For those of you who know my situation thanks for all the help and support. For those that dont heres the link.
She was definitly about to throw in the towel however after I went and talked with her parents she's aggreed to "try" to work it out through couceling.
Now I am still at home but there are rules. I cant touch her, see her naked, or get to close. I am basically there for the baby , however we did go to church together on sunday and said she would go with me every sunday. I need to win back her love before she deciedes it too late.
Now for picking out a Marriage counselor she does not want anyone from any church. I guess her reasoning is she does not want anyone to tell us to stay toghether just for religious reasons. She wants to know if we are meant to be toghether. I am very scared about picking out the councelor because I am sure if he/she tells us its not going to work that she will be gone very quickly.
Has anyone been to Marriage counseling through someone not from the church? DId it help? Does it matter if I get a male or female. I know that everyone has different values and opionions and not sure how I can pick the right counselor.
I want this marriage to work so bad and this is going to be my last fight. Please if anyone as any good advice I am here.