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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
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    HELP!!! mother of 3 in need of work-at-home job!!!

    long story short, a very very close friend of mine is in the process of a divorce and she's been a housewife for quite some time now. she's got 3 kids, so she needs a job where she can either bring her kids or work at home. i was considering her working at a daycare or something like that, but not sure if she'd be up for that. i was hoping some of you might know of some work at home jobs that might be worthwhile? i've been searching the web and none seem to be too promising so far. she's not a very fast typer at all, so any kind of computer input work would be out of the question. anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i wish could help but all jobs i kan think of are sex related ><

  3. #3
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    She can run a day care through her house/ either private or an agency.

  4. #4
    HansVonSchnittchen's Avatar
    HansVonSchnittchen is offline Junior Member
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    She'll probably be set from the divorce, no?

  5. #5
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    well does she have a college diploma or experience with any kind of work ?

  6. #6
    lpicken's Avatar
    lpicken is offline Associate Member
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    If she can't type very well, she probably doesn't have much of an education. Sounds like she is screwed. I feel sorry for the kids.

  7. #7
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lets see... she getting divorced so:

    1.)She needs money in the meantime since allamony wont be for some time (as she was the gaurdian raising the children, she is entitled to money as she has little to no work experience cause all her time was spent at home caring for the children)

    2.)Daycare is out of the question as it's a divorce, so having a daycare at her own home would be unlikely as it can cause further trouble legally down the line.. and i dont the soon to be ex would be cool with that.. too much arguing and too much added conflict...

    3.) has three children... where to put them.. she have friend or relative that can watch them during the day? Her mother, etc? This way she can go to a workplace and bring in money to support herself....

    4.) if no friends to babysit... she needs a place where she can bring her children, cause theres no way in hell shes leaving them in the car lol...
    If she has a friend who can hook her up with a job that understands her situation... i'd try that.. a hair salon if its not filled with so many fumes...
    She can try a job at 24 hour fitness.. they have a daycare there? thats a shot too..

    I'll seriously do some thinking.

    One more before i call it a night...

    I know you said typing is out of the question (maybe you can offer a hand, although I know thats getting a little more involved than one may be comfortable with): My neighbor is a medical transcriber, she gets tapes mailed to her home, and she types them up. Makes decent money to be honest.. maybe more than decent.

  8. #8
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    She can run a day care through her house/ either private or an agency.
    wouldn't she need some kind of license or something for that? that is a good idea though, i like it. that might work.

  9. #9
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HansVonSchnittchen
    She'll probably be set from the divorce, no?
    regretfully not. the guy she's with doesn't make sh*t, so she'll be getting very little if anything at all.

  10. #10
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe
    well does she have a college diploma or experience with any kind of work ?
    regretfully no college, and not much work experience either. the only work i knew she used to do was retail at an outlet. she's very intelligent and a very fast learner, but that's about the best she has at this point as far as i know.

  11. #11
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lpicken
    If she can't type very well, she probably doesn't have much of an education. Sounds like she is screwed. I feel sorry for the kids.
    she's pretty well educated, just never had a computer when she was younger. do you remember the first time you got in front of a computer? well, that's her about 2 weeks ago. so, she's still learning.

  12. #12
    fenceguy's Avatar
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    she should look into foster parenting. I know in georgia you can get paid very well for taking care of kids. I know the lutheran church childhood services has a great program. depending on the child and his/her needs you can get paid up to 3000 a month.

  13. #13
    Tork's Avatar
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    I dont know much about it but try looking into that at home medical billing i think there is a on line class you have to take thats about $100.

  14. #14
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    what about one of those chatline operators.

  15. #15
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX
    Lets see... she getting divorced so:

    1.)She needs money in the meantime since allamony wont be for some time (as she was the gaurdian raising the children, she is entitled to money as she has little to no work experience cause all her time was spent at home caring for the children)

    2.)Daycare is out of the question as it's a divorce, so having a daycare at her own home would be unlikely as it can cause further trouble legally down the line.. and i dont the soon to be ex would be cool with that.. too much arguing and too much added conflict...

    3.) has three children... where to put them.. she have friend or relative that can watch them during the day? Her mother, etc? This way she can go to a workplace and bring in money to support herself....

    4.) if no friends to babysit... she needs a place where she can bring her children, cause theres no way in hell shes leaving them in the car lol...
    If she has a friend who can hook her up with a job that understands her situation... i'd try that.. a hair salon if its not filled with so many fumes...
    She can try a job at 24 hour fitness.. they have a daycare there? thats a shot too..

    I'll seriously do some thinking.

    One more before i call it a night...

    I know you said typing is out of the question (maybe you can offer a hand, although I know thats getting a little more involved than one may be comfortable with): My neighbor is a medical transcriber, she gets tapes mailed to her home, and she types them up. Makes decent money to be honest.. maybe more than decent.
    1. don't think she is entitled to alimony considering i believe you must be married for at least 7 years to be eligible, which she hasn't been.

    2. as far as the daycare at home, it's out of the question anyway. she doesn't want to do that as 3 kids is quite enough for her. however, the foster parenting might be a good idea that someone else mentioned.

    3. regretfully where she lives, she has absolutely nobody that can watch the kids for her. however, i'll be moving up there soon to where she is and once i do, i was considering bringing the children to me to the daycare of whatever club i work at and just saying they're mine. not sure how well that would go down though bringing in 3 kids everyday, plus one is only 8 months right now, which i don't think they even accept in a health club daycare.

    4. her working in a health club might be a good idea. if i get a job at one up there, i'm sure i could help her get her way in.

    anyway, thanks for all your help. you've thrown some ideas my way that i'll have to look into. good looking out bro. as far as the medical transcriber, i'll look into what she'd need to get in order to be able to do that and find out how she'd go about finding a job doing that afterwards. oh, and of course see if there's even a demand for it right now, as there's no point in her paying for some course to be able to do it when she may not even be able to find a job doing it.

  16. #16
    ascendant's Avatar
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    to everyone else, you've definitely all given me a lot of help in pointing me in some hopeful directions. i really appreciate everyones input on this.

    one other thing i was wondering... does anyone know of anywhere else other than health clubs that would have an on-premise daycare that she could utilize while she worked somewhere? hopefully she'll go for the health club idea, but if not, i just want to have alternatives.

    anyway, thanks again to all of you and please keep it coming. you're all really helping me out here.

  17. #17
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    wouldn't she need some kind of license or something for that? that is a good idea though, i like it. that might work.

    yes she will if goes throug an agency they hook her up with training and certificates and kids in the area..

  18. #18
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fenceguy
    she should look into foster parenting. I know in georgia you can get paid very well for taking care of kids. I know the lutheran church childhood services has a great program. depending on the child and his/her needs you can get paid up to 3000 a month.
    my sister in law makes over 7k tax free a month with foster children.

  19. #19
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    i just heard something on the radio: not sure what it was about, but worth a shot. (im not a big believer in these sort of things)

    What about real estate things?
    again I'm not too familiar with this area, but could she do that?

  20. #20
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    No health club is going to let her leave her kid there while she works. It isn't a day car facility. And if she left the building and they find out she has a good chance of loosing her kids. Use your head.

    Also her doing daycare isn't a good idea because 3 kids is enough. But being a foster parent is a good idea?

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