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Thread: primodonna i'm taking over your town NYE!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    primodonna i'm taking over your town NYE!!

    my sis, her friend and brother are hitting up vegas for NYE!!woohooo.i can't wait to tear that shit up,hahahahaha.there will be full reports posted afterwards so i can fully critique Vegas Vs. NYC.the plane tickets will be in my hot little hands next week!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    hot damn...i get to corrupt our little pboy for real this time

    i'll be waiting for you...better start resting up now

    where are you staying and when are you getting here exactly
    What happens here, stays here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    my sis' friend is making all the plans

    we're gonna stay at my sis's friend's uncle's condo(wow that's alot of names).my sis stayed at New york New York whenshe was there in the summer.i want to stay at the Bilaggio(is that the spelling?), but my sis and her friends are fucking cheap!!we're gonna stay a week and we're planning on leaving on the 27th.her friend is buying the plane tickets and setting it up and we have the condo to ourselves thank god since her uncle lives in nj.i'm hopefully gonna have all the details this week or sis was out there this summer and said the best vegas has to offer is C2K so i'm not resting up for anything,hahaha.they don't have guys like me in vegas.i knwo all my friends have been and said no one stands out at all, they all look the my pretty ass is ready to destroy the unknowing vegas girls.i feel liek i should send some warning out there first.yo that would be phat if we all partied together.i have to find out exactly where the condo is, but i'll def keep my fellow krackhead posted.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    you won't get out of here alive if you party with me...but it'll be okay

    C2K sucks IMO...definitely not the best lv has to offer but you'll be here plenty of nights to see for yourself
    What happens here, stays here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    yeah i'm looking forward to it

    my friends go every year and i never go.i just never thought i would be into it especially after my sis came back last summer and wasn't thrilled, but now it's on.i'll give it a shot.i'll go anywhere for free,haha.yeah i have to get the lowdown from you and my friends where to hit up.i'm sure it w/ be phat for new years though.

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