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Thread: People in the health field or know about it - Undergrad Advise?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa

    People in the health field or know about it - Undergrad Advise?

    Hey guys just a few questions I've had on my mind and maybe you guys can offer some insight.

    Next year I will be entering my junior year with my major decided as Allied Health which is a gateway into many fields into the allied health profession which leads me into grad school. I liked the thought of physical therapy but with some research I am finding that it didnt pay as well as I thought, 60k-80k. To me that is nice, but not in the 6 digit range I anticipated since when its all said and done my schooling will be ALOT more than that and it will take an eternity to pay back.

    Ive been looking into Physicians Assistant as well since it also requires grad school but 1 less year with comparable if not more of a salary. Yes I know dont work for the money, but for what you love. I think anything that has to do with health I will enjoy, but the real goal is to start my own establishment which is going to require a bit of money.

    So my question is, with the path that im on now Allied Health, what can I consider going into grad school for that will pay off better or is at the top of what Im looking for, Thanks.

  2. #2
    Grad school to be a physician's assistant? That makes little sense to me.

    If your grades are 3.7+, you have research, good LOR's and a high GRE's or whatever standardized tests they look for, going to med school would make more sense... although I dont' know if you have the required prereqs like basic physics, orgo, etc. with A's across the board...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    For PA, its now required to have 2 years of Grad School.

    Unfortunately I dont have the 3.7, more like a 3.2-3.4 as of now. Physics and Chems, and Bios nothing 300+ is required for admission to Graduate School for Physical Therapy, although I'm sure once you get into it those classes will take place.

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