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  1. #1
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Just got Suspended from work!!!

    I don't know if anyone read my post last week about some lady giving me and another guy 400 bucks to take her home from the casino when we got off. But anyway, table games manager calls my into his office and says that there is a huge legality issue, and if someone would have got hurt the casino could have been liable. HOW???? We were off work, we didn't have our work shirts on, we weren't paid a gratuity for anything we did involving the casino. We didnt do it on there time. We didn't use a company car. We didn't take her home on behalf of the casino. Just a couple of guys that took a lady home from the casino and got paid for it. I don't really know what grounds they have to suspend us or if they decide to fire us, but I guess we will see. Just kind of pisses me off that I'm part time and they make us work holidays and weekends whenever they need us I worked Halloween, Thanksgiving, Xmas, and New years eve. Im part time and half the time I'm schedualed 50 hours a week. Part time working full time hours, that mean there going to give me half benifits? DOUBT IT then they just F"K us over whenever they see fit. : Makes me want to kick that pear shaped managers head in with my steel toed boots. Anyone know how they can suspend us for something that we did outside of work?

  2. #2
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would be mad too , that is complete bullshit what they did to u guys.

    but if u like working there, play it off cool..
    Call up the boss and tell him You have learned your lesson, and you won't do any such thing again, and you are cant wait to get to work...(clench your teeth, and dont say any excuses)

    if they fire you, than yah sue them asses lol

  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
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    full time.??/ sounds like you need to contact the state board (depends on your state) of employment..

    they will start an investigation and in many cases they will have to pay back pay, overtime and won't be able to stop you from getting unemployment at full time compensation..

    good luck
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  4. #4
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Last edited by Ufa; 03-23-2007 at 08:41 AM.

  5. #5
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I wasn't always full time, but I have worked some full time weeks anything over 32 hours there is considered full time. But they did pay overtime, just not benifits and shit. But I can't just call the boss. It doesn't work like that, I have to go through Human Resources and everything else. Casino's are big time man, they have Department of Criminal Investigation working for the, Iowa Racing and Gaming commission, over 1000 employes and other state departments. So its not as easy as just calling the boss. Im just trying to figure out if they can do this to us for something that we did outside of work that had absolutely no affiliation with the casino accept the fact that the lady asked us in the casino. I don't think I want to work there anymore because of all the BS I put up with there anyway, I just don't think getting fired will look to good on a resume for a new job. Plus there are other casino's that I could work PT at while im in school and If i get fired from one no way the others will hire me.

  6. #6
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    full time.??/ sounds like you need to contact the state board (depends on your state) of employment..

    they will start an investigation and in many cases they will have to pay back pay, overtime and won't be able to stop you from getting unemployment at full time compensation..

    good luck
    You can't get unemployement if you get fired.

  7. #7
    spywizard's Avatar
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    my best friend worked as a supervisor for the casino, so i hear what you are saying..

    contact the state, you will be suspended, and maybe even fired.. but make the complaint now, before you get your review... otherwise the complaint will be seen as retaliation..

    the state will step in, and they will get you the benefits you earned..

    I hate casino's.. i like taking money from them, but i hate the time it takes..

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  8. #8
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    You can't get unemployement if you get fired.
    actually you can...

    you are fired... then make a claim to unemployment, they send a form to your previous employer, and they deny the claim, you are then contacted and you type a response claiming unfair termination..

    a case is started and a judge will make that decission..

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  9. #9
    KingOfTheCastle is offline New Member
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    wtf? Is that even legal?

  10. #10
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    But im not full time, and I only worked full time probably 10-12 weeks out of the 7 months ive been there. AAAAGGGGHHHH they piss me off. Im going to talk to a lawyer tommorow. I really didn't need the BS I got a wife, a kid, a mortgage, going to school and got a car payment. Now's not the best timing in the world. But everyone says something good always comes from something bad.

  11. #11
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    sue them, for treating you like shit

    "if my manager insults me again, im going to be assaulting him"

  12. #12
    bazerk's Avatar
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    I would definatly make a stink about it. Keep in mind to keep it professional. File a complaint, get a nice letter from the lady you guys "helped" out. I wouldn't let this go, then agaiin I'm Italian.

  13. #13
    odix's Avatar
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    actually you can't get unemployment if you quit bro, not fired.

    As for the casinos where I live, Las Vegas, Nevada has a fire at will policy and can fire you if you have a nasty pimple on your nose. Don't know about iowa though.

  14. #14
    Shane35aa's Avatar
    Shane35aa is offline Senior Member
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    how the hell did they find out?..Damn bad lick man, sucks when you try and make some extra bucks and get set back instead.

  15. #15
    king6's Avatar
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    When you are discharged from active duty, you can get unemployment. I know a bunch a guys that did that.

  16. #16
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    fck that casino !sounds like a crapy job, they dont take care of you.

  17. #17
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    I don't blame the casino. I blame all the a-holes that sue everyone for everything. They have to cover their ass. I'm assuming she asked you for the ride home you were at work working.

  18. #18
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    When you are discharged from active duty, you can get unemployment. I know a bunch a guys that did that.
    Not if I go to school full time during the day, If I would have went at night I could have. Also since I already had a job I can't get it from them now. Oh well, off to look for another job tonight. Probably take a pay cut big time, from 12-13 an hour to 7-8 but ill just work an extra day to make up the difference. This is so stupid, atleast my GI BILL gives me 1225 a month and my semesters already paid for, so ill have some cash to cover bills until May when semesters over.

  19. #19
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    I dunno.. u taking money.. espcially more than the trip should've cost .. sounds like a conflict of interest to me.

    I don't know how it came about .. From an outside perspective to me it looks like chick wins money at a casino you work at , then pays u an exxagerated amount to take her home.. SOUNDS fishy.

  20. #20
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    When she made the deal with the guy she was down 1700 bucks. It really doesn't matter, they are either going to call me back and say everything panned out and I can come back to work or they will call me and say im done. Either way I have to worry about finding another job, they treat there employees like sh!t. I just wish it would have happened in May when the semester was over, so I could get a nice summer job. And go to school in the evenings, but being in the middle of the semester I can't just quit school or I lose out on all the tuition and have to retake all the same classes. Always at the most inopportune times, why????

  21. #21
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    dont know about american law but in england im pretty sure if your off the clock the casino cantdo anything at all,but if the agreement was made during work time then they can sack you at the drop of a hat for 'approaching' customers.

    also,again i dont know about america but here you can claim jobseekers if you have grounds to walk out of a job.
    i had to fill out a report cus a previous employee made up a load of bs so he could claim,but i sent the jobcentre photo copies of time keeping sheets and he got nothing.but if i was treating him unfairly hed get dole

  22. #22
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I guess the lady maybe feeling mad in the morning about paying us that ammount complained thats how they found out. What pisses me off is that she approched the other guy asking if he would and offered up that ammount of money. This woman was almost in tears because she "HAD SIX KIDS AT HOME AND NEEDED TO BE HOME WITH THEM" well 1st off what the hell are you doing at a casino at 2am for then? And second, It might not look like it but we did her a favor, she wanted home and we took her home, it took 2 hours what should have taken 45min the roads were horrible and there was no way she was going to make it. So that f#ck'n B!tch just made me not want to do anything nice for anyone ever again. I think i'll start being an asshole to people because apparently you don't get ahead in life being nice. AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH atleast I know where she lives!!!!

  23. #23
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Been 3 days now and havn't heard anything from the casino, its starting to get rediculous.

  24. #24
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Been 3 days now and havn't heard anything from the casino, its starting to get rediculous.
    I know how you feel bro, try waiting 3 months. That is how long ago I interviewed with these fvcks. And I called yesterday and left a message, and still nothing.

  25. #25
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Been 3 days now and havn't heard anything from the casino, its starting to get rediculous.
    Call the highest up person you can get a hold of and explain the whole situation *nicely*... see what happens.

    Do you have any military experience or the like?

  26. #26
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I don't blame the casino. I blame all the a-holes that sue everyone for everything. They have to cover their ass. I'm assuming she asked you for the ride home you were at work working.

    word... if some one can successfully sue a stadium for selling beer to a guy who drove drunk and hit them... and win money off the stadium but ignore the drunk? Well...

  27. #27
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Call the highest up person you can get a hold of and explain the whole situation *nicely*... see what happens.

    Do you have any military experience or the like?

    What do you mean by that? I was in the Marine Corps for 4 years, or do you mean any experience with talking to higher up personel???

  28. #28
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    word... if some one can successfully sue a stadium for selling beer to a guy who drove drunk and hit them... and win money off the stadium but ignore the drunk? Well...
    I understand that kind of BS our casino got sued because they sold beer to someone and they got a DUI on there way home, even though they offered this patron a room, they also got fined 10K by the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commision, but us taking her home had nothing to do with the casino besides she asked the dealer at work. And even at that case, she didn't ask me, the other guy said do you want to make some money and take a chick home, I said sure, I didn't even know details. I figured shit, Ill be off work I can do whatever I want. Not to mention other dealers have given rides to people after work, I don't know that they got paid, but how is the fact that she paid us make the Casino any more responsible than if she didn't pay us???

  29. #29
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    I don't know if anyone read my post last week about some lady giving me and another guy 400 bucks to take her home from the casino when we got off. But anyway, table games manager calls my into his office and says that there is a huge legality issue, and if someone would have got hurt the casino could have been liable. HOW???? We were off work, we didn't have our work shirts on, we weren't paid a gratuity for anything we did involving the casino. We didnt do it on there time. We didn't use a company car. We didn't take her home on behalf of the casino. Just a couple of guys that took a lady home from the casino and got paid for it. I don't really know what grounds they have to suspend us or if they decide to fire us, but I guess we will see. Just kind of pisses me off that I'm part time and they make us work holidays and weekends whenever they need us I worked Halloween, Thanksgiving, Xmas, and New years eve. Im part time and half the time I'm schedualed 50 hours a week. Part time working full time hours, that mean there going to give me half benifits? DOUBT IT then they just F"K us over whenever they see fit. : Makes me want to kick that pear shaped managers head in with my steel toed boots. Anyone know how they can suspend us for something that we did outside of work?
    my boss recently *tried suspending me. i realized he didnt have to after i told him he was a ****ing piece of shit and i wished death upon him =]

  30. #30
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    my boss recently *tried suspending me. i realized he didnt have to after i told him he was a ****ing piece of shit and i wished death upon him =]
    So I take it you quit? I need the cash, bad! But there would be nothing greater in my life right now besides a good job, than the satisfaction of beating the crap out of him and all the people in the HR department, and that stupid CVnt that we took home!

  31. #31
    zimmy's Avatar
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    lol here's a question... if you hooked up with her and had sex then she decided never to go back to that hotel because of embarressmant or something... could they be mad at you too?


  32. #32
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Yo zimmy where the hell you been bro?

  33. #33
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    So I take it you quit? I need the cash, bad! But there would be nothing greater in my life right now besides a good job, than the satisfaction of beating the crap out of him and all the people in the HR department, and that stupid CVnt that we took home!
    Since you know where she lives, write her a letter and drop it off in her mailbox. Thank her for being irresponsible and costing you your job. Do you have pre payed legal? I you do, you can sue her in civil court. You probably wont win, but it will force her to pay for a lawyer and take off of work. Basically it is a real hassel.

  34. #34
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    LoL a real hassel for me too, My way of hasseling here would be slashing all 4 tires on her van in the middle of the night! Or busting out all of her windows.

  35. #35
    king6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    LoL a real hassel for me too, My way of hasseling here would be slashing all 4 tires on her van in the middle of the night! Or busting out all of her windows.
    Yeah, that could work too.

  36. #36
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    Yo zimmy where the hell you been bro?
    been really busy at work... so it cut down on my AR time :P. Now i mainly post in the fighting forum :P

  37. #37
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    been really busy at work... so it cut down on my AR time :P. Now i mainly post in the fighting forum :P
    yo zimmy pick up the phone!


  38. #38
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    that is a bummer bro

  39. #39
    goodcents's Avatar
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    You took a customer home and charged her $400 and you see that as "doing her a favor"? She sobered up and decided she got fuked If I was in charge of the casino I would have to do something about that. You should of known how casinos are after working there for a while It's just like if you ask a customer for a tip, that makes the shlt hit the fan. I'm not flaming you, it's just the way shlt is Btw, the casino is only covering their ass, if the woman got injured in a wreck or said that you two "molested" her she could of sued and made the casino look bad. I see this case from the eyes of a business owner and can understand their response.

  40. #40
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    lol here's a question... if you hooked up with her and had sex then she decided never to go back to that hotel because of embarressmant or something... could they be mad at you too?

    I think he has already cost them enough money with lost customers, lets not bring this up again..
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