nice, real nice
i do believe time travel is possible, but that would be too easy to fake so its pretty hard to believe
and plus wouldnt you bring something back that has advanced technology or something to really PROVE it, or just a video of yourself at 70 years old which could be easily faked
Fake. so fake. never happen ever. that sh*t woudl be world wide news if it was true
dude that is just impossible....I wish it was true though..
Last edited by wishmasterATM; 04-01-2007 at 12:58 PM.
I would always question the integrity and sanity of a man with a shaved head from Oland, Sweden who cherishes the realms of paranormal activity or any other anomalous phenomena. As in liking science, physics and worshipping Star Trek.
I wonder where the hell he is, I've not seen him for some time. Probably travelled back in time again.
Originally Posted by Prada
The tatoo on the 70 yr old man would be incredibly faded if it was real...
i wish i could travel back in time....if coach woulda put me in during the 4th quarter, man, i know we woulda won state, and then i would be in the NFL right now...
Yeah, right.Originally Posted by number twelve
haha hes doing napoleon dynamite, i thinkOriginally Posted by Johny-too-small
in a hot tub soaking it up with my soulmateeeeOriginally Posted by number twelve
quit eating all the chips Kip !
When will people understand?
Why?!?!? Because there is NO SUCH THING AS TIME. Time itself doesnt exist, its as real as the easter bunny. A clock ISNT time. Its literally a little meter that affords us the illusion of order. Thus the whole idea to even be entertained is a sure sign of dimwits.
Originally Posted by Bojangles69
I watched an experiment on the science channel where they actually did it......they sent a single particle back in time approximately one second using a high powered laser matrix......IT IS POSSIBLE
I think they should stop showing reruns of Back to the Future because people are really starting to beleive it
Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
WTF!?!? You REALLY believe that? Show me the fvckn video and I'll tear it into shreds.
A "single particle". "One second"??? How did they measure all of this.
Dont you understand time is NOT REAL. One second ago DOESNT EXIST.
Do you still believe in Santa Clause dude? seriously? .. i cant believe people buy into this shit.
I think it was a video of his dad with a hemp tattoo
bojangles69--way too deep bro I got a headache thinking about what you said but it does make sense--"time has always been and will always be and it was there before the clock was made and will be there when the batteries run out--the word time was derived from people giving a name to something that represents some sort of order
I dont know if time exsists and really dont want to get that deep into thinking but if you have sunsets and sunrisesand seasons it represents a passing of something
Time is a human "cognitive construct". Its something we invented in our minds to divide the night/day cycle into intervals. But its the SAME things just spinning round and round.. the EARTH.
Before clocks there was NO TIME, and now with clocks there still is no time.
All thats real is RIGHT NOW. Anything else is just memory. Memory is a cognitive construct like time. And because you cant see it, taste it, touch it, feel it, or smell it. It DOESNT exist.
Time is not a road that we can travel.
thats gonna take some time to think about.
Would you care to explain Planck time and quantum gravitational theories to some of us dimwits? We're obviously misled.Originally Posted by Bojangles69
yes time travel into the future is possible with hyperspace and traveling near the speed of light. An experiment was done with 2 clocks set to the same exact time and 1 stayed on the ground while the other went into an airplane at 600 mph. When they compared the two clocks again, the one that traveled in the airplane was slightly behind.Originally Posted by Bojangles69
for all the idiots who say timetravel isnt possible......
please explain,when an astronought(sp) goes into space for 3/5 days they come back with 2/3 weeks of beard growth on there face?????
surely this is time travel/expansion,all be it minimal.
not saying that cip is true,just looks like a ford tv ad
You should try reading a few books or something. Like, a real book -- not science fiction, lol.Originally Posted by justinandrews7
The term hyperspace is rather archaic in physics, and is used primarily in fiction. You know what happens when an object nears c, right? And the plane experiment is covered in freshmen-level courses: time dialation is described by Lorentz transformations and has no practicality towards time travel save by fiction writers.
You'd probably enjoy a popular book on special relativity or quantum mechanics. John Gribbon and John Barrow pretty good reads with minimal math and obfuscation. Johan could probably give some good recommendations as well.
The validity and completeness of any explaination is directly proportional to the level of mathematics involved... tensor calculus, analysis and advanced linear algebra usually give a solid background.Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
Anyone interested in this stuff would best be served by picking up a fifteen-dollar book from the local book store. Personally, I'd avoid Hawking's popular books and get something a bit more diverse.
im grabbing my tools to fix my sink, also to find out where to invest next. anyone want anything while im gone.
are you saying Albert Einstein is wrong then?Originally Posted by samoth
that guy is a huge fan of acid
bull crap
Where is Johan when you need him, I would love to hear his opinion on this subject.
Samoth seems to know a bit about this as well. I know nothing about this but I find it very interesting.
the old guys tat looks very bold as if he had just got it or its paint.
Watch the movie "Primer" if y'all ain't seein it really makes you wonder....
holy crap--I thought I was somewhat intelligent with that stuff so I will drop out at this "time" now BUT
I can explain the proper way to bench press or do an armbar
Are you saying that you understand the mathematical intricacies behind special and general relativity?Originally Posted by justinandrews7
The Lorentz explain the time dialation, not time travel. This and different reference frames and stuff don't equate into time travel in the popular sense.
Time travel is not possible. HTH.
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