Anyone watching wrestlemania today??
post some update of the event.
Anyone watching wrestlemania today??
post some update of the event.
I know it's in Detroit other then that....I don't have a clue what's going on with it...
that stuff was cool.. when i was 7
Who gives a flying f^#k!!
I give a f**k u moron and wrestling is my sport.Originally Posted by rar1015
moving foward...... Taker is the new heavy weight champ. I'm happy for him. He's been in the business for a long time.
I can't wait for that trump guy to get his head shaved. I hate the f**ker. Ignorant son of a ______
Trump is a badass.........billionaire = badass.....period......yes Vince is too
Wrestling is your sport? It's for entertainment purposes.
Oh snap so trumps guy lost? Does this mean that trump has to shave his head?
wat are you twelve?! wwE is ur sport? scripted sports ftw??Originally Posted by Big voh
are those 70,000 spectators 12 year olds???Originally Posted by taiboxa
Last edited by Big voh; 04-01-2007 at 09:47 PM.
hey Big voh
I like wrestling to as it is fun and me and my 9 year old son watches it--he gets into the fights and like to see the big dudes and see who I am bigger than--the divas are bad as well
carefull with some of your posts--I see you are new and may not know --the mods dont like fussing,name calling and flaming it could get you banned--just a tip bro as I have known many of the mods that have been here
yeah and alot of people went to watch THE MATRIX too..Originally Posted by Big voh
Ummm its fake, scripted, etc. I am not saying they dont get hurt but come on its not really a sport its more like a movie.
and ur point being????Originally Posted by taiboxa
i'd rather watch anime than wwe.. and i donteven like animeOriginally Posted by mn_fighter
whats anime?
Pro Wrestling is nothing but soap opera for males.
anime= japanese animation...
something I really dont undertsand, in this site..alot of people hate WWE, i see the title WRESTLEMANIA, whhy th fvck are you entreing if your gonna post, "who gives a fvck?"..or "how old are you?" guys are losers who are banging your brains..I ENJOY WWE, ANDD MMA!...btw. I saw wrestlemania dude...was pretty cool...cena won..
pheww atlast someone is on my side. Them morons here who don't like wrestling can STFU. I enjoy watching wrestling and if u got a problem with that thenOriginally Posted by wishmasterATM
I went to Wrestlemania 18 when it was in Toronto and it was so ****ing awesome. It was Hulk Hogan's first fight after coming out of retirement and it was against The Rock, and I swore the roof was going to collapse when the Hulkster came in, the crowd was so loud I couldn't here the person next to me. It was one of those nights I will never forget. Too bad Hulk lost![]()
Yeah, calm down WWE haters, you dont have to make such a big deal about how childish it is or how it's scripted, it's great fun in my opinion.
And yes, it was quality. 'Specially seeing Undertaker win the title and extend his streak to 15-0.
you can't really shave trump's head he wears a hair piece. wasn't the outcome obvious. wrestling is for people over 8. they are called rednecks
lol i dont kare.. bout wat people watch.. but when someone says WRESTLING is my sport... makes me wonder as i know many college kids who are incredible when it comes to "wrestling" and would dominate alot of those who are juiced out for show in the WWE that also weigh 2x as much..Originally Posted by wishmasterATM
you cant say its a sport hinceforth why they changed the name from wwf to wwe
im not against it but i would never consider it a Sport.. u can gamble on sports..
yep, but still would like to see one of those Rich boys get thier hair chopped offOriginally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
Vince did........
Id rather listen to Fran Drescher for 8 hours than watch that crap.
either way im gunna have an annuerismOriginally Posted by rar1015
Actually they changed the name because the world wildlife fund sued them saying they had the name WWF first.Originally Posted by taiboxa
They played it at work, but I didn't get to watch most of it.
I haven't followed wrestling since wcw was bought out.
its not as bad as most of you people think, especially now, they have like 20 divas....super hottt
yeah the chicks are hot and most of the doods are super hugeOriginally Posted by wishmasterATM
make me jealous .. i wish i had tons of money.. i would be SO HUGE!
i just not a fan of anything that is scripted unless they have ike ninja swords and shit.. nwo that would be cool!
It was great Batista vs Undertaker stole the show.
so glad taker beat the gay animal/wanna be lesnar
I liked when Ken Shamrock was in and they called him the words baddest toughest man or something like that--if he wanted to he could have schooled almost any of them--same with Goldberg who trained sambo for awhile.
what show were you watching? maybe the outcome was good, but the match did nothing for me.Originally Posted by sonar1234
cena/michaels wasnt actually bad, i liked the false finishes.
all the ladies in it actually make the show worse, much cheaper and tackier, as they all have no substance, and only about 3 can actually wrestle. i dont watch WWE much anymore, its alittle embarrasing, as were several of the backstage 'skits' at 'Mania 23. But i will never be embarrased to be a wrestler, or a wrestling fan.
You guys are harping on about it being staged, scripted, predetermined (lol apart from Big Voh, who doesnt have a clue, it seems) but so are all the programs you watch on TV (yes, all of them, including the reality TV bullshit) and all your favourite movies? they are 'fake' too.
whenevr i see a pro wrestling thread on here, i know im about to stumble upon so much negativity, and the haters rehashing the same criticism. WE KNOW its scripted, WE KNOW they arent actually fighting. Just let us like it and dont come in the wrestling threads.
"For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who dont believe, no explanation is good enough."
Ahem!! i said... scripted is cool if they have ninja swords and stuff!Originally Posted by Timm1704
Its just if im gunna watch something fake.. i wanna see AWSOME special effects like teleporting ninja kicks and hadookens! not someone hit w/ a chair at half speed![]()
thats why we have hollywood...
and cartoons
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