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Thread: Gave my first injection today!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Smile Gave my first injection today!!!

    Not to myself lol, my brother. I didnt want this in the steroid forum because I require no real advice, just making a worthless thread lol.

    But seriously. For all the newbies, I joined this site 1 1/2 years ago with the pure intentions of just scoring a cycle and jumping into something that I now realize I had no idea wtf I was doing.

    I hung around till now, and I'll be starting next week (once my bro feels confident enough to inject me cuz Im basically teaching him the first 2 times)
    And Im EXCITED as fvck. I've basically been preparing for 18 months for this one first cycle. Just a solo test e run.

    But I have to admit, that first shot is NERVE WRACKING. I kept seeing my brother falling on the floor and having a seizure in my head but I literally read about 100 pages worth on injecting alone so I just followed the diretions and it went perfect. I even went to the exent of putting the white latex gloves on after I washed my hands lol. He said he felt no pain and was fine afterwards.

    Now I just need to make sure he knows what hes doing before I start next week, we're doing the glutes btw. And no I dont want to self inject my glutes, Im not sure how many people have self mastered this art but it does NOT seem easy.

    And this may sound dumb but now I finally feel like an *official* member here lol. Just wanted to get a thanks out to the boards for providing such a thorough source on info on steroids. Thanks!!


  2. #2
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    lol um congrats bro.
    how old are you and your brother? are you runnin the same stuff?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    lol um congrats bro.
    how old are you and your brother? are you runnin the same stuff?
    Yep Im 24 and my brothers 29, both running test e.

  4. #4
    haha wait until 2 days after the first injection... i dont need to explain you'll find out what im talking about LOLLOLOLOL

    welcome my friend, welcome

  5. #5
    Hit him in his quad next! He'll love it.

    Oh and change it for some prop with 5% ba

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Hit him in his quad next! He'll love it.

    Oh and change it for some prop with 5% ba
    Sorry, I dont live in a land where steroids grown on trees lol. ONe day my son.. one day..

  7. #7
    ah yes I forgot about that. Its a good land to live in lol

    Oh and I was being sarcastic btw. Should you grab some prop I would NOT advise that. Walking may be difficult for a few days

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pro_built7
    haha wait until 2 days after the first injection... i dont need to explain you'll find out what im talking about LOLLOLOLOL

    welcome my friend, welcome

    Can someone please convert this to newbie language for me lol? WHy do I feell like I just sent my brother to hell on earth? lol.. guess HE'LL find out lmao

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Hit him in his quad next! He'll love it.

    Oh and change it for some prop with 5% ba
    what does "5% ba" mean?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    in the woods.......
    ahhh the virgin muscles.......havent had that feelin in a 1 an a half yrs

  11. #11
    5% Big Apples

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Eventually you are going to have to shoot yourself in the glutes, you might as well learn now. There isn't going to be someone around to shoot you all the time. It's really nothing.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    u can do ittttt

  14. #14
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    /\ (style) true, and to be honest, i think i trust myself more than my own brother doing it. Its just a fvcked up angle it seems, but I'll try and see how it goes.

  15. #15
    hitting glutes is HARD

    needle moves everywhere cuz its a long way to stretch

  16. #16
    just shoot yourself bro, its not hard at all i did it myself my first time..... a long time ago

    **virgin muscles SUCK**

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    /\ (style) true, and to be honest, i think i trust myself more than my own brother doing it. Its just a fvcked up angle it seems, but I'll try and see how it goes.
    Shoot yourself in the quads, biceps or pecs in that case. Those are by far the 3 easiest to reach sites.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    nice, how much test you running?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    good post

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    nice, how much test you running?
    500mg Test E. I just realized I accidentally shot my bro with twice the dosage though, I injected a whole cc w/out realizing its suppose to be half a cc 250mg twice a week.
    I was so nervous and completely forgot lol.

    I was trying in everyway not to fvck up my first shot but I realized today when it just randomly popped into my head.. and I see no point in telling my bro. Just asked him how his ass feels and he said "a little numb, but besides that fine".

    I have like an extra cc or 2 anyway so he'll still get a full 10 weeks if not more.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Shoot yourself in the quads, biceps or pecs in that case. Those are by far the 3 easiest to reach sites.
    The "easiest to reach" but are they the *safest. I'm just worried about going too deep or hitting a nerve in one of those spots.

  22. #22
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    500mg Test E. I just realized I accidentally shot my bro with twice the dosage though, I injected a whole cc w/out realizing its suppose to be half a cc 250mg twice a week.
    I was so nervous and completely forgot lol.

    I was trying in everyway not to fvck up my first shot but I realized today when it just randomly popped into my head.. and I see no point in telling my bro. Just asked him how his ass feels and he said "a little numb, but besides that fine".

    I have like an extra cc or 2 anyway so he'll still get a full 10 weeks if not more.
    I think you are confused bojan, 1cc should equal 250mg. I don't know of any test e that's 500mg each 1ml. If you shot him with 1cc of test e then you got it right. Your starting to confuse me now man. If it's test e it should be 250mg per 1cc, you got it right.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    The "easiest to reach" but are they the *safest. I'm just worried about going too deep or hitting a nerve in one of those spots.
    no they are not if you are new to it. Glutes are just as easy...just practice with out a tip.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    New York
    so ur 24 and it's accualy your first cycle? Damn! You're patient

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    I think you are confused bojan, 1cc should equal 250mg. I don't know of any test e that's 500mg each 1ml. If you shot him with 1cc of test e then you got it right. Your starting to confuse me now man. If it's test e it should be 250mg per 1cc, you got it right.
    OMG your making me feel like a fool bro.
    Look 10 ml is the average cycle right? (for test e) 500mg/ml and you take injections of 250mg twice a week right?

    That = half a cc injection twice a week right? The cycle will NOT possibly last 10 weeks if its 10 ml and you inject 1 ml twice a week.

    How the fvck after all this reading can I still be confused about the most basic principals? Going to read the educational threads. I obviously am lacking some serious education lol.. prob because I spend 80% of my time reading about proper injecting techniques rather than actual dosages etc.. this is NOT cool.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sokolhasan
    so ur 24 and it's accualy your first cycle? Damn! You're patient
    starting to look like I wasnt patient enough >< !!

  27. #27
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    yeh wtf im reading average dosage is 500mg a week and you need to inject every 3.5 days which = 250 mg shots twice a week.

    some PLEASE tell me if I am wrong..

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxex
    no they are not if you are new to it. Glutes are just as easy...just practice with out a tip.
    They are not the safest. Please explain this to me.

  29. #29
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    Bojangles I assure you chest, biceps, triceps quads WHATEVER are no more or less risky than glutes. I ASSURE you of this. People parrot a lot about nerves and this and that, and I have no idea where these flawed ideas originated but like i said...they are flawed.
    Same as the big discussion we had in the slin forum about aspirating when injecting sub-q and why people believe its only necessary for IM shots...which again I believe to be a flawed view.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    yeh wtf im reading average dosage is 500mg a week and you need to inject every 3.5 days which = 250 mg shots twice a week.

    some PLEASE tell me if I am wrong..
    You are quote right on this. So now it just depends on what ester you use or if you use TNE which I highly doubt you will as to the shooting frequency and dosing. As the different esters tend to come dosed differently but that is also based on who makes the stuff as you can dose it (within reason) however you like. So someone could make it 100mg/CC or 300mg/cc really.

    If you put up all the info and what not I can help you out or feel free to PM me.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Bojangles I assure you chest, biceps, triceps quads WHATEVER are no more or less risky than glutes. I ASSURE you of this. People parrot a lot about nerves and this and that, and I have no idea where these flawed ideas originated but like i said...they are flawed.
    Same as the big discussion we had in the slin forum about aspirating when injecting sub-q and why people believe its only necessary for IM shots...which again I believe to be a flawed view.
    Ok if you skim down to the "1. Injecting procedure:" part you'll read

    "You can find the iliac crest by feeling the uppermost bony area above each gluteal muscle. The upper outer quadrant is chosen because the muscle in this area is quite thick and has few nerves. The probability of injecting the drug into a blood vessel is remote in this area. Injecting here reduces the chance of injury to the sciatic nerve which runs through the lower and middle area of the buttock. It controls the posterior of each thigh and the entire leg from the knee down. If an injection is too close to this nerve or actually hits it, extreme pain and temporary paralysis can be felt in these areas. This is especially undesirable and warrants staying as far away from this area as possible."

    So is that "parroting" too because its things like that that have convinced me to inject in the glutes.
    Maybe this should have been moved to the steroids forum lol but I think it may get more feedback in here im not sure. Whereever mods think it will get most feedback please leave/put it there because I didnt expect this to turn into a debate but am really curious now. Thanks everyone!

    respect ~ Bo

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    You are quote right on this. So now it just depends on what ester you use or if you use TNE which I highly doubt you will as to the shooting frequency and dosing. As the different esters tend to come dosed differently but that is also based on who makes the stuff as you can dose it (within reason) however you like. So someone could make it 100mg/CC or 300mg/cc really.

    If you put up all the info and what not I can help you out or feel free to PM me.
    Yeh thats the things is the person who made this batch said it was 500mg/cc.
    He gave me 2 10ml vials and said it was enough for 2 cycles.
    But since Im only 99% sure of that i just sent him a message to verify because I bought it from him around last september and dont recall exactly (which is bad i know)
    Its the enthanate ester, I'm awaiting a response from him because I've read so much different information on dosing since sept my brains literally been completely scrambled.
    There appears to be average doses of certain compounds, but it seems just as many people deviate from those averages, of like 500 a week and than I read of people shooting between 250-2000mg a week so it gets confusing a bit.

  33. #33
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Ok if you skim down to the "1. Injecting procedure:" part you'll read

    "You can find the iliac crest by feeling the uppermost bony area above each gluteal muscle. The upper outer quadrant is chosen because the muscle in this area is quite thick and has few nerves. The probability of injecting the drug into a blood vessel is remote in this area. Injecting here reduces the chance of injury to the sciatic nerve which runs through the lower and middle area of the buttock. It controls the posterior of each thigh and the entire leg from the knee down. If an injection is too close to this nerve or actually hits it, extreme pain and temporary paralysis can be felt in these areas. This is especially undesirable and warrants staying as far away from this area as possible."

    So is that "parroting" too because its things like that that have convinced me to inject in the glutes.
    Maybe this should have been moved to the steroids forum lol but I think it may get more feedback in here im not sure. Whereever mods think it will get most feedback please leave/put it there because I didnt expect this to turn into a debate but am really curious now. Thanks everyone!

    respect ~ Bo
    No that is not parroting. But that area that is bolded refers to the different injection sites on the glutela region ALONE. It is saying the upper outer quadrant is safer than the more medial aspects of the muscle, NOT in comparison to other muscles in the body. There are better areas to hit in each muscle group and that quote merely tells you the safest area for ONE injection site alone, not the safest on the body. I think your interpreted it the wrong way. You want to avoid nerves and major blood vessels yes, so the sciatic nerve runs down the medial portion of the glute and then down to intervate the hamstrings.
    People just do not know the layout of the nerves of the body and the innervation numbers to each muscle really. Its confusing I admit but thats why I am constantly trying to debunk these damn myths or parroted statements.
    I would NOT steer a member of this forum in the wrong direction when it comes to their health and proper injecting techniques to stay safe. Believe me.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    No that is not parroting. But that area that is bolded refers to the different injection sites on the glutela region ALONE. It is saying the upper outer quadrant is safer than the more medial aspects of the muscle, NOT in comparison to other muscles in the body. There are better areas to hit in each muscle group and that quote merely tells you the safest area for ONE injection site alone, not the safest on the body. I think your interpreted it the wrong way. You want to avoid nerves and major blood vessels yes, so the sciatic nerve runs down the medial portion of the glute and then down to intervate the hamstrings.
    People just do not know the layout of the nerves of the body and the innervation numbers to each muscle really. Its confusing I admit but thats why I am constantly trying to debunk these damn myths or parroted statements.
    I would NOT steer a member of this forum in the wrong direction when it comes to their health and proper injecting techniques to stay safe. Believe me.
    Awesome, I dont doubt your knowledge/resources for a minute as you obviously know your shit. Im gonna go read some more about injecting the quads and all the "safe spots" and what not. Seems like the next best choice imo.

  35. #35
    Yo Bo, ppl can dose Test E or any other compound at whatever they want...within reason. I say "within reason" because short esters tend to not hold at high concentrations i.e. Test prop at 250mg/ml. You'll never see test prop at that concentration because it simply will not hold at that dosage with grape/cottonseed oil ba/bb alone. Some try to use a thicker type of oil to hold it and jack up the BB ratio but you don't see it often, as it would most likely hurt quite a bit

    Now, if your test is in fact 500mg/ml, then he probably did use this thicker oil to get it to hold. That will mean you should shoot .5ml/cc twice a week to equal 1ml or 500mg a week.

    Saying "Test enanthate is 250mg/ml" just isn't a correct statement. You couldn't pick up any bottle of test e and say you know it is 250mg/ml. Sure, that is the most COMMON way to dose it at, but by no means is this a rule.

    Just make sure you read the label

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Yo Bo, ppl can dose Test E or any other compound at whatever they want...within reason. I say "within reason" because short esters tend to not hold at high concentrations i.e. Test prop at 250mg/ml. You'll never see test prop at that concentration because it simply will not hold at that dosage with grape/cottonseed oil ba/bb alone. Some try to use a thicker type of oil to hold it and jack up the BB ratio but you don't see it often, as it would most likely hurt quite a bit

    Now, if your test is in fact 500mg/ml, then he probably did use this thicker oil to get it to hold. That will mean you should shoot .5ml/cc twice a week to equal 1ml or 500mg a week.

    Saying "Test enanthate is 250mg/ml" just isn't a correct statement. You couldn't pick up any bottle of test e and say you know it is 250mg/ml. Sure, that is the most COMMON way to dose it at, but by no means is this a rule.

    Just make sure you read the label

    Awsome, the only thing now is I've only seen one oil before (my current stock of test) and the oil actually appears pretty thin, or at least thinner than something like olive oil per say.

    So yeh it all depends on what he confirms the dosage as, i could have swarn he said 500/cc but like I said before that was in sept and ive been reading a lot about the 250/cc being the standard. So hopefully he'll log in soon as he hasnt been active in a couple days.

  37. #37
    Bottle aint labeled? Thats why we label things

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    OMG your making me feel like a fool bro.
    Look 10 ml is the average cycle right? (for test e) 500mg/ml and you take injections of 250mg twice a week right?

    That = half a cc injection twice a week right? The cycle will NOT possibly last 10 weeks if its 10 ml and you inject 1 ml twice a week.

    How the fvck after all this reading can I still be confused about the most basic principals? Going to read the educational threads. I obviously am lacking some serious education lol.. prob because I spend 80% of my time reading about proper injecting techniques rather than actual dosages etc.. this is NOT cool.
    If the test E is 500mg per ml then ok you got it right. I have never seen test E at 500mg per ml. Does that mean it doesn't exist? No but I have never seen it.

  39. #39
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Yo Bo, ppl can dose Test E or any other compound at whatever they want...within reason. I say "within reason" because short esters tend to not hold at high concentrations i.e. Test prop at 250mg/ml. You'll never see test prop at that concentration because it simply will not hold at that dosage with grape/cottonseed oil ba/bb alone. Some try to use a thicker type of oil to hold it and jack up the BB ratio but you don't see it often, as it would most likely hurt quite a bit

    Now, if your test is in fact 500mg/ml, then he probably did use this thicker oil to get it to hold. That will mean you should shoot .5ml/cc twice a week to equal 1ml or 500mg a week.

    Saying "Test enanthate is 250mg/ml" just isn't a correct statement.
    You couldn't pick up any bottle of test e and say you know it is 250mg/ml. Sure, that is the most COMMON way to dose it at, but by no means is this a rule.

    Just make sure you read the label
    You must be reffering to me with this^^ I said if it's test E it "SHOULD" be 250mg per ml not "IS". Have you ever seen test E dosed at 500mg per ml?

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Hey Bo same as c-bino you got any questions or anythin you aint sure of pm me................
    oh yean no-one has mentioned the shoulders are very easy to self administer and are painless.......................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

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