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Thread: St Patty's Day ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    St Patty's Day ?

    Ok guys I want to see if you can lead me on this question...

    Im currently running and SD knockoff...Im on day 16
    Also running all supporting supplements (including Liv 52 and Milk Thistle)

    I haven't touched any Alcohol in 3 Weeks

    Would you Advise for or Against me drinking this one night in celebration of St. Patty's Day?...

    Please Dont Flame just looking for your opinions
    Last edited by jk486994; 03-17-2007 at 12:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    gotta plan holidays and birthdays when you cycle. you need to pick a 12-15 week span where there is nothing too tempting going on. i say you stick to your cycle and dont drink.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    besides st pats is amateur night. lot of morons that dont drink are throwing up all over the place.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Im on a clean cutting diet and I may also make an exception to this, bump on anyones opinions

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    1. Leave at least 2 liters of water by your bedside to drink when you get home before you go to bed. Not only will this prevent a hangover, but it will also help to hydrate your muscles.

    2. Drink a protein shake or eat something dense in protein before climbing into bed as well (if you can still stand). This will help curb the catabolism occurring inside your body, not to mention you always need protein.

    3. When you wake up the next morning and roll over, pray the girl next to you looks as good as she did last night. If not, shuttle her out of the room as quick as possible before your friends can find out and bust your balls.

    4. 45 minutes to an hour before breakfast have a serving of ZMA and 5-10 grams of glutamine. The ZMA will naturally raise your testosterone levels that were lowered from your night of drinking, and the glutamine will help stop catabolism.

    5. Eat a big breakfast filled with foods that are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Your body is craving these key nutrients since the alcohol diminished them the night before.

    Let's face it, alcohol is fun, real fun. It makes fat girls attractive, gets ugly guys laid, gives the skinny, shy kid confidence to stand up and make a fool of himself, and helps uncoordinated, white guys like me dance. Unfortunately, it also reduces testosterone among all the other negative things mentioned earlier in this article. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun, don't be afraid to go out and have a good time. I've seen way too many bodybuilders who stay in on weekends. Go out, drink a few beers, have a good time, just keep it in moderation.

    Found this searching the web,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TbolzNdbols
    1. Leave at least 2 liters of water by your bedside to drink when you get home before you go to bed. Not only will this prevent a hangover, but it will also help to hydrate your muscles.

    2. Drink a protein shake or eat something dense in protein before climbing into bed as well (if you can still stand). This will help curb the catabolism occurring inside your body, not to mention you always need protein.

    3. When you wake up the next morning and roll over, pray the girl next to you looks as good as she did last night. If not, shuttle her out of the room as quick as possible before your friends can find out and bust your balls.

    4. 45 minutes to an hour before breakfast have a serving of ZMA and 5-10 grams of glutamine. The ZMA will naturally raise your testosterone levels that were lowered from your night of drinking, and the glutamine will help stop catabolism.

    5. Eat a big breakfast filled with foods that are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Your body is craving these key nutrients since the alcohol diminished them the night before.

    Let's face it, alcohol is fun, real fun. It makes fat girls attractive, gets ugly guys laid, gives the skinny, shy kid confidence to stand up and make a fool of himself, and helps uncoordinated, white guys like me dance. Unfortunately, it also reduces testosterone among all the other negative things mentioned earlier in this article. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun, don't be afraid to go out and have a good time. I've seen way too many bodybuilders who stay in on weekends. Go out, drink a few beers, have a good time, just keep it in moderation.

    Found this searching the web,

    lot of mis info here bro. for starters #1. drinking massive amounts of water will only make you pee more. yes hangovers are caused by dehydration. the problem is that your body wont hydrate yourself while alcohol is still inh your system, its physically impossible. someone can chime in and give you the name of the chemical that gets suppressed. makes you pee like a race horse. #2 after a night of pounding beers a thick protein shake is a recipe for dying of chokin on your own vomit in the night. maybe raw eggs and tuna would be better. cant help you with #3, thats what wingmen are for. #4 the problem with drinking isnt getting yuor test back to normal. your body does that well its the fact that it dropped in the first place. you cant undo the previous night. besides only one night the drop is so miniscule. #5 i have no problem with assuming you can hold food down the next morning lol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    lot of mis info here bro. for starters #1. drinking massive amounts of water will only make you pee more. yes hangovers are caused by dehydration. the problem is that your body wont hydrate yourself while alcohol is still inh your system, its physically impossible. someone can chime in and give you the name of the chemical that gets suppressed. makes you pee like a race horse. #2 after a night of pounding beers a thick protein shake is a recipe for dying of chokin on your own vomit in the night. maybe raw eggs and tuna would be better. cant help you with #3, thats what wingmen are for. #4 the problem with drinking isnt getting yuor test back to normal. your body does that well its the fact that it dropped in the first place. you cant undo the previous night. besides only one night the drop is so miniscule. #5 i have no problem with assuming you can hold food down the next morning lol.

    Good info im still curious about # 1.. I always was under the impression drinking water during a night of drinking alcohol was a positive thing to do...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I hate this BS. 1 night of drinking isn't going to make 1 ounce of difference in your cycle. People blow this so out of proportion.

    go out and enjoy yourself. Be safe. It is amateur night.

  9. #9
    id rather b safe than sorry

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I hate this BS. 1 night of drinking isn't going to make 1 ounce of difference in your cycle. People blow this so out of proportion.

    go out and enjoy yourself. Be safe. It is amateur night.
    Im in favor of that

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I will be sober tonight, sober and growing

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I hate this BS. 1 night of drinking isn't going to make 1 ounce of difference in your cycle. People blow this so out of proportion.

    go out and enjoy yourself. Be safe. It is amateur night.

    Amen to this! There are SO many dudes on here that act like you will die or permantly screw your body up if you drink while taking orals. Drink up I know I will be!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15
    I will be sober tonight, sober and growing

    I will be drunk tonite, drunk and growing.... probably growing more than most of the guys on here too. Its all about moderation!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    haha nicely done chuck

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    besides st pats is amateur night. lot of morons that dont drink are throwing up all over the place.
    no the morons are the people that drink all the people don't drink

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15
    I will be sober tonight, sober and growing
    me too.....always sober.......drinking is pretty much for people that have issues in their lives.....imo......and no i will not suppress my opinion cause y'all drink

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    no the morons are the people that drink all the people don't drink

    i dont trust someone that doesnt drink. same goes for someone that doesnt eat bacon. these people cant be trusted. booze has been the cornerstone of society since the dawn of man. the slaves that built the pyramids were paid in beer. the mayflower landed on plymouth rock because they ran out of beer(100% true). our founding fathers were all homebrewers. in fact the sons of liberty met in pubs to drink and discuss freedom. leaders of local militias used to throw keggers just to get people to show up. british soldiers were rationed beer during the first and second world war. many many deals that affect society are struck in pubs.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    i dont trust someone that doesnt drink. same goes for someone that doesnt eat bacon. these people cant be trusted. booze has been the cornerstone of society since the dawn of man. the slaves that built the pyramids were paid in beer. the mayflower landed on plymouth rock because they ran out of beer(100% true). our founding fathers were all homebrewers. in fact the sons of liberty met in pubs to drink and discuss freedom. leaders of local militias used to throw keggers just to get people to show up. british soldiers were rationed beer during the first and second world war. many many deals that affect society are struck in pubs.
    And A.A. was started by alcoholics, you forgot that one !!!

  19. #19
    I love to drink. I drank Black and Tans for St.Pats (half a Guinness and half a Bass, layered in a pint glass)...then I listened to the Dropkick Murpheys.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Don't darker beers have more anti-oxidants than light beers? I hardly drink them, but black and tans are off the hook!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    Don't darker beers have more anti-oxidants than light beers? I hardly drink them, but black and tans are off the hook!

    yes they do.

    drinking isnt bad. binge drinking is bad. drinking while on gear is bad.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    Don't darker beers have more anti-oxidants than light beers? I hardly drink them, but black and tans are off the hook!
    Yeah, they do...they contain higher levels of Anti-oxidants derived from procyanidins...I'm actually getting in the mood to drink again now that I'm thinking about beer...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!

    drinking isnt bad at all,your not gonna

    rugby teams are fit as f*ck and renowned (sp) for their fitness and strength and drinking lol??so how does that work if alchohol kills test/strength/muscle/fitness or stamina????

    or boxers in the 18/1900sused to drink (maybe weak) beer between rounds,as many as 100 rounds???

    it prob isnt a perfect idea,but not gonna hurt that bad either

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian

    drinking isnt bad at all,your not gonna

    rugby teams are fit as f*ck and renowned (sp) for their fitness and strength and drinking lol??so how does that work if alchohol kills test/strength/muscle/fitness or stamina????

    or boxers in the 18/1900sused to drink (maybe weak) beer between rounds,as many as 100 rounds???

    it prob isnt a perfect idea,but not gonna hurt that bad either

    thats not the issue. the issue is drinking while on gear.

    be socially responsible so you dont give gear more bad press. garaunteed that there were a handful of people who mixed booze with drugs on st pats and died and they had gear in their system......guess which substance gets the most press?!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Yeah, they do...they contain higher levels of Anti-oxidants derived from procyanidins...I'm actually getting in the mood to drink again now that I'm thinking about beer...
    this is exactly what i did, exept through a irish carbomb in everyonce in a while. i swear i gained like 8 pounds in from all the guiness. AR boston was sick for st patties day huh?

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    this is exactly what i did, exept through a irish carbomb in everyonce in a while. i swear i gained like 8 pounds in from all the guiness. AR boston was sick for st patties day huh?
    I'm from Jersey....I was gonna go up there, but couldn't get away (snowstorm). I have a buddy (Eric Cressey) who owns a gym up there actually, and another friend who lives near where RSOC was popped (By Randolph).

    I got all excited yesterday though, and on my way home from work picked up a 4 pack of Guiness and a 6 of Harp, and got into that before bed...

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