jeez man ur going soft,u really shouldve murdered her family,no wonder ppl r taking advantage of uOriginally Posted by anabolicshark
jeez man ur going soft,u really shouldve murdered her family,no wonder ppl r taking advantage of uOriginally Posted by anabolicshark
The me of just one year ago didn't know the meaning of the word. I would also hold shit against people that was totally out of their control to change, like their past for instance.
I guess today it ***ends on what someone did to me on whether or not I could forgive but I first try to make myself walk a mile in their shoes before deciding.
forgive yes, forget no. you screw me once, shame on you screw me twice , shame on me. i am bad for holding grudges also.
Forgivenss is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was in fact yourself.
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