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I usually never comment in a thread like this for there is very little one can do on the internet to help but…
YOU ARE A BLAZING IDIOT! You think u have it bad because ur back hurts and u cant lift!? WTF that is PATHETIC… and here, let me tell you why.
AT my gym, EVERY DAY from 11am to 1pm there is a kid he comes in .. EVERY ****ING DAY! And guess what, he is in a wheel chair… he has Muscular dystrophy and will be lucky to make it to 40 plus he can barely control his fvcking stick on his electric wheel chair to move around... due to the fact he shakes SO BAD! Yet he is there EVERY DAY for 2 to even 3hrs.
He moves his wheel chair up to a machine he wishes to use... even though he struggles he still manages to get out of his wheel chair, into the machine he has chosen and performs his chosen exercise… and he does it WELL. His head will be shaking, his feet will be kicking but what ever muscle he is working... He WORKS IT W/ CONTROL!
I have spoken w/ this kid (young man) on many occasions.. GREAT GUY, very intelligent, especially when it comes to physiology and the like and is apparently more of a man than you. Here let me give you an example. One day when he was leaving the gym after his 2+hr training session he was trying to open the door by him self (and he was having a bich of a time). I offered to help him and guess what he said to me... "No thank you I can manage." and after another 3 or 4 minutes he was able to get the door open and be on his marry way... to wait out side for the city transportation to come pick him up.
So just when you think u have it bad enough to end ur own life and hurt all those who care about you more than you could ever possibly imagine... I want you to think about this person I have spoken of and at least strive to be half the person he is, for even though he is already sentenced to die at a young age… giving up is the LAST THING on his mind. So u know what I could personally care less about you offing ur self, its those you hurt around you I feel sorry for, but hey if you can think real hard and can not come up w/ a single name of a person who gives more than a flying fvck about you… go ahead… play in traffic and clean out our gene pool.