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This thread is for your amusement and is all completely real. I thought you guys might appreciate this because of the very strict reasonable recommendations of this board, and someone who follows none of these. My only regret is that I cannot remember all the things he's done - I'm actually leaving things out.
Also the question for the questions and anwsers forum is: how f---ked is he?
He's 6'2 270 pounds, line backer type
My roommate started roiding at 19 years old, taking a d bol only cycle, he binge drank every night of the week (like a whole handle) and ended up having a seizure.
This turns him off for some time but this year we got a good connection for sustanon. He's 20 years old now almost 21. He still binges drinks and gets roid rage.. bad. Since starting he has:
1. rammed down the FRONT door of our apartment.. twice, once lying that he did it and falsifying a police report.
2. punched his hand through the back window of an x5 bmw breaking most of his fingers
3. broken up with 3 girlfriends, one of whom he jacked against the wall and punched a hole in the wall right next to her head (he had gone out with her for 3 years too)
4. fallin off our 15 foot balcony while drunk face first into cement and had to be rushed to the emergency room, he got a concussion and the worst body long bruise ive ever seen. The doctors said 95 percent of people would have died in this situation and the other 5 percent would be in a coma. Notice how there's no percent that survive. Also - I was taking pictures of something else at the time but have the entire thing on camera.
5. been in more fights than i can count (he always wins though)
He refuses to take anti estrogen, and ended up with the worst case of bacne I've ever seen.
He also takes the shots infrequently, like he'll do them for 3 weeks then take a month break, and then do shots for two weeks, then off for a couple of weeks. Because of this he is extremely unstable.
As someone who responsibly uses AAS, and is surrounded by people who don't know what they are talking about, every day I'm more astounded. I just had to share this with someone.