no weopons, just fists and feet...
who would win a 5 on 5 brawl between navy seals and spartans?
no weopons, just fists and feet...
who would win a 5 on 5 brawl between navy seals and spartans?
Seals of course, there training in Man to Man combat would be far superior to the Spartans
weird question.
i dunno, i'd go with Spartans personally...
Roman legions
Last edited by biglouie250; 03-29-2007 at 08:05 AM.
Seals. These guys are HIGHLY trained. Their endurance is freaky. Not to mention the Seal Trainers have had hundreds of years to study combat fighting. Kickboxing, grappling, submission, etc.
My vote goes to the SEALS, hands down
Different times, different fighters...Seals hands down
SEALS BABY!!! Bourne idienity hahah My bet say's they have the same Heart and Focus in a fight both willing to die for there country there queen's and i don't see either one of them backing down from a fight. THIS IS SPARTAAAA
SEALS no doubt
Hooyah .... there's my answer.
omg n00bs the all of u!
its obvoius a team of 2 ninja's would sweap in .. kill them all and vanish before anyone know wat had happend.
seals def
Seals would definately win.
no question SEALS would be much more intelligent fighters, if the mission went to shit they would retreat. but also i imagine a SEAL would want to avoid hand to hand combat whenever possible because they would lose a lot of their advantage, DELTA and SEALS are the best of the best out of the best military in the world but they aren't going to just charge in and give they're lives to kill the enemy. if it came down to a straight up hand to hand brawl with equal numbers i would still pick the SEALS but it could easily go either way.
Originally Posted by zodiac666
pffft, Delta don't have a patch on the SAS. the SEALs are good though, I'll give ya that
To me, I think it is a tougher question than people think......spartans probably/could have been the best of the best for their time.....and fighting in those times was more intimant and in your face kind of fighting...
Its tough......I do love sparta, dont get me wrong....
but seals are jacked.....the craziness is probably equal on both sides.....hand to hand, i gotta go with seals myself
Before I give and answer I need to ask one quick question:
Did the Spartons have Anadrol????
tell that to my SGM and he'll put a fvcking bullet in your head, DELTA was modeled after SAS and i have a lot of respect for those guys as well. most people think Delta is strictly Green Berets and Rangers but they recruit from the entire military including SEALS. fvck iran, we need to start a war with England just to prove we're the best.....Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
I'm surprised everyone is going with the seals. Only reason I would pick spartans over them is because they were raised from a child learning how to fight and that is all they know. More to list but I can't at the moment.
Yeah, the Spartans have that "dont give up" attitude. Im not saying Seals dont but they would have to kill every spartan to win. I would say Spartans if you're refering to Frank Millers spartans.
Spartan without Sword = Chest
of course SEALs would win lol.
Originally Posted by Beefkake31
That to, fighting is a way of life and a proffesion for the Sparts.
anyone think spartans have higher pain threshhold?
just one thing to add, i think its nice that seals would probably win against hte spartans.......Because, if you ever meet anyone who is actually greek, chances are, they are 100 percent greek, greeks tend to think highly of themselves which is fine, but they need to realize they are not the best even though i have love for the spartans at the same time
Originally Posted by IronReload04
SEALs have high pain threshold IMO. Their training makes them that way. They are like machines. And I believe they take a survival/interogation training program....stuff to test them all ways mentally.
Plain and simple, they are hardasses, and todays training and technique, SEALs are far superb than Sparts.
Another way of looking at it, is if 300 Navy Seals were put in that same situation as the film, without guns claymores etc, would they last that long against such overwhelming odds?
Well....The navy has guns, and spartans used swords....So NAVY would win.....LOL
i would have to agree..Originally Posted by Kale
since the spartan only fought 1 way, they were never exposed to the different martial arts and techniques that the marines are taught..
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well its pretty hard to say!
seals have guns- so they would win obviously
but if they fought the spartans with swords and shields just like the spartans, and in the same "mass attack" ways in the old time.
id say spartans would win because navy seals arent trained to charge and do mass chaos battles and wouldnt be able to strategize large groups of people without advanced technologies.
wouldnt you like to go back in time, with a vulcan gun, and be a spartan?
or go back in time and run over all them persians with a F-350!
NO WAY the spartans can take the abuse a seal can nfw
Spartans would shield thier bullets and eat them and thier families for dinner.
Seals would be doing underhanded backwards 360 spin kicks while spears would be flying through thier necks and spartans would use thier axes to carve thier bones into more weapons as they **** the navy seals wives and reproduce their spartan society.
If the movie 300 is accurate on Spartans being trained from childhood for battle. My money goes on the Spartan.
retorical question, SEALS
Originally Posted by Bojangles69
i didnt know seals were ninjas!
without weapons, i think seals are prettyuseless in terms of old school fighting. that is if they were jsut put into the position without notice, but im sure if they had time they would study up on the spartans weak poin ts from the history channel lmao
ok William Wallace from Braveheart vs Leonidas..
Originally Posted by Bojangles69
he didnt lose his balls
SAS and SASR are the best in the world they would beat anyone hands down
Last edited by auslifta; 03-29-2007 at 03:54 PM.
vote: I go for Seals. My office partnet was a Navy Seal and he recieved a submariner rolex when he made the Seals. He doesn't like to talk much about what he did on his missions, but he said that when ever they send a Navy Seals team out someone is going to die. He is very punctual and highnly trained in everything that has to do with one on one combat.
well said, Aussie SAS are well respected where I'm fromOriginally Posted by auslifta
Its all about Army Delta Force. But no one knows anything about them. top secret stuff.
They are top notch. They could probably take Spartans and SEALs at the same time lol.
They are so good, they have to ask you to try out. And they only ask the top notch Ranger and Green Beret officers.
lol, delta force aren't that great. inside the US the SEALs are better
Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
lol, your whacko!
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