinks your cute, at least she let you know upfront what her status is.....

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by fathommm
    ............this has been very enlightening.........playah hatahs!!!!lol

    There ARE great people (women) out there, but best to be cautious......I guess.................. Is it really that bad for girls to crave male attention? I would take that chick's flirting as flattery, she obviously thinks your cute, at least she let you know upfront what her status is.....
    I prefer not to be lead on. I would never sleep with a girl who is married or engaged, morally I just can't do it, same way I can't cheat. I just find her behavior odd. If she shows me her undies after only knowing each other for a couple of days, I wonder what else she will show me. There is still a lot of classes left.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    There is still a lot of classes left.
    That's the spirit, bang as much puntang as you can on campus!!!

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Its a *SHIT TEST*

    And you prob already failed. You have absolutely no idea what women are like now and days do you? If you had any idea what type of shit women have gone through before to hide the fact they were cheating on thier bf youd shit your pants and be f**king this chik as we speak.
    Like a girl literally walking by in her bf's arms, in a bar, opening her eyes wide at you and dropping a napkin on the floor with her digits.(after you have a 5 fvcking minute convo with her on the dance floor)
    Than she tells her bf shes "not feeling well" he drops her off home, you call. Take her back to your place and fvck the shit out of her.

    This shit ISNT RARE.

    Girls have basic needs, and there IS a huge gap in gender communication that fvcks EVERYTHING up. Im not advising you make this your new paradigm. But anytime in the gripe of obsessing over what to do.
    Drop the world, drop society. Drop EVERYTHING you've ever know or been taught. Build a little bubble around you and her. Let that feeling on the inside, that straining you want to repress with a million BS excuses and JUST GO FOR IT.
    You have NOTHING to lose. EVER. This type of situation is always WIN-WIN.
    Even if she does say no. You've made a statement of interest, she never really says no, in a way she just takes a rain check. And you act you like you dont hear know.
    You continue flirting, touching, getting her to touch you (even punch you over a joke) ANYTHING.
    In life the biggest thing I can tell you is NATURE.. INSTINCTS.. WHAT WE ARE is **FVCKING CRAZY**
    Things do and always do *just happen*.
    Girls with bf's get slammed by random men, sometimes a couple at once.
    You can totally be on a professional level with some chik and always kinda feel this underlying tension, than one day it *just happens*.
    You are fvcking murdering things from *just happening* with all your excuses, even ones you havent mentioned in this thread.

    Advice from this point:
    DO NOT mention her BF.
    If she mentions him, so you OVERAMPLIFY his VALUE to her.

    She says but "i have a bf"
    You say "ohh thats wonderful, you 2 must love each other, he must buy you roses everyday and make crazy blissful love to you, hes prob thinking about you right now"
    (basically what you do is paint a picture you know is not real to her)
    And subconsiously a knee reflex type reaction will occur where that little fantasy you just verbalized and BRANDED in her mind will make her angry inside that THATS NOT HOW THINGS REALLY ARE in her life. And you will become the new prospect of such pleasures. Secretly she will grow to admire you. And you NEVER pull back NOR do you move forward at this point.

    You let her seduce you, you become 100% ambigous, if you ACTIVELY flirt with her at this point you activate her guilt complex and destroy EVERYTHING.
    Ambigous = cool.
    I could go on for years about how to do this exactly but this is already long enough.

    You are right in its not rare, just trashy. How all these guys meet such trashy woman is beyond me. I would never be interestead in someone with a boyfriend simply becouse it shows a complete lack of moral fiber on there part for cheating. Bo you give great advice for getting with woman but its not my style. Also I would say the type of girls we date are completely different.

    ***I am not saying the girl who the poster was talking about was trashy, I was commenting on the fact cheating is trashy***

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I don't get it sometimes. Maybe I can't read signals as well as I use to. There is a girl in one of my classes whom I sit next too. She is nothing spectacular, but I would hit it. Anyway, we started talking over the last couple of days, just friendly stuff. But I noticed if I leaned back in my chair she would lean forward so I could see her ass crack. Now I know that couldn't be an accident. I also would show off the goods, I would roll up the sleeves on my shirt to show her my arms, she would always look over at me too. Then today, she said that she didn't like her jeans because they don't fit. She stood up and pulled her jeans away from her waist a good 3 inches, I could totally see down her pants, I could describer her underwear down to the last thread. I thought "cool, I'm gonna close this deal and fast". Then she starts talking about her fiance, WTF!?!?! So, I came to the conclusion, A -she is lying, B- she's a slut. Either way, fvck it, don't feel like playing mind games.
    LOL, dude, close the deal or send her to my fiancee safehaven hotel for the night. I'll make you a vid ... but first explain to me why she is wearing pants that big Room for 2 maybe??? A little quick action jackson

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vibrantred94gt

    LOL, dude, close the deal or send her to my fiancee safehaven hotel for the night. I'll make you a vid ... but first explain to me why she is wearing pants that big Room for 2 maybe??? A little quick action jackson
    I'll see her again tomorrow, so we shall see what she shows me next.

  38. #78
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    The Gym-aka my garage :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    I'll see her again tomorrow, so we shall see what she shows me next.

    Sounds like it's time for your to show her somthing.....

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vibrantred94gt
    Sounds like it's time for your to show her somthing.....
    I'll shave my sack just in case.

  40. #80
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    The Gym-aka my garage :-)
    Whoop whooop, dude, you gotta do that shit a couple days in advance, at least I do. Other wise if it hasn't been a while, I get road rash man..... not to sexy feeling when the bumpin and grindin starts....

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