As we all know, all the rhetoric out there about roids is bs....the only thing I have A problem with are my emotions. I mean, on the outside I seem normal because I just remember to act that way. But man, there are some days when my emotions shoot straight up, then straight down, over the littlest things. No, its not "roid rage", I dont ever do anything physically. Sometimes I just have to fight real hard to keep my emotional equilibrium....this girl Ive been seeing decided we should not go out anymore and it messed me up like in high school or something. I NEVER get worked up over chicks, did this time - I acted like she was the first girl I slept with. Embarrassing. Anyways, any thoughts on this? I dont see this talked about very much on this board and was just wondering. BTW, 4th week of test and deca at 450mg week. right now 6'5" 245. And just reminded myself - why the **** would I want a girlfriend in the middle of a cycle neways ?