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  1. #1
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Why do some of you guys...

    have such a strong dislike for women? You talk about women like they are not even human beings sometimes. It's very interesting. This board isn't male only, although I can now see why no women stick around. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just truly wonder why some (not all of you!) are so angry at women???

  2. #2
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Because a good majority of the men on here are unfinished products. Unfinished products meaning that they have yet to grasp what being a real man is all about.

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    I'm honestly surprises too. I'm assuming that most had bad relationships. Same reason that some woman hate men. But if you don't make something a priority in your life it isn't going to work. If the gym and football are all more important to you what would you expect to happen. Just like if you don't make your job a priority you will never be that successful there.

    I wouldn't be offended to much. It just the Internet and you don't know any of these people.

  4. #4
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Good points guys.

  5. #5
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    can you expound on what you mean? like objectifying woman or putting them down? maybe I can try and offer my opinion if I understood where you were coming from.

  6. #6
    ru-ga-ru's Avatar
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    Don't sweat the petty stuff

    Just pet the Sweaty stuff........haaaaaaaaa

    no but really Mavsluva is on the money. I would never not listen a woman's advise. I may or may not follow it, but I will always listen.

  7. #7
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2
    can you expound on what you mean? like objectifying woman or putting them down? maybe I can try and offer my opinion if I understood where you were coming from.
    Well both. Most guys on here when they are talking about women are referring to them as money-hungry sluts basically. I just find it interesting because I am in a psychology of women class and it is pointed out how sexism in this world is still disturbingly alive. I just kind of expect the newer generation of guys to be more up to date on the times, like women are not here for your sexual pleasure and to take all your money. Of course I know there are these women out there, just as there are these undesirable kind of men out there. I'm really just interested from a curiousity perspective, for my own knowledge. I know I don't know any of these guys, nor will I ever. I'm just trying to gain some knowledge on men's perspective.

  8. #8
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Meh... Most the stuff I read on here pertaining to this subject is people joking. I wouldn't think too much into it. As far as people here that have yet to "grasp what being a real man is all about" that's total BS and just an opinion.

  9. #9
    ru-ga-ru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    Meh... Most the stuff I read on here pertaining to this subject is people joking. I wouldn't think too much into it. As far as people here that have yet to "grasp what being a real man is all about" that's total BS and just an opinion.


    And that is coming from Quagmire, lol ..............haaaaaaaaaa

    Good stuff

  10. #10
    ru-ga-ru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    Meh... Most the stuff I read on here pertaining to this subject is people joking. I wouldn't think too much into it. As far as people here that have yet to "grasp what being a real man is all about" that's total BS and just an opinion.


    And that is coming from Quagmire, lol ..............haaaaaaaaaa

    Good stuff

  11. #11
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    You started the thread with 'some of you guys' ...Re: post #1

    And mid-stream you switched to 'most of you guys' ...Re: post #7

    Which is it?

    I'm not one of the guys who has a strong dislike for women.. as much can be gleaned from the manner in which i post.. but i do have a pretty decent grasp of why 'most' or 'some' guys do dislike this sex.

    I'm also doing a gender psych. course this semester..and i'm one of 5 males in a class full of women. It's ironic to see the shoe on the other foot.

    Re: gender studies: Wwhich are, imo, simply male-bashing...and the perpetuation of idiosyncratic male stereo-types.

  12. #12
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You started the thread with 'some of you guys' ...Re: post #1

    And mid-stream you switched to 'most of you guys' ...Re: post #7

    Which is it?

    I'm not one of the guys who has a strong dislike for women.. as much can be gleaned from the manner in which i post.. but i do have a pretty decent grasp of why 'most' or 'some' guys do dislike this sex.

    I'm also doing a gender psych. course this semester..and i'm one of 5 males in a class full of women. It's ironic to see the shoe on the other foot.

    Re: gender studies: Wwhich are, imo, simply male-bashing...and the perpetuation of idiosyncratic male stereo-types.
    Sorry for the typo Some is what I meant, because there are definitley some very nice men on this board. As for gender bashing, I just think some women feel they are in constant competition with men, so it leads to the "gender bashing". There is a saying "Women have to do everything twice as well as a man to be considered half as good". I am not an extremist, I am a stay at home mom, and I go to college. I don't mind being assigned a "role" as a mother and caregiver. I like it actually. But I don't like being put down because a man takes care of me (I mean I stay home and take care of our child, so I'm hardly a spoiled woman who goes shopping all day).
    Last edited by prncezzml; 02-20-2007 at 10:31 AM.

  13. #13
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Can't help you there - I dig chicks unless they are fat.

    I guess offense is the best form of defense and they've been hurt in the past, despite possible macho protestations otherwise.

  14. #14
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    when a woman acts like a slut for attention or dresses like a slut for attention that is the attention she will get. if she holds herself in a proud dignified manner, most will respect that and some men will feel threatened by that and only a few men will be strong enough to deal with that sure of a woman. IMO woman get a lot of things men dont and vise versa so maybe we are both just a little envious of certain things. I think this question presents a HUGE double standard.

  15. #15
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2
    when a woman acts like a slut for attention or dresses like a slut for attention that is the attention she will get. if she holds herself in a proud dignified manner, most will respect that and some men will feel threatened by that and only a few men will be strong enough to deal with that sure of a woman. IMO woman get a lot of things men dont and vise versa so maybe we are both just a little envious of certain things. I think this question presents a HUGE double standard.
    Yeah the grass is always greener on the other side

  16. #16
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Here's a real pig statement but I think alot of guys think the same. They're are only 3 types of women that matter in the world to me:
    1. Women that are giving me money at one of my stores.
    2. Women that are family.
    3. Chics I'm banging.
    Flame away guys but are you really so much different?I could care less about abour the rest p.s. the reason we are like this is because women seem like their whole goal in life is to get men jealous and fuk with guy's heads!!!!!! Women thrive off drama, have you ever glanced at lifetime channel while channel surfing? It's all rape, child molestation or some anti-men flick, wtf? is this what women like to watch?

  17. #17
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    personally i was raised by a very wonderful mother and sister and i learned about womens feelings and such at a young age. and because of this I cant say that we are at all the same, therfore i have to discriminate. If I see a woman cry my heart drops it bothers me all day, even if i dont know who she is. but if i see a man cry i will probably laugh, woman are emotional beings and men for the most part are not so we need to understand that and suck it up and deal with it.

  18. #18
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Here's a real pig statement but I think alot of guys think the same. They're are only 3 types of women that matter in the world to me:
    1. Women that are giving me money at one of my stores.
    2. Women that are family.
    3. Chics I'm banging.
    Flame away guys but are you really so much different?I could care less about abour the rest p.s. the reason we are like this is because women seem like their whole goal in life is to get men jealous and fuk with guy's heads!!!!!! Women thrive off drama, have you ever glanced at lifetime channel while channel surfing? It's all rape, child molestation or some anti-men flick, wtf? is this what women like to watch?
    I think old women in particular like to watch Lifetime, I know my grandma's TV never left that channel.

    I am a person who looks beyond what a person is doing and I wonder, "well why are they doing this, why are they seeking male attention, did their father leave the family, or were they abused?". I don't expect everyone to be like that obviously, but that's just where I come from on issues like women that are creating their own chaos. They don't do it to make men's lives living hells, they do it because there is something deeper going on that they've never worked through. I just don't understand male thinking, just as you probably don't understand women's thinking. I thought it would be an interesting discussion, which it is. I like hearing everyone's perspective.

  19. #19
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    hmmmm....i've been contemplating and i really don't have an answer.....i don't think i have issues with women really on a regular basis, but i've also never been in these relationships where guys end up getting screwed. i just don't know.....i mean i have a "holier than thou" attitude and i always have so i think i'm better than everyone in the end....not only women. I have had experiences though where women do things that are just simply stupid....but thinking about it i'm sure damn near the same number of guys do such things. I don't understand how guys can hate women....and i know some that do, and ironically (on some level at least) they seem to have the most sex.....i dunno that's just my 2 cents on the matter

  20. #20
    goodcents's Avatar
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    You are right about women that had messed up child hoods, they want the whole world to suffer and it's best to stay away from them because they will turn on you when you try to help them and then hook up with some loser that's not even worth killing I have washed my hands of many chics They will pull you down too, so fuk them

  21. #21
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    I don't hate women, I just don't respect most of them and only want them because I need something to hit at the time That's all I will say since someone will get offended btw guys, why do we have to always jump to save the womans honor when they are the ones that start the shlt in the first place?Btw, I'm not bitter

  22. #22
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    Meh... Most the stuff I read on here pertaining to this subject is people joking. I wouldn't think too much into it. As far as people here that have yet to "grasp what being a real man is all about" that's total BS and just an opinion.
    The purpose of this thread was to share ones opinion. So yes, you are correct in stating that my response is "just an opinion". However, I will refrain from criticizing your opinion because I think that's unfair.

  23. #23
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Why do women say they don't understand us all the time? Are we that hard to understand Guys only need the 3 f's:
    1. feed me
    2. fuk me
    3. shut the fuk up
    ( I got this from the chris rock show before someone gets offended)

  24. #24
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    besides my family, miz, and about 2-3 other girls, i generally hate all women

  25. #25
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Why do women have to fuk with us when we are happy and trying to relax? I know, because they crave attention A happy man is one who's woman is not home yet

  26. #26
    Hunter's Avatar
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    I personally do not like being grouped in with what you consider woman hating. I normally end up defending the woman, or saying what they did was not right but they(the male) needs to move on. I agree there are some guys on here who deffiantly need to treat woman more respectful but I dont think you have the right to say most male members, I would have rather have you said certain male members. Jmho

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    besides my family, miz, and about 2-3 other girls, i generally hate all women

    You summed it up best

  28. #28
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    I personally do not like being grouped in with what you consider woman hating. I normally end up defending the woman, or saying what they did was not right but they(the male) needs to move on. I agree there are some guys on here who deffiantly need to treat woman more respectful but I dont think you have the right to say most male members, I would have rather have you said certain male members. Jmho
    You are right. It is only certain male members.

  29. #29
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    I personally do not like being grouped in with what you consider woman hating. I normally end up defending the woman, or saying what they did was not right but they(the male) needs to move on. I agree there are some guys on here who deffiantly need to treat woman more respectful but I dont think you have the right to say most male members, I would have rather have you said certain male members. Jmho

    Come on, join the other women haters Maybe a few more times getting fuked over and we will be seeing you too

  30. #30
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    The purpose of this thread was to share ones opinion. So yes, you are correct in stating that my response is "just an opinion". However, I will refrain from criticizing your opinion because I think that's unfair.
    So your opinion is that most the males on this board aren't men? You're taking a knife to a gun fight man.

  31. #31
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2
    when a woman acts like a slut for attention or dresses like a slut for attention that is the attention she will get. if she holds herself in a proud dignified manner, most will respect that and some men will feel threatened by that and only a few men will be strong enough to deal with that sure of a woman. IMO woman get a lot of things men dont and vise versa so maybe we are both just a little envious of certain things. I think this question presents a HUGE double standard.
    That's such a load of bs. Because a girl is proud of her body and shows it off she is doing it for attention or is a slut. But how many guys on here are proud of the way they look and wear clothes or no shirt to show it but that's cool

  32. #32
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Damn, this is a popular thread15 viewing

  33. #33
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    That's such a load of bs. Because a girl is proud of her body and shows it off she is doing it for attention or is a slut. But how many guys on here are proud of the way they look and wear clothes or no shirt to show it but that's cool

    Come back to us I saved you some cookies for when you return

  34. #34
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Why do women have to fuk with us when we are happy and trying to relax? I know, because they crave attention A happy man is one who's woman is not home yet
    I hope you're not referring to ME ****ing with you Because you don't have to respond to this thread if you don't want.

  35. #35
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Come on, join the other women haters Maybe a few more times getting fuked over and we will be seeing you too
    Woman hating is bs, my mom is one of my hero's. I have three sisters and 20 some first cousins who are girls. I would never dream talking about a woman the way most of the guys on here do. I would never do it becouse I think what if a guy talked about my sister like that?

  36. #36
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Come back to us I saved you some cookies for when you return
    MMM what kind of cookies

  37. #37
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prncezzml
    I hope you're not referring to ME ****ing with you Because you don't have to respond to this thread if you don't want.

    How did you get that from what I typed?

  38. #38
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Come back to us I saved you some cookies for when you return
    i can be bitter with the best of you. I just hate that if a girl dresses sexy she is just doing it for attention. Like we don't do anything for attention

  39. #39
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    So your opinion is that most the males on this board aren't men? You're taking a knife to a gun fight man.
    No sir, that was not my intentions. My intentions were to illustrated that most men want to be treated as men, but yet, they are not willing to take on the responsibilities that come with being a man. A la treating women with respect.

    I'm sorry. I should have never posted in this thread. Please disregard my posts within this thread. Please forgive me.

  40. #40
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    No sir, that was not my intentions. My intentions were to illustrated that most men want to be treated as men, but yet, they are not willing to take on the responsibilities that come with being a man. A la treating women with respect.

    I'm sorry. I should have never posted in this thread. Please disregard my posts within this thread. Please forgive me.
    Stop don't get dramatic. I agree with you. Just most people on here aren't going to want to admit they are wrong.

    BTW thank you for all your help. I've read over your emails a lot lately

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