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Thread: Lord of the Rings-Online

  1. #1

    Lord of the Rings-Online

    im tried alot of mmorpgs, used to play them religiously when i was in school, during the week in my spare time.

    have really played a game/ rpg in almost 2 years, when i quit world of warcraft. yes i played it like 6 months and it was fun.. me n tai tried to make a return, but i couldnt be botherd. wonder if he kept playing.. anyway anyone else looking to play this game, or invovled in the beta. i just orderd my copy for the europe edition to play with my little brother.

    game looks good, one of those rpgs where u dont have to play 24/7 to have fun and take part, like in most other rpgs if u dont dedicate ur life to it then u dont really get proper gameplay.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I was in the closed beta and it's a pretty cool game. I like DDO: Stormreach better but LOTRO is very similar. In fact, these are the only two MMORPGs that I've played that are fun without dedicating all of your free time towards them.

    The are both made by Codemasters/Turbine, I think.

  3. #3
    yeh, i decide to give it a go cause it seams like i can take it at a resonable pace and still have fun in the story, i remember i played lineage 2. i spent a week straight in holidays playing 12 hours a day and got to level 40. which was still 4 months of hardcore gameing away from becoming decent and usefull at level 70

  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    dungeon master foskamink!LOL!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    dungeon master foskamink!LOL!
    **** u, im going to be the ring barer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The game is sick, I picked up the open beta for 10 bucks and played it for a few days, might actually get it if I have spare time... Real fun game, kind of plays like WOW but quests are much more involved and better graphics... And you get to play your own instrument at level 6, woot!

  7. #7
    yeh i got the beta, but i dont think u can play till 14th in europe. like 10 days advance starting 14th, so i await to test it soon. yeh i want a nice story game. shame theres no pvp

  8. #8
    by the way ur looking very big now lawman, how was first cycle?

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