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Thread: Very Important !! Please Read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Very Important !! Please Read

    Watch this video starting from 7:50 to 9:00

    just let it load and skip to 7:50

    That guy, Steve Michalik, stated something that has kinda put a bit of a damper on my whole cycle and steroid thoughts.....

    He states that just 1, just 1 seed just 1 cycle of ANY steroid and thats it, your body is done, its over, its tainted and only takes time for the "steroid ticking time bomb" to explode into a whatever, stroke, heart attack, liver problems, etc.. etc.. and he goes on and on....

    I always thought that the reason steroids were bad was because people didnt use them right or correctly, or because they abused them, but this guy says whether you use them right or wrong, you always lose and will only shorten your life in the end when your about your 40's and 50's and then you'll regret EVER doing them....

    is this true? with just 1 cycle, thats it, my body is tainted? they will be in my system forever, like a virus? they will attach themselves in your blood cells and grow and grow and grow until there a "big something"?

    I dont know.... can maybe someone elaborate a bit on this matter, help me clear up some thoughts

    thanks in advance.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    That guys an idiot, dont take any heid to what he says.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    If your friend told you to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    i understand... but come on guys, give me some facts to back it up, not just "he's a douche bag" or "man that guy is crazy"

    why is he a douche bag? why is he crazy? facts?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    The only thing that is tainted is your virginity !!

    Once you stick yourself or swallow that first pill you will NEVER be natural again...even if you never touch another steroid.

    quit listening to that garbage....if done properly and NOT abused, you can have a long healthy productive life using steroids...

    anything can kill you if you abuse it, so play it smart

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    lol if anyone listens to No Bull Radio, you'll know Steve Michalik is a crock of shit

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Well, since my body is now tainted, I guess I can just do one huge cycle for the rest of my life since it doesn't matter if im using them correctly

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    steroids are perscription drugs if you abuse them and dont use them correctly yes you will have to face very serious consequences just like any other perscription drug, but if you dont abuse them and take pre cautions and dont stack 5 steroids together you arent going to be a ticking time bomb

  9. #9
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    Feb 2007
    was that guy steve michalik stacking steroids? did he abuse it? was he abusing steroids?

    he never said that in the video, the greg valn. guy said he did abuse it and look wat happened to him and he admited to it, but the steve guy never said he abused or he did alot or that he did it everyday..... so did he?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    greg valentino is an asshole !!! he stuck so much synthol in his arms you could fuel a small town for a year on the oil in his arms.........

  11. #11
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    Feb 2007
    ... you still didnt answer my question on the tainted body

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    long island
    IMO one cycle isnt going to taint you, and im sure a few wont unless you have history of heart attack/storke things like that but for people like bodyubuilders who basically juice for a living yes they are going to regret it down the road in life

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    ... you still didnt answer my question on the tainted body

    Whats there to answer?? Did you ever get medication from your doctor? its the same thing.... Ewwww you took drugs from your doctor, your body is tainted......steroids will NOT taint your body in any way unless you abuse them

    PERIOD END OF STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    IMO one cycle isnt going to taint you, and im sure a few wont unless you have history of heart attack/storke things like that but for people like bodyubuilders who basically juice for a living yes they are going to regret it down the road in life

    This is too general of a statement to be making. If bodybuilders do this under the proper conditions, they will NOT regret it later in life......It is the ones that do not care to do bloodwork, or jump on cycles too early, or take too many orals ...blah blah blah

    In other words the only ones that would regret it are the ones that abuse it and do it INCORRECTLY!!!
    Last edited by SMAN12b; 04-09-2007 at 12:14 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    you dont consider cycle after cycle after cycle for years and year and years (of course with proper time off) abusing?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I heard an old Chinese guy say something like that to me about food. He was saying that all food that you eat has just a tiny tiny bit of "toxins" in it and your body is like a filter. After 60-70 years, those toxins build up and have no where to go and that's what cause problems later in life. Kind of like an air filter on a car, one drive down a dusty road isn't going to do much, but after a while, all those small particles build up and eventually clog the filter. Don't know if that is just some BS story, but it sounds good lol.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    you dont consider cycle after cycle after cycle for years and year and years (of course with proper time off) abusing?

    Not if they are done correctly, no

    too many factors to consider. how heavy are the cycles, was bloodwork done in between to check levels. was diet good, any pre existing conditions

    Look at Arnold, he is still alive and kicking , and i guarantee he took some heavy shvt

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    long island
    just bc bloodwork is done and you have a good diet doesnt mean you can tell if someones heart is going to explode or they are going to have a stroke or you are going to get cancer

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Look at Arnold, he is still alive and kicking , and i guarantee he took some heavy shvt

    a heart attack later of course.

    its hard to say

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    just bc bloodwork is done and you have a good diet doesnt mean you can tell if someones heart is going to explode or they are going to have a stroke or you are going to get cancer

    TRUE, but we could go back and forth with this all night, but I need some beauty sleep.....lolol

    No one can tell you whether you are gonna get cancer or not , not yet anyway. But blaming it on steroids is also not predictable at this point yet either, so lets just agree to disagree on this subject


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    haha hey i hear you, i dont really care about taking sides at all, whatever

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    long island
    well i agree with you on one definatly need that beauty sleep

  22. #22
    You said give facts, I'll gladly give facts after I see where he was basing HIS information off of

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Dude Dr's prescribe Testotserone for Hormone Replacement Therapy all the time. Test is A STEROID. Is everyone doing HRT tainted ? A ticking time bomb ? What a load of fvcking crap !!!! You want stats just go look up HRT. If you abuse steroids you COULD end up with issues. Taken with knowledge and common sense I doubt there would be any issues at all.

  24. #24
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    Middle East 4 Now
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Dude Dr's prescribe Testotserone for Hormone Replacement Therapy all the time. Test is A STEROID. Is everyone doing HRT tainted ? A ticking time bomb ? What a load of fvcking crap !!!! You want stats just go look up HRT. If you abuse steroids you COULD end up with issues. Taken with knowledge and common sense I doubt there would be any issues at all.

    oh Kale , i was just about to talk about the same thing, you beat me to it.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    never mind all the processed food which is full of chemicals, trans fats, HFCS, Salt, colourings, Presevatives.... Yes its the steroids that have tainted me!!!!

    Worry more about diet mate. Steroids can be dangerous if misused but so can anything. Just be resposible and safe as you can. And don't eat processed foods!!!!
    That guy has no evidence too back up his theoriies. There is evidence out there that AS when abused can cause some health issues but it is not nearly as bad as media would like to believe.
    For instance AS have always been linked by the media to "enlarged heart". After some testing on AS using subjects (who reguarly lift weights) and non AS users (who reguarly lift weights) they found they ALL were at risk of enlarged left ventricle. It is now believed weight lifting is the cause due to the great rises in BP when lifting. However this is offset by the fact that weight lifting is also great for stayling lean (a big health risk heart wise if you are overweight especially if mid section fat storeage is apparent) and also in improving cardio vasvular health in general.

    Bottom line - your average joe who sits on his ass all day eating crappy ready meals and drinking beer all weekend is at a much higher risk thatn the sensible AS using serious weight trainer who is eating a good varied diet and including cardio in there training.
    Hopw that makes you feel better!!!!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    very nice replies, and yes it does make me feel better

    but listen... was the steve michalik guy overdoin it? in other words, was he doing it no a daily basis for months and months?

  27. #27
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    Dec 2005
    Like I said above, Steve Michalik was a steroid advocate, listen to No Bull radio from March 19th, you'll know exactly how he stands on the subject. He tells the particular media that hes talking to what they WANT to hear, and at the time, they wanted to hear steroids will kill you, so thats what he said. Throughout the entire time Greg was saying "steroids ruined my life blah blah blah" when he's still on cycle today!

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Steroid Advocate?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    n. california
    In Michalik's own words "Steroids are addicitive and I was additicted to them"
    gee think he was abusing? Now of course they're the devil themselves because he couldn't control his usage. Abuse any drug and your going to get harmful side effects.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Like I said above, Steve Michalik was a steroid advocate, listen to No Bull radio from March 19th, you'll know exactly how he stands on the subject. He tells the particular media that hes talking to what they WANT to hear, and at the time, they wanted to hear steroids will kill you, so thats what he said. Throughout the entire time Greg was saying "steroids ruined my life blah blah blah" when he's still on cycle today!
    You would say that you juicer

  31. #31
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    Feb 2002
    look at all the older guys who have done juice--I mean not just Arnold or Stallone but other people from 60's or 70's--most of them are still around--also look at the docs now adays giving older people test(like I am now getting)to work like the fountain of youth--if they were so bad docs would not perscribe them and risk getting sued from all the sue happy people out there

    also one more thought --if they do take a few years off your life then I would rather have lived big and happy till 75 then misserable,small and pathetic till 85

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    google hbo real sports steroids and watch that video before you believe everything

  33. #33
    Speaking of HBO real talk !!!!!!!!!

    what was his name ?? Bob clamp or somethin

    HE WAS 70 + and was running aas fine.. come on bro look at the evidence.

  34. #34
    wow i just watched that clip, and to an outsider it is very scary, kind of made me question a little, but i do believe arnold and guys from that timeframe ran primarily oral cycles.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Why don't they do a story about how alchohol causes severe liver damage and can lead to cerosis of the liver and what about people who smoke cigarettes? Those are for sure WORST killers but yet they are LEGAL. That a$$hole was using synthol and they never even mentioned it. Atleast when people are on steroids they are training and eating right and are healthy individuals. It's all bullshit, so many things in life that we enjoy are "BAD" for us, look at the consequences of having sex, you can catch a disease. I could get hit by a bus or a stray bullet walking down the street, i'll take my chances with a little juice anyday and enjoy my life.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    well said style
    latinplaya--name me 5 people who have died from using roids(not the other drugs that many do with them just roids)
    after you do that tell me how many people you personally know who are sick or have died due to drinking or smoking then look up the amount of people you dont know that have died due to cigs
    then look up how many people die due to meth
    then for extra credit
    look up the amount of people who have jacked a car for test money or broke into a house to buy dbol---then look up how many people do it daily for meth
    I think you know where I am going here---they need to focus on the real problems out there

  37. #37
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    n. california
    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    Why don't they do a story about how alchohol causes severe liver damage and can lead to cerosis of the liver and what about people who smoke cigarettes? Those are for sure WORST killers but yet they are LEGAL. That a$$hole was using synthol and they never even mentioned it. Atleast when people are on steroids they are training and eating right and are healthy individuals. It's all bullshit, so many things in life that we enjoy are "BAD" for us, look at the consequences of having sex, you can catch a disease. I could get hit by a bus or a stray bullet walking down the street, i'll take my chances with a little juice anyday and enjoy my life.
    Replacing hormones that your body is no longer producing is not acceptable because the hormones are steroids and steroids aren't socially acceptable even though we all produce them to a greater or lesser extent throughout our lives. Women go through menapause and use estrogen replacement therapy which is very acceptable. Now if women were using 10 times the prescribed amount they would also have exteme side effects. These Fvcking idiots like Michalik abuse the shit out of them and then rant and rave how they've ruined their lives. Does anyone really believe that they're going to air how wonderful steroids are on HBO or any other tv show? It's also doubtful that we're going to see a report on hrt and how it positively effects aging men, giving them back they're energy and the drive they had as a young man.

  38. #38
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    Really suprised that this thread has gone on this long without anyone noticing this... The jerkoff in that video, what medical evidence does he show to support his statements which are full of air? Where is there a documented case study which was published in a peer reviewed journal that at least SOME credible scientists considered the research credible? Answer: NONE

    Is this guy an MD, PhD in medicine, PhD in Pharmacology, a research scientist? If no, why are you giving an ounce of credibility to a word that he says? The only thing that matters is credentials and credibility. Does Steve Michellik have any medical credentials? NO.... Does Steve Michellik hold any credibility in the medical community or among research scientists? NO.... Does Steve Michellik present any evidence of case studies, documented cases, any of which have been reviewed by other medical professionals who hold the same opinion? NO...NO...NO... The guy talks about his own misforuntes with using anabolic steroids. There is simply NO WAY to discipher the other variables in his life&lifestyle which may or may not have contributed to his problems.

    "You plant one seed of anabolic steroids in your body, in gets into every cell in your body"- Anyone with any SLIGHTknowledge of biology knows that this is bullshit...I cant even listen to a statement like that and take it serious...

    If you're going to listen to anyone, Dr.Harrison Pope presented in the video is probably the MOST credibile person to listen to in the medical community.

    You want your answer dude, you just watched a bunch of sensationalised media bullshit...Someone at A&E needed to fill a time slot on the TV, and the result is the load of garbage you just watched. Dont take what anyone says at face value unless you research yourself... When they say steroids cause this or that, you says "SAYS WHO?"...

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    greg valentino is an asshole !!! he stuck so much synthol in his arms you could fuel a small town for a year on the oil in his arms.........
    Hahaha I was searching around the site for greg valentino to show this joker to my friend, made me spit my water out hahahaha

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