im going to get a TimberWolf... or atleast TRY.. i think theres a law against it or something in my state but OH welli just want something i kan play w/ that will play back w/o DIEING ON ME ><
im going to get a TimberWolf... or atleast TRY.. i think theres a law against it or something in my state but OH welli just want something i kan play w/ that will play back w/o DIEING ON ME ><
LOL! Tai i love the play-by-plays!!! its like we get a full report on your life story! its all cool though!
Yeah chest says i been slacking on my life updates ><Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
See! i want to be able to do this to him and hug him and wrestle w/ him an stuff! but i dont know where to buy a timberwolf at
Lol well youve been catchin up the past few days tho! sorry about the fishYeah chest says i been slacking on my life updates ><
lol ya u have been slacking.
I'd go with a tiger...
or a wallaby? although he might hug plus kick tho !!!!
IM NOT WRESTLING w/ no ****ING CAT! they have evil claws!Originally Posted by chest6
NOT as cuddly either.
I have a friend with like 12 tigers...5 lions and like 5 cougars though. That bitch is crazy. She'll go in the cage and play wrestle with them. Shes like this one is 600 lbs and sometimes he'll push me playfully and I'll fly like 5 feet back. Im like oh yeah thats greatt!!!
hope he don't eat you in your sleep!!
naw, this is what Id want if I were you tai, called a caracal. used in india to hunt. theyre not too big, but get to be around 50 - 60 lbs I do beleive, but they're bad ass lil fvckers. still pretty big for a cat that you can keep around the house like a regular cat. prolly kill and eat your old cat. they use em in idian like hunting dogs almost. pretty cool animals, hard to find a place where you can get one though
Id rather get one of these over a wolf, closest to a wolf I had was half husky half timberwolf... nice dog, but he eventually had to go, kept trying to kill and eat other neigborhood animals, was a freak around children too, so he had to go.
Tai, your like some urban legend, with your tren at 1gram a day, fam. size lasgna eating, and timber wolf owning
get a lynx they are bad ass
Get a liger.
that what i was going to say!Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
is it just me or does this animal look dead? TAI, i think you can easily wrestle and hug a dead wolf! you wont have to worry about it dying on you since it is already dead! win/win situation for you!Originally Posted by taiboxa
Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
It's def dead ... the guy is wearing snow camo and he probably just shot it with a .308
rest his poor animal soulOriginally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
well since you have a bunch of $$$$ invested into the tank setup and whatnot...why not stick w/ a marine pet?
I bet this bastard wuld be fun to wrestle![]()
ya I agree doc sust. that wolf is 100% dead. dead like anna nicole. not comin back... think you might want a living one no? noone will fear your dead wolf, needs a livin one to stike fear into the hearts of those who disobey you
i say go with the liger.... its the only way to go
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