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Thread: Do you forgive

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicshark
    I stoped talking to people that i had lunch everyday of my life because i felt that our jokes were being mixed in our lifes, and respect was just no where to find...
    my gf whole familly (aside her dad which in my opinion is the most important person) litterally hates me, for not "forgetting" the past, they acted to me as i was a punked when we first start dating, as i improved in life and we got serious they kind of moved in, but i really dont care.. i did not even attend her sisters wedding...
    and i dont feel any regret...
    i dont like bullsh1t, drama, mind games... maybe because i have so much to do other then living in soap opera...
    but it does bugg me when i see some of my friends who i believe are trully good people, when they just "move on" and it doesnt bother them one bid..

    i loose it to my closest friends over sipmle stuff as small as being late when they said they are at highway exit... ( i dont make a scene, but i dont stop talking about till we exit the car...)
    i always though of
    say what you mean, mean what you say
    life is to short... but it is too short to vaste it on people who really have no respect

    my heart never forgives, forgets, hell i remember the kid that stole my earphones for my sorts sony walkman ( i was born in eastern europe they were worth more then any bling bling today)
    but still i envy my ex-gf for just "forgiving me" and i know she meant it... but how!!!!!!!???
    jeez man ur going soft,u really shouldve murdered her family,no wonder ppl r taking advantage of u

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The me of just one year ago didn't know the meaning of the word. I would also hold shit against people that was totally out of their control to change, like their past for instance.

    I guess today it ***ends on what someone did to me on whether or not I could forgive but I first try to make myself walk a mile in their shoes before deciding.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    forgive yes, forget no. you screw me once, shame on you screw me twice , shame on me. i am bad for holding grudges also.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    Forgivenss is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was in fact yourself.

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