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Thread: A traumatic event - smoking

  1. #1
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    Angry A traumatic event - smoking

    A traumatic event gave me the stupid excuse to begin smoking a year ago (at 32). I had quit 12 years before - no problem at all. This time, it's impossible.

    Tried the gum.
    Tried the mints.
    Tried the antidepressent sillyness.
    Tried the patch.

    Hate the habit with a ****ing passion.

    Anyone have any bright ideas?


    Peace and elbow grease.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    try perscription medication its working for my moms neigbor he used to smoke 2 packs a day he doesnt have any cravings and isnt even putting on weight, im not sure the name of the drug but ill find out and ill post it here for you

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    or just go cold turkey

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    or just go cold turkey
    Tried both. I must be weaker now. My life is certainly more stressful.

    Also, I read an article recently that says smoking, in the past five years, has become harder to quit. The theory is that R.J. Miller is messing with the nicotine amounts.

    Not that that helps me.

    But, I have a wife and kids, and get rather grumpy without a fix.

    Did I mention that I hate this ****ing habit?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    try perscription medication its working for my moms neigbor he used to smoke 2 packs a day he doesnt have any cravings and isnt even putting on weight, im not sure the name of the drug but ill find out and ill post it here for you
    It's wellbutrin. Kind of makes you stupid. Can't afford that - and it didn't work.

  6. #6
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    no its not wellbutrin its something new i cant remember the name but it def wasnt wellbutrin

  7. #7
    Hypnotism worked for a friend of mine.

    jing jai

  8. #8
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    i tried quitting last year, managed for a few weeks but the longer it got the harder it became. i realised it was because i was in the situation where i would light up. such as waiting for someone or being in a bar.

    this year i tried and stopped putting myself in those situations, i didnt go to the pub etc for a few weeks. i also carried with me a few lollipops, so as soon as i thought about it i would suck on one, which kept my hands busy.

    you could also try one of the nicorette inhalers, i used it the first time round and they are really good.

    i havent really smoked since new years, but i am able to have the occassional cigarrette and to be honest they taste like shit. plus you will realise how bad they smell when you sit next to some one who smokes.

  9. #9
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    i smoked for a couple of years, and quit on july 17 last year (not that i'm counting the days/months ). I happen to love smoking... there's nothing better for me than sitting down with a cup of coffee and a smoke... don't ask me why - probably the fix, or habit. That being said, I rationalized the fact that I could keep smoking and compromise my health, social life, etc. or I could make the decision to quit. For me, the lesser of evils was to quit and I did it cold turkey. It was really hard for the first couple of weeks, and I just had to keep myself busy and preoccupied. It's coming up on 9 months, and not a puff although I still get the urges for it once in a while. I just try to think about if it's worth it or not (for me, it's not).

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    ps, best of luck!

  11. #11
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    skoal fine cut wintergreen smokin and gets u the fix..of course it doesnt come witout its own downfalls ..Doesnt affect lung capacity and i love spitting all over the place lol..

  12. #12
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    alot of it is in your head, you really have to want to quit

  13. #13
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbat
    skoal fine cut wintergreen smokin and gets u the fix..of course it doesnt come witout its own downfalls ..Doesnt affect lung capacity and i love spitting all over the place lol..
    i used to be a huge fan of it, dipped form age 17 to age 28. never had a mouth problem or a cavity and teeth are still white. also i very tough habit to kick,

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    In The Dark
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    i used to be a huge fan of it, dipped form age 17 to age 28. never had a mouth problem or a cavity and teeth are still white. also i very tough habit to kick,

    A VERY tough habit to kick ...I also have perfect teeth been doing it since seventh grade...Brush your damn teeth and hit the liquid fire listerine twice to 3 times daily u should be fine ... It beats the death feeling in ur chest in the morning after u smoke only two or three at ur best freinds batchelor party ...

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