I am just asking this cause.........................
One sunny day FI was at his local gym working out like always. Well he was doing a decline cable press (standing up) and got mad, increased the weight and went nuts. The long and short of this is that FI hits both his fists and thought nothing of it and kept on with his set until he noticed the blood dripping onto the floor. I had came across with my left fist and sliced open my right thumb right to the bone. (You could see it so i know) So i just went to the front desk and they took one look and said shit let me get u a bandaid. Well they didn't have any (how nice) so i taped it up like any guy would do. Well every time i bent my thumb blood kept pooling out so i got blood on almost every weight i touched. STUPID THUMB. And i kept re-opening the wound every day i went back cause every time i squeezed to grip a weight it would rip open. After two weeks it finally healed but it screwed up. Every time it (my thumb) tried to heal it rip the skin back and it would create a fold. So it eventaully just healed with the fold out of place so it wouldn't keep opening....so now it looks like there is a wart on my thumb dammi!!!!!