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This guy is BIG and he is famous among you all, he has competed at a pro level and has won many shows and placed highly in the Olympic many times.
A mate met him a year ago and have kept in touch since and through him I have learnt a number of things, kind of like why things work to build muscles in a practical sense.
Below is a list of what drugs he uses and why he uses them split in to precontest or off season
250 mg sustanon per day
250 mg testopan (enanthate) per day
1000 Deca Durabolin
Humatrope Growth Hormone, 6 units per, 6 times a day!! (Five times a week)
Long-Acting Insulin 100 units in the morning
Fast Acting insulin 25 units per meal (he is now to scared to eat without insulin)
Oxymethelone (whatever type he can get) 5x50mg tabs
300 mcg T3 per day
200-mcg clen (taken five days on 2 days off)
Nubain 5 ml a day, 3 times a week (supposedly to reduce the addictiveness)
Glucophage, taken before workouts, 4,000mg
He does do IGF-1 but he limits it to 4 week cycles as he believes that most of the research on this shows limited length of time of effectiveness. He will then follow this up with a 4-week break
80 mg fluxoetine (prozac) to help with the chemical imbalances and to assist him to keep stress from the drugs down
180 mg Ephedrine Hydrochloride, before workouts
4,000 mg Testosterone Propionate
2 vials of Masteron
2 vials of Parabolan
10 tabs of halotestin per day, before training
DNP for a week in weeks 6,4 and 2
Clenbuterol on alternating weeks at 400mcg per day
T3 400mcg per day
Nubain as above
Insulin as above
Growth Hormone 6 units 6 times per day
IGF-1 for the four weeks to week 2 at 100 mcg per day.
100mg of fluxoetine (prozac)
Ephedrine as above
I estimate the mg’s at somewhere around 6,500 to 7,000 mgs a week
Same as above except the Nubain is dropped, as it is unnecessary, as well as the IGF-1 is dropped.
Also one extra ampoule of Parabolan and Masteron per day.
Uses neoton 500, creatine phosphate (its an injectable I believe) in his carb deplete/load, he was unspecific on dosages
Two days out he uses Lasix (still a favorite) 80 mg four times a day, for two days.
The newest thing out is a plasma expander, by the name of
Groenaut, apparently from Europe, this works much in the same way as Glycerol in that it drams water out from underneath the skin and into the muscle and bloodstream leaving a very dry full look if it is done correctly, of course as with high stakes bodybuilding there is that ever apparent degree of risk, the risk here is mixing a diuretic which dumps the water from the system and a drug that tries to pull the water in, if the effect is too great, the least that could happen is that you don’t fill out and you look flat, dry but flat, the worst well the drug tends to favor skeletal muscle over smooth cardiac muscle, hence you are then in shit street as your heart dehydrates, and cardiac arrest kicks in, (not the same thing as Momo, though).
There are a lot of other drugs that are used such as amphetamines to help blunt the appetite and to give him energy as he gets closer to a show, as his body fat drops down to below 5 percent, he tends to feel very ill and tired, he also uses a lot of immuno stimulating supplements so he doesn’t get sick, of course as he is wired from the amphetamines he has to use xanax, halicon and valium (rotated to reduce reliance on a certain drug supposedly).
On show day the use of insulin before going on stage to get the last bit of fullness and bring out his vascularity, (up close this guy has veins that an octopus would envy. Shooting 10 units I.V before going on but after any pumping up he does