For anyone who knows, do you think its possible to just mess around, watch some instructional video here and there, and with time and practice and monkey'ing around, get half way descent?
For anyone who knows, do you think its possible to just mess around, watch some instructional video here and there, and with time and practice and monkey'ing around, get half way descent?
why not just get lessons, its well worth it.
you can easily learn to play by yourself
i know a ton of people who have taught themself. it's not too difficult, i play, but i had lessons... not really necessary imo. what kind of guitar are you looking at getting?
I taught myself as well. It's very possible.
I would suggest getting an acoustic.
being in college, i dont have the time for lessons. I could maybe over summer, but work is probably going to be more important.
thats awesome to hear that alot of you guys have tought yourselves.
I love the 80's stuff, I know their was a suggestion to get acoustic, but man, i love the sound of the electric though.
i taught myself as isn't that hard
i took lessons for bout 6 months in 6th grade learned absolutely nothing! for lessons to keep you intrested you have to have a really good instructor to keep you interested cuz it gets boring as hell....basically the only thing lessons taught me was to keep time which can easily come with practice.....the only thing i wish i could read music and knew music theory but i could easily learn that if i just studied it ....i jsut havent put any time towards it. but honestly what taught me to play the most was guitar tabs....people say its cheating but if you're quick you pick up a lot from a few songs and start to put together things and realize what progresses a cheap acoustic/electric and start practicing...dont throw alot of money out there just incase you dont stick with it...
The first couple months is the hardest. If you make sure to put in like 2 hours a day, by the end of the second month you'll be competent.
i agree with taht it gets frustrating and takes a while to get your fingers to move the way you want them too....honestly i made progress by buyin a chord book (now you can just search for all the chords in a tablature website if u wish) and i would sit down and practice the basic chords until my fingers where used to moving in that way and changing from chord to chord
Get tabs... GuitarPro is a great program for learning.
That's exactly what you need to do.Originally Posted by Haro3
also depends on what your hands like. if you have short stubby fingers, i wouldnt expect to become amazing.
ideally learning on an acoustic at the start is better. ive been playing for 13 years and i know people who started on electrics and they seem to which they learnt on acoustics.
see i dont think theres any difference at all. i took lessons on an electric and played it most of the time but im a significantly better acoustic Posted by donniebrasco
It's ok bro just go get the guitar mess around videos practice sounds like fun
go for it
Originally Posted by Haro3
after a while it doesnt make any difference i suppose. but i think if you learn on an acoustic you will build up the strength and stamina in your hands alot faster. of course also depends on the guitars. with acoustics necks generally being bigger, once you manage every chord shape etc you could more than likely do it on an electric
FCk all that dude just play guitar hero, exact same thing,
Originally Posted by MFT81
I am selling alot of musical equipment right now, PM me for details.
***No source checks!!!***
im kind of excited...I think im gonna do it.....I will have to think about that murlon
Ya, I played guitar for about 5 years in highschool, I played in two bands in high school, U can teach yourself with easy, even complicated stuff you can learn on your own, If you have an ear for music you wont have any problem at all, I find electric much easier to play, the equipment is gonna be more expensive but its much more worth it, especially if you want to crank it up and rip off some power cords.
dude, i ****ing cant wait.......Some people might remember, i made a thread last winter, about getting a sound system in my truck. I got the amp, but its been 4 months and the godd damn subs stilll havnt come yet, so i am canceling that shit and abandoning ship on that idea and will be getting an electric guitar instead.
the whole sound system i just dont think is a good investment for me. even a cheap system is still expensive as hell for a college guy, for all that money i would be spending, it just wouldnt be worth it.
I have always wanted to play guitar
ok, now its time to pick out an electric guitar. is a place i just looked at
guitar center had a good sale goin lst week .. i got an ibanez ax-120 for like 250$ bout 7 yrs ago and its still kickin good..Ibanez makes good sounding cheap axes..i prefer to play it over my les paul custom most of the time..
Originally Posted by IronReload04
What were you thinkin' about running with this? Amp? Subs? Head Unit?
This area is my specialty. I only have two 12's....but I garuntee you it's the loudest two 12's MOST people have heard for a daily NON COMPETITIVE system. I have a Powerbass XA3000D amp pushing two Kicker Solo Baric L7 12's (2006 all black ones) in a 5.2 cube box with a HUGE L port. They're running at 1 ohm right now getting about 1200 watts a piece consistently. Last Bass Competition I hit a 145.9 on the SPL meter at the dash of a Lil' Jon song with no bass CD with the windows up (my DB's were 151.4) but in DB drag rules they measure SPL and I didn't have ANY dynomat or hushmat to control all the air from leaking out to get my SPL and DB's to match. I'm going to make a new box with a slot port and up it to about 6.5-7.0 cubes and tune it out to a lower Hz. I do the local competitions for fun around here but I don't do anything serious, it's just my daily system in my Jeep....
how much you looking to spend on the guitar.
are you going for an electric or acoustic.
One word... Ibanez.
So did I. It's easy, you just have to practise a lot to become really fast and exact ;-)Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
Ibanez, or Fender. Stratocaster is just perfect for beginers! It's so easy to play
Air guitar is the easiest!!!
electric for sure.
I was thinking maybe the ibinez value package
anyone have any experience with this guy?
I would go with an ESP over an Ibanez, but for a beginner's electric guitar ... anything will do.
Guitarcenter is known to have some pretty good deals. Try and go to a store and check out the guitars in person.
man, the price says it all, you wont buy a good guitar for 300, and here you got the whole set of crapOriginally Posted by IronReload04
i bought an american made strat and wish i hadnt...spent alot money on that guitar and just dont care for it....i'd go to guitarcenter and find the amp your going to buy then try different guitars on the amp or have a friend that plays go with you so you can hear the sound.....cuz yea even a cheap pos sounds good when you run it througha fvckin marshall double stack....jus a thoughtOriginally Posted by Sokolhasan
The IJX is actually a pretty playable guitar, and the amp, while not the best, works for what you're going to use it for. Don't drop a shit load of money on something you're not sure if you'll end up sticking with.
Originally Posted by IronReload04
does that mean that you will be selling your flute than?Originally Posted by IronReload04
I will sell u my air guitar. For real i would get a older jackson
i got a lightly used schecter MH-1 and crate amp. i sound like a horror movie right now, but i look forward to catching on
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