Watch this video starting from 7:50 to 9:00
just let it load and skip to 7:50
That guy, Steve Michalik, stated something that has kinda put a bit of a damper on my whole cycle and steroid thoughts.....
He states that just 1, just 1 seed just 1 cycle of ANY steroid and thats it, your body is done, its over, its tainted and only takes time for the "steroid ticking time bomb" to explode into a whatever, stroke, heart attack, liver problems, etc.. etc.. and he goes on and on....
I always thought that the reason steroids were bad was because people didnt use them right or correctly, or because they abused them, but this guy says whether you use them right or wrong, you always lose and will only shorten your life in the end when your about your 40's and 50's and then you'll regret EVER doing them....
is this true? with just 1 cycle, thats it, my body is tainted? they will be in my system forever, like a virus? they will attach themselves in your blood cells and grow and grow and grow until there a "big something"?
I dont know.... can maybe someone elaborate a bit on this matter, help me clear up some thoughts
thanks in advance.....