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I said, that pakistani imigrants that have government funding to move here, get over 2400 a month in social assistance, and that war vets, or any person thats worked for the government there whole lives only gets a MAX of 1100-1200 a month in pension pay. And Im not trying to signal out anybody, it goes for all imigrants. I just feel that its wrong. Not saying anything bad about the people themselvs, just that, everybody wants to be treated as equals, yet some of them expect to have things given to them on a silver platter. NOT ALL, BUT SOME. Same goes for the natives here, they dont have to work, or pay taxes, but they want to be treated as equels as well. Wheres the pride in that!?!? I am military, and I serve with asians, pakistanis, natives, etc. and most of everybody I serve with are great people. But its the other people that take handouts, and dont even TRY to get a job that pisses me off. So NO, them I dont respect at all. But for all the working folk, no matter what race, or where there from, I do respect.