is this a marketing ploy it has to be,![]()
is this a marketing ploy it has to be,![]()
i have no idea but f they actually fight i hope dana white beats the shit out of tito
p.s. tito ortiz has a huge head and tiny nipples
UFC is turning into WWE
agreed musclescience..
yup its gonna happen pretty soon, lol, I think that the ufc, in a matter of time, is going to end up like boxing, judges getting paid off and bad calls being made and so on, I can see it leaning towards that already.Originally Posted by MuscleScience
Titos a goof, I have never liked him.
yep i've been sayin this for a while now...with diego sanchez havin every mexican instrument player in the world for his introduction...its startin to be all bs show...his fight was horrible too..Originally Posted by MuscleScience
its just a boxing match right?
yeah...i think dana was an amatuer boxer too...and tito isnt that good with his i guess we will have to see...Originally Posted by aadrenaline
correct, boxing only.Originally Posted by aadrenaline
With their acquisition of Pride, they will be the end-all, be-all of the MMA world. There will be no more whining about which one is better, UFC or Pride, as they are now one in the same.Originally Posted by MuscleScience
yeah and u know how much that sucks...they put all there rules into pride and now its the same as ufc...Originally Posted by Logan13
Ya thats lame, thats why Pride was so much better, not so strict, alot more dangerous and entertaining to watch.Originally Posted by lucabratzi
Originally Posted by Testsubject
i was under the impression that they would exist as separate entities and retain their own identities.... i thought it would just allow a super pay-per view like once or twice a year between the 2.
i dont know if all the fights will be in the US but if they are then the rules will stand as the same as ufc...if u watched the last pride event u saw a big difference and i personally hated it...Originally Posted by biglouie250
Pride, as it was, can not be sanctioned in the US. That's why the UFC changed from bare knuckle fights to what we have today.Originally Posted by Testsubject
yes exactly, I dont like it though to tell you the truth, once the UFC turned into a sanctioned event it went down hill IMO, I used to love it when if first came out, i remember watching it on the late night one saturday night with my dad when I was younger, it was just brutal, way more entertaining then now a days. Its all about the money really but what I think they should do is bring the UFC to Japan and everyone fights under PrideFC rules, that would be awesome, then you'd really get to see whos tough. Everything seems to go downhill once it hits the mainstream.Originally Posted by Logan13
the last pride fight had the same old rules and was actually still under dse control..... i actually thought it was a good event adn seen no big diff. the butterball/zulu fight was suprisingly good also.Originally Posted by lucabratzi
there was no kneeing on the ground or stomping on the ground...i was exagerating when i said it sucked...i was just mad they took out some rules..i think they had to cause it was in the US..Originally Posted by godkilla
diego sanchez fight was garbage.
holy shit yeah one of the worst fights ever...the other fights were good though...the lightweights went at it like crazy..and the serra fight i went absolutly from long island and i watched the fight in fla....everyone was on gsp's nuts, i still rooted for serra then he whooped him...i was so pumpedOriginally Posted by collar
im from li too im glad and LI boy is now the champ, live in the town next to where hes from, and the sanchez fight did blow it was built up so much that they hated eachother and neither of them did anything
i dont know hwat show you where watching, biut there was kneeing and stomping in the last show.Originally Posted by lucabratzi
the one with wanderlei...Originally Posted by godkilla
hit the nail right on the head there.Originally Posted by Testsubject
poor nail...
you said the last pride event and i asumed pride 34 cause i just watched it, but you was talking about the last pride that took place in america. my mistake and you are right. the pride events held in usa have no kicking or kneeing a downed opponent in the head.Originally Posted by lucabratzi
I would love to see Tito fight against Mirko Cro Cop or Fedor.. this would be funny.
Yeah but if you remember John McCain trying to ban it saying it was to brutal. If they were going to survive they needed to make changes. Overall the talent is much much better. Even more so than 5 years ago. I actually liked having pride on one side and UFC on the other. It gave both organizations a reason to compete and improve.Originally Posted by Testsubject
Yes of course, thats right, I just think that it has gotten to, Im not sure how to word it, but its gotten to the point where you know whats gonna happen, its too laid out, too many rules, and IMO it makes its alot less entertaining, back then it was a street fight in a cage and now its reality TV shows and the UFC president fighting some big mouth dummy whos not anywheres near an elite fighter just to make some $$, its getting stupid IMO, and I hope now with the purchase of PRIDEFC the UFC doesnt start ruining that as well, but like I said its all about the $$ man thats how it is now-a-days.Originally Posted by MuscleScience
I also think that the UFC is slowing going to start taking over pridefc and stealing all their top fighters leaving pridefc to be a boring event, and Im not trying to make a racist comment hear but eventually I think its goig to be all asian chinese or koreans fighting in that league, and all of the other fighters will be fighting under the UFC, where they honestly, IMO, cant show off their true talent and how truly though they are, I can see it getting totally washed up. just MY .02 though.Originally Posted by MuscleScience
i really dont think someone would buy a big buisness like that and then strip it down and let it die. saki admitted himself that pride could no longer pay there fighters what the ufc could. so if all they wanted was prides fighters, they alrdy had them in a sense.
word...i guess i missed that one...Originally Posted by godkilla
i would love to see that...mirko chop tito's legs apart with his gigantic ass legs..Originally Posted by UberSteroids
Hes the only one Tito can beat besides old guys ready for retirement
what other fights are on that night... and dont forget about these fights there goin to be insane...
LOL, this is true.Originally Posted by roidattack
I hope dana white beats him, that would be funny
Originally Posted by Testsubject
I would laugh my ass off
hahaha, liddell beats him twice then he gets beat up by his boss too, lol, thatll be great. I bet the outcome has already been decided though, even though the fight hasnt happened yet.Originally Posted by roidattack
Yeah im worried to about the same thing. With pride now you had guys like vandierlai, Fedor, Crocop, ect. that had a certain mystery to them because american fans are not as exposed to them. But I also think if Pride goes to crap, someone else will pop up in Eurasia because a lot of those guys are not going to be financially able to come to america and compete. Plus the fans will want something as well. Look at Japan they put 90,000 fans in the Tokyo Dome for one of the pride events. There isnt anyway right now that it could happen in north america at this point in time.Originally Posted by Testsubject
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