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Thread: Guns, and Concealed weapons permits.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa

    Guns, and Concealed weapons permits.

    Im taking my concealed weapons class in a month, so I can carry, basically just so I don't have to unload and separate the ammo from the gun when Im done shooting targets and stuff. How many guys in here have concealed weapons permits? And how many of you actually carry on a regular basis? Also what kinda guns you running around with?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    its very hard to get a permit in my state but for those of you who are curious if you state allows cwp check it out here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Dude I can't wait to get my HK usp 40s&w!!!!!!!!

    Whjat yuo got?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    I have a bushmaster AR-15 with 15- 30rounds clips, takes nato and .223. its the M4 version, 14" barell with colapseable 3 positoin stock. No muzzel suppressor though, so I get the nice star patter like in goldeneye007 for Nintendo 64, and its loud as hell!!! Got a 9mm taurus millenium pro, nice little hand gun, got it real cheap brand new too! Got a 12 gauge Remington 870 express, a 12 guage benelli super black eagle II, 12 gauge mossberg. 20 gauge cheap over and under. Looks nice but its a cheap overseas brand??? A bolt action .22, a semi auto .22, and my baby my sig sauer P245 .45

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Northern Iowa
    I want to get a nice Bolt action rifle with a expensive scope, but I dont make enough money to justify spending that ammount on a toy like a nice .380 or something

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    down here in louisiana, ccw is offered, and you can have weapons inside your vehicle, with a ccw or without. down here in deep south louisiana, is common the see shotguns and rifles in vehicle. under my seat... .45 auto...straped on my gear shift, a coldsteel tanto recon. behind my seat..sawed-off pump. in my trucks door lawn mower blade. i wont get into whats inside work out bag....and i have a ccw, but on me.. i just carry a knife"gerber ez out"
    Last edited by wascaptain5214; 03-24-2007 at 04:56 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    I have a bushmaster AR-15 with 15- 30rounds clips, takes nato and .223. its the M4 version, 14" barell with colapseable 3 positoin stock. No muzzel suppressor though, so I get the nice star patter like in goldeneye007 for Nintendo 64, and its loud as hell!!! Got a 9mm taurus millenium pro, nice little hand gun, got it real cheap brand new too! Got a 12 gauge Remington 870 express, a 12 guage benelli super black eagle II, 12 gauge mossberg. 20 gauge cheap over and under. Looks nice but its a cheap overseas brand??? A bolt action .22, a semi auto .22, and my baby my sig sauer P245 .45

    nice collection bro do you shoot clays, ducks. love my clays and ducks. my collection is Miroku grade 5 12 gauge ,browning cynergy sporter 12 gauge, Marlin bolt action .22, taurus pump action .22 ,remington 7600 pump action .308, marlin 336ss lever action 30/30, gamo .177 air rifle. my next one is a sako 85 with a good scope dont know caliber yet. i wish i could have a semi auto to hard here in OZ and hand gun thats even harder.
    Last edited by malidfa; 03-24-2007 at 05:53 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Man about 3 months ago I was against getting my concealed weapons license cause I didnt think I would need it. Well my brother came and picked me up from my womens house on a saturday afternoon so we could go watch some games. As we were driving on the highway on the way home we heard two load bangs against our car. I looked over and I see the barrel of a gun hanging out the back window from this car that had a three dudes in it. We didnt know what they were shooting at us with and we didnt want to find out. Later we found out that it was probably a pellet gun, but had it been a .22 or larger my brothers friend would have had a head shot and been killed that was sitting in the back. A round hit the window right were he was sitting. It was totally random and we didnt even see the guys until after it happend. But that part of town is rough and I have to drive that section of freeway everyday. So after than I am now considering my concealed weapons license.

    The worst part about the story is that I called the cops to report the incident and the cops didnt even seem to care that anything had happend as long as no one was hurt. But to me these guys were shooting at random cars they needed to be stopped before they hurt someone. Thats my tax dollars at work protecting me I guess

  9. #9
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    Feb 2005
    i have a concealed permit in florida. it was a joke to get. filled out paperwork at a pawn/gun shop. took some b.s. test and a background check and there ya go. never had to fire the weapon. next to impossible to get one in jersey. ny i never bothered to check. none of my guns are registered here anyway. enough police, lawyer, and judge friends, in this state, to get me out of a jam hopefully.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    holla town
    never leave home w/o it.....
    how bout this... i had a retard try and pull a gun out on me two weeks ago... but when i went to reach for mine... it wasnt there.... i had just left the gym and had my piston under my seat.. so i didnt have mine.. lol
    it was crazy.. i had to call the cops and my buddy came down and arrested him.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdog81
    never leave home w/o it.....
    how bout this... i had a retard try and pull a gun out on me two weeks ago... but when i went to reach for mine... it wasnt there.... i had just left the gym and had my piston under my seat.. so i didnt have mine.. lol
    it was crazy.. i had to call the cops and my buddy came down and arrested him.
    We isn't that a good thing. If you probably pulled one out the guy would have shot you or you'd have killed him.

  12. #12
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214
    down here in louisiana, ccw is offered, and you can have weapons inside your vehicle, with a ccw or without. down here in deep south louisiana, is common the see shotguns and rifles in vehicle. under my seat... .45 auto...straped on my gear shift, a coldsteel tanto recon. behind my seat..sawed-off pump. in my trucks door lawn mower blade. i wont get into whats inside work out bag....and i have a ccw, but on me.. i just carry a knife"gerber ez out"
    Whats the point of having all that with you? I'm not against guns or anything. But i don't get it. What are you expecting to happen? Also if someone ever breaks into your truck the now have an arsenal.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Whats the point of having all that with you? I'm not against guns or anything. But i don't get it. What are you expecting to happen?.

    I'd rather drive around with an arsenal like that than have something like ^^ happen to me!

    (carjacked, kidnapped, both girl and boyfriend repeatedly raped, tortured and eventually hacked to pieces then dumped)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster

    I'd rather drive around with an arsenal like that than have something like ^^ happen to me!

    (carjacked, kidnapped, both girl and boyfriend repeatedly raped, tortured and eventually hacked to pieces then dumped)
    I can understand that. Shouldn't you be able to protect yourself with 1 gun. What Is the need for 5 guns in 1 vehicle. If something happens your not getting to the gun behind your seat. Even the 1 under your seat it probably would be too late by the time you got it out.

  15. #15
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I can understand that. Shouldn't you be able to protect yourself with 1 gun. What Is the need for 5 guns in 1 vehicle. If something happens your not getting to the gun behind your seat. Even the 1 under your seat it probably would be too late by the time you got it out.
    if you are aware of your surroundings no one should be able to get to you. i got my .45 holstered but can come to the ready in a few enough if i see someone walked up on me. the tanto can be brought to bear in under a second. thats for if someone reaches in on me by surpise.

  16. #16
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    Northern Iowa
    Quote Originally Posted by malidfa
    nice collection bro do you shoot clays, ducks. love my clays and ducks. my collection is Miroku grade 5 12 gauge ,browning cynergy sporter 12 gauge, Marlin bolt action .22, taurus pump action .22 ,remington 7600 pump action .308, marlin 336ss lever action 30/30, gamo .177 air rifle. my next one is a sako 85 with a good scope dont know caliber yet. i wish i could have a semi auto to hard here in OZ and hand gun thats even harder.

    Hell ya, ducks, pheasants, and clays, my brother works at a clay range, so I shoot free all the time. He is a better shot than me though, he took 3rd in the state when he was 16 at the state comp, it was cool. But i love my super black eagle, becuase 1 in the chamber 2 in the mag under the barrel then you can drop one in the carrier that loads the next round. so you can get away with 4 shells instead of 3 with a plug but if DNR checks it only holds three

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    woo hoo, something I know about. I have my permit and carry everyday, everywhere I have a glock 23 .40" in a blackhawk serpia holster with 2 extra 15 rd. magazines in a double mag holder I also have a bianchi leather inside the pants holster for deep concealment. I took the 8 hour class and was in the very first class offered and they had the newspaper guys out there too

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    you all better realize how lucky you are to be able to carry legally. we can't even own guns. (legally anyway )

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    I thought Iowa didn't have the ccw? I

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i just turned 21 and am getting mine as ssoon as i get home from college this year...its definately worth it just cause if acop wanted to be a prick they could if you have a loaded gun in ur car etc its just makes shit easier to deal with but i would recomend not having the CCW show up on your license as it can cause u added stress such as being searched etc. just a thought....and if anyone wants to know how to get a CCW at the age of 21 i found a loop hole

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    heres my new piece S&W model 66 .357 magnum with a recessed barrell....4"...its sexy

    i hate automatics if anyone wonders why i bought a revolver

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    I had them put my ccw on a "non drivers liscense" When the cops run you it shows up anyway you just don't have the small "ccw till 0-0-08"

  23. #23
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Hell ya, ducks, pheasants, and clays, my brother works at a clay range, so I shoot free all the time. He is a better shot than me though, he took 3rd in the state when he was 16 at the state comp, it was cool. But i love my super black eagle, becuase 1 in the chamber 2 in the mag under the barrel then you can drop one in the carrier that loads the next round. so you can get away with 4 shells instead of 3 with a plug but if DNR checks it only holds three
    ooooooooooooooooooooooh thats shady i like it! i got nailed for not having a plug once! it was so stupid i was using my buddies 12ga going dove hunting and we had been shooting clays the day before so naturally we had the plug out forgot to put it back in and the messed up part was i didnt even have over 3 shells in it! but i didnt have a plug so he wrote me anyways

  24. #24
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I had them put my ccw on a "non drivers liscense" When the cops run you it shows up anyway you just don't have the small "ccw till 0-0-08"
    i know when they run it it comes up but it could add for extra b.s at a bar or any federal buildings etc. my dads a P.I and this was his reasoning so i figured i'd take his word for it he knows more than me

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    i just turned 21 and am getting mine as ssoon as i get home from college this year...its definately worth it just cause if acop wanted to be a prick they could if you have a loaded gun in ur car etc its just makes shit easier to deal with but i would recomend not having the CCW show up on your license as it can cause u added stress such as being searched etc. just a thought....and if anyone wants to know how to get a CCW at the age of 21 i found a loop hole
    i thought 21 was the age for a CCW anyway?

  26. #26
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    i thought 21 was the age for a CCW anyway?
    21 to own a handgun 23 for concealed atleast in my state but i found a loop hole where i can take the class in my state then send my info off to a different state that only requires u to be 21 and hav it processed there and then i get my CCW

  27. #27
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    bastard, if you're caught carrying over here its mandatory 5 year minimum in prison.

    fvckin ghey liberal bastards, now only the criminals have guns

  28. #28
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    Jan 2006
    I have my CHL for a few years now. I don't carry any more because of the bs stipulation laws behind it. You have to prove that you were in fear of your life when you used your weapon. Given that most of us on this site are larger than your average male, you have to prove that despite your size and in my case, despite my training, that I felt that I needed to use my weapon to defend my life. So if it's a small guy with a knife and i shoot center mass and end up killing him , i might get manslaughter. Also ...tactically speaking...if some one rushes you , you are supposed to fire center mass to stop them armed or not...but i have to wait till I see a weapon to fire? Makes no sense because by then you are "reacting" and your chances of getting injured go down substantially.

    Not to mention that if you do shoot and you are TOTALLY justified...doens't mean that you won't get sue'd by there family.

    Anyway...that's why i don't carry any more...

    I suggest to you...that you get an umbrella policy with your insurance to help if you should need "legal" help. It's not to expensive and well worth it. I have a 500k one.

    btw for the guy who said he wanted to carry an H&K 40? I hope you live in a cold / cool state...cus even the compact model is pretty bulky and will stick out with jeans and shirt.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    bastard, if you're caught carrying over here its mandatory 5 year minimum in prison.

    fvckin ghey liberal bastards, now only the criminals have guns
    where u at?

  30. #30
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I'd say i'm sorry... but since you got dat woman inyour avatar... cant' really pitty you

  32. #32
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    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    yeah she aint mine, i just found her pics online a while back, i think she's lasted longer than any other avatar of mine. damn she's sexy.

    it don't matter about the guns though, there are an estimated 10 million illegal guns in the UK...u just gotta be sneaky. (not that I have one)

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Northern Iowa
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I thought Iowa didn't have the ccw? I
    Nope only Illinois and Nebraska! those are the only 2 states that you cant get one. Iowa doesnt have reciporcicy with any other states though, so no one else's concealed weapon permit from other states is good in Iowa, but iowas is good in north dakota, missoiuri, indiana, texas, arizona, kansas, vermont, and one or two other states. Indiana is the shit!!! they allow every states ccw to work in there state

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    This brings up a very good point....I wish NJ wasnt so ****in gay so I could get my CCW, theres definately been times I have been out and wish I had one..

    Anyway, its really obnoxious that the powers that be in any state think that you should actually allow someone to harm you so long as you live and dont have to kill the person. To be honest, if someone rushes you, you really dont know what their intentions are, and the only reason people do it and live is because the general population cant carry. I am perfectly fine with anyone who decides to try and accost another person losing their life, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Who wants to risk their life and take a guess as to what the persons real intention is trying to assault you? I'd rather have God/allah/budah/etc sort them out and know their true intention than to roll the dice and find out.

    The law in NJ actually states that self defense must be escalated. Meaning, you can meet only force with force, and after a brief period of defending yourself if you have the opportunity to escape you must attempt to do so. I think its a shitty law...Philadelphia had 450+ murders for the year of 2006. The city also has a ban on CCW, not the state. Laws written like the ones above are why these criminals are so damn daring and feel they can get away with this shit and have no consequences. Its really even more sickening to me that these Prosecutors are going after law abiding tax paying citizens who defend their lives/home/property from intruders.

    In my mind, if you ENTER MY HOME without my permission, I do not care whether you are armed or unarmed and whether you plan to kill me or just steal my TV, you have earned the right to die.

    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    I have my CHL for a few years now. I don't carry any more because of the bs stipulation laws behind it. You have to prove that you were in fear of your life when you used your weapon. Given that most of us on this site are larger than your average male, you have to prove that despite your size and in my case, despite my training, that I felt that I needed to use my weapon to defend my life. So if it's a small guy with a knife and i shoot center mass and end up killing him , i might get manslaughter. Also ...tactically speaking...if some one rushes you , you are supposed to fire center mass to stop them armed or not...but i have to wait till I see a weapon to fire? Makes no sense because by then you are "reacting" and your chances of getting injured go down substantially.

    Not to mention that if you do shoot and you are TOTALLY justified...doens't mean that you won't get sue'd by there family.

    Anyway...that's why i don't carry any more...

    I suggest to you...that you get an umbrella policy with your insurance to help if you should need "legal" help. It's not to expensive and well worth it. I have a 500k one.

    btw for the guy who said he wanted to carry an H&K 40? I hope you live in a cold / cool state...cus even the compact model is pretty bulky and will stick out with jeans and shirt.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    glad i live in WV, we got some pretty laid back gun laws here. here's my firearm arsonal at the present time, not sure exactly what my next purchase is going to be, like to get the M107 semi-auto .50cal sniper rifle but i'm running low on money at the present time.

    Armalite AR-10A4, 1,400$ with 1,100$ Leopold Mark 4, 4.5-14x50 LR/T - my pride and joy right now but has several upgrades that need done

    Springfield Armory XD .45ACP with 13rd mag, 525$ with 99$ Tac-light - what i carry with me just about everywhere

    Chinese SKS with 30rd mag and bayonet, 150$ - quality, reliable, accurate weapon

    semi-auto Tec-9 with 38rd mag, 350$ - piece of shit but still fun to shoot sometimes
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	weapons.JPG 
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  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Thats a nice collection........Just curious though, why didn't you go with the Glock, that SA looks like a knockoff...I dont have any handguns in my collection yet, just some shotguns, and a .45 cherokee black powder gun guess you could consider that my blast from the passed.. And lax gun laws, Ill say dude, that Tec9 would get you 5 years mandatory here..

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Thats a nice collection........Just curious though, why didn't you go with the Glock, that SA looks like a knockoff...I dont have any handguns in my collection yet, just some shotguns, and a .45 cherokee black powder gun guess you could consider that my blast from the passed.. And lax gun laws, Ill say dude, that Tec9 would get you 5 years mandatory here..
    the SA XD is a badass handgun, definitely not a knockoff. one reason i chose it is because of the 13 rd mag instead of the usual 9 or 10 with most handguns. i love how the handle is still very comfortable even though it holds more rounds, i also read that it is extremely reliable and durable, i've fired thousands of rounds through it and never even had to recharge it except when i get the occasional bad round. (usually buy cheap ammo to practice with). and it's definitely very accurate, i think if you shot it a few times you'd fall in love with it too.

    not trying to be confrontational but i don't have a girl at the moment so i have to protect my guns honor, but feel free to make fun of the tec-9 all you want. (the most innaccurate weapon i've ever fired but its still fun to unload 38rds real quick)

  38. #38
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    basically in WV we're not allowed to give guns to kids under 18 but that's about it.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    This brings up a very good point....I wish NJ wasnt so ****in gay so I could get my CCW, theres definately been times I have been out and wish I had one..

    Anyway, its really obnoxious that the powers that be in any state think that you should actually allow someone to harm you so long as you live and dont have to kill the person. To be honest, if someone rushes you, you really dont know what their intentions are, and the only reason people do it and live is because the general population cant carry. I am perfectly fine with anyone who decides to try and accost another person losing their life, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Who wants to risk their life and take a guess as to what the persons real intention is trying to assault you? I'd rather have God/allah/budah/etc sort them out and know their true intention than to roll the dice and find out.

    The law in NJ actually states that self defense must be escalated. Meaning, you can meet only force with force, and after a brief period of defending yourself if you have the opportunity to escape you must attempt to do so. I think its a shitty law...Philadelphia had 450+ murders for the year of 2006. The city also has a ban on CCW, not the state. Laws written like the ones above are why these criminals are so damn daring and feel they can get away with this shit and have no consequences. Its really even more sickening to me that these Prosecutors are going after law abiding tax paying citizens who defend their lives/home/property from intruders.

    In my mind, if you ENTER MY HOME without my permission, I do not care whether you are armed or unarmed and whether you plan to kill me or just steal my TV, you have earned the right to die.

    I live in the area so i definitely get what your saying. I'm assuming you never had anything really bad happen to you. If you did I'm sorry. But you are said you wish you had 1 on you a few times. I'm assuming your weren't a victim of anything so you never really needed the gun. So if you have had 1 those times you wished for would someone have wound up dead?

    I think there are just to many stupid people. I agree with you about self defence. I can just picture someone being in a verbal dispute and pulling there gun. I just think there are to many stupid people out there to be carrying guns.

  40. #40
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    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I live in the area so i definitely get what your saying. I'm assuming you never had anything really bad happen to you. If you did I'm sorry. But you are said you wish you had 1 on you a few times. I'm assuming your weren't a victim of anything so you never really needed the gun. So if you have had 1 those times you wished for would someone have wound up dead?

    I think there are just to many stupid people. I agree with you about self defence. I can just picture someone being in a verbal dispute and pulling there gun. I just think there are to many stupid people out there to be carrying guns.
    I caught someone attempting to break into my house in broad daylight about 12 in the afternoon. He was about to kick in the sliding glass door when I got to him...At the time (This was like 4-5 years ago), I kept all my guns at my dads house because he has something like 60+ guns and a safe... I was able to plate the guy and he did get arrested and I think he had some misfortunes in jail and is currently dead. Anyway, I definately would have shot him without any hesitation at the time, I didnt know what he might have been armed with, and any jackass who is willing to kick in your door in the middle of the afternoon cant be too good.

    I agree with you about the verbal arguments, but I dont believe that you should have to defend yourself against an assault with just your hands. I believe if you CHOSE to assault someone and cause them bodily harm (whether or not you intend to kill them) that they should be able to retaliate against you with whatever means they have, and if they do in fact have a gun, then unfortunately you picked the wrong person to try and harm, and you deserve to die for it. I dont agree with the self defense law on 'escalation', meaning that the person has to basically be close to killing you in order for you to kill them.

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