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Thread: Droping out of school

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Droping out of school

    I cant take this shit anymore. I work my ass off every day doing homework and im still failing, WTF am i suppose to do. I dont skip class, I study, I do my fvcking homework, I try my fvcking hardest and for what so i can pay to fail at something. At this point I am 99% sure i failed mky Abnormal Psychology class. I realise college is not for everybody, but why the fvck isnt it for me. What am i suppose do do with my self for the rest of my life. Because I cant wash nuts forever HAHAHA. Really though, I decided if i dont pass this semester im not coming back and ill just do a trade or something.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Do what you gotta do.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I cant take this shit anymore. I work my ass off every day doing homework and im still failing, WTF am i suppose to do. I dont skip class, I study, I do my fvcking homework, I try my fvcking hardest and for what so i can pay to fail at something. At this point I am 99% sure i failed mky Abnormal Psychology class. I realise college is not for everybody, but why the fvck isnt it for me. What am i suppose do do with my self for the rest of my life. Because I cant wash nuts forever HAHAHA. Really though, I decided if i dont pass this semester im not coming back and ill just do a trade or something.
    I had a lot of trouble in my higher math and science classes. I had to get a tudor. The funny part was i need help in college work and who was there to help me? a f***ing high school student ! haha

    He did help a lot.

  4. #4
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    Try to stay in school, get extra help, switch classes or major, do whatever you need to and stay in school. It's not easy but in the long run things will be much easier for you if you stay in school.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I cant take this shit anymore. I work my ass off every day doing homework and im still failing, WTF am i suppose to do. I dont skip class, I study, I do my fvcking homework, I try my fvcking hardest and for what so i can pay to fail at something. At this point I am 99% sure i failed mky Abnormal Psychology class. I realise college is not for everybody, but why the fvck isnt it for me. What am i suppose do do with my self for the rest of my life. Because I cant wash nuts forever HAHAHA. Really though, I decided if i dont pass this semester im not coming back and ill just do a trade or something.
    Its called brain damage from picking up strange pills off the floor and taking them .. Im just fvcking with ya !!!!

  6. #6
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    id recomend staying in school get your diploma if not get your GED and if you dont want to do that join the military, no offense to anyone but its very hard to find a decent job without having one of those 3 unless you have connections

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    my friend stick to it! you can do it. i had to take this advanced anatomy class 3 times beofre i passsed the class! i struglrd through 8 years of school, but i stuck to it even when the odds where bad and i graduated. the key to school is persistance, nobody really knows what they are doing, all you go to do is get by. bite ,kick, stab and cheat your way through class, in the end when you get out of school it wont matter, you will learn on the job. dont give up, no matter what. it all comes down to how bad you really want it, you will do it

  8. #8
    holy shvt , man I FEEL YOU, I mean WTF. same here, study, dont drink dont smoke, pretty much dont party and still get bad grades and im constantly worried about shvt coming up blah blah blah.. and its frustrating as F. pretty much all the men in my family have taken up trades... tool and die.. etc.. yada yada, i was like.. i want to surpass that expectation by going to college.. ya good plan.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    id recomend staying in school get your diploma if not get your GED and if you dont want to do that join the military, no offense to anyone but its very hard to find a decent job without having one of those 3 unless you have connections
    dude.. ? he's in college not high school..

    right ?

  10. #10
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    i seriously have a friend it took over ten years to get an undergraduate degree, he was a drunken slob, but this bum even managed to finish, it goes to show it can happen if you just keep sticking it out for the long haul.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    haha good call my bad

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    i ddint really put that together that well

  13. #13
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pro_built7
    holy shvt , man I FEEL YOU, I mean WTF. same here, study, dont drink dont smoke, pretty much dont party and still get bad grades and im constantly worried about shvt coming up blah blah blah.. and its frustrating as F. pretty much all the men in my family have taken up trades... tool and die.. etc.. yada yada, i was like.. i want to surpass that expectation by going to college.. ya good plan.
    guys, i have been here before too, dont get discouraged, it happens to alot of people. just try to not worry about it and keep trying to move fwd. so waht if you have to a drop a few classes or go in the summer or stay a little longer in school, DONT GIVE UP

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I cant take this shit anymore. I work my ass off every day doing homework and im still failing, WTF am i suppose to do. I dont skip class, I study, I do my fvcking homework, I try my fvcking hardest and for what so i can pay to fail at something. At this point I am 99% sure i failed mky Abnormal Psychology class. I realise college is not for everybody, but why the fvck isnt it for me. What am i suppose do do with my self for the rest of my life. Because I cant wash nuts forever HAHAHA. Really though, I decided if i dont pass this semester im not coming back and ill just do a trade or something.
    I don't think that's such a good idea since you can't even spell dropping right.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Out of Control
    It's from all the insomnia your getting from whoring here

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Out of Control
    What year are you in school right now?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    agreed apply yourself to school as much as you do this forum and you will be fine

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    I don't think that's such a good idea since you can't even spell dropping right.

    who is that in your avvy bro, Wowww..........

  19. #19
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    no curiculum is easy, it all takes work, remember if it was easy everybody would be doing it. do whatever it takes to achieve your goal, it will give you a better future

  20. #20
    Be a mortgage broker.. you don't need any schooling for it... my uncle makes about 500k a year from it (you gotta be a real good people person)... i am in realestate i buy/sell houses ( fix em ups ) .. i make more money then most 50 yearold men and i only need to flip about 2 houses a year and i can sit on my ass. it is easy if you have people you can go in on it whenever.. (i started out working construction and it payed off i dropped out of highschool it was tough!)

    another idea Insurance Agent... the make a shit load too you make 10% of your sales another peoples persons only job...

    allot of good things you can do bro... most of my friends the got a college degree are not making over 75k a year

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    its the girls next door they are hugh hefners girlfriends actually the one in the middle just got engaged to hugh

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    also real estate agent is a good choice

  23. #23
    im going to start a thread addressing this ...

  24. #24
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    Last semester I was only able to get into two classes cause I signed up late but I got A's in them... This semester I screwed off way too much and had to drop out of two and am doing fine in my English... I don't know, I don't study that much or anything, all you have to do is stick through it. I realized that I dicked off when I shouldn't have but This is my second semester, after Summer I am going to take a full load again and I'll pass them. I just wish I had a direction... I think that is a major reason why people drop out, they don't have direction. I still have no idea what I want to do and when I find out I'm sure things will get a whole lot easier!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    its the girls next door they are hugh hefners girlfriends actually the one in the middle just got engaged to hugh
    Slow down there killer, he's talking about my chick. That's Claudia pro built....

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    its the girls next door they are hugh hefners girlfriends actually the one in the middle just got engaged to hugh
    lol bro, i was talkin to style, but its cool good to know anyway

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    Slow down there killer, he's talking about my chick. That's Claudia pro built....

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    haha oops didnt see that part just saw it was right under my post damn shes hot

  29. #29
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicErick
    Be a mortgage broker.. you don't need any schooling for it... my uncle makes about 500k a year from it (you gotta be a real good people person)... i am in realestate i buy/sell houses ( fix em ups ) .. i make more money then most 50 yearold men and i only need to flip about 2 houses a year and i can sit on my ass. it is easy if you have people you can go in on it whenever.. (i started out working construction and it payed off i dropped out of highschool it was tough!)

    another idea Insurance Agent... the make a shit load too you make 10% of your sales another peoples persons only job...

    allot of good things you can do bro... most of my friends the got a college degree are not making over 75k a year
    real esate and flipping house are both great businesses. i just bought a rehb property that i am going to convert into a 2 bedrom apt and office space. i bought a house 5 years a go for $80k, put some work into it, nothing major added a bathroom and the place is now worth 300k, it is that easy if you are in the right area. if i was more handy, i would do this as my job fulltime and sell my practices

  30. #30
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    u could railroad good pay great benifits.

  31. #31
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Last semester I was only able to get into two classes cause I signed up late but I got A's in them... This semester I screwed off way too much and had to drop out of two and am doing fine in my English... I don't know, I don't study that much or anything, all you have to do is stick through it. I realized that I dicked off when I shouldn't have but This is my second semester, after Summer I am going to take a full load again and I'll pass them. I just wish I had a direction... I think that is a major reason why people drop out, they don't have direction. I still have no idea what I want to do and when I find out I'm sure things will get a whole lot easier!
    good call. direction and motivation is everything, if you have both, you cant lose

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    real esate and flipping house are both great businesses. i just bought a rehb property that i am going to convert into a 2 bedrom apt and office space. i bought a house 5 years a go for $80k, put some work into it, nothing major added a bathroom and the place is now worth 300k, it is that easy if you are in the right area. if i was more handy, i would do this as my job fulltime and sell my practices
    **** yea dude its eays shit... i started with only 2000$ cash.. and now its a a dream come true... i was a broke wothless pos but things are looking up

    i bought a 130k house and sold it at 250k all i did was tile the house and sold in a month

  33. #33
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicErick
    **** yea dude its eays shit... i started with only 2000$ cash.. and now its a a dream come true... i was a broke wothless pos but things are looking up

    i bought a 130k house and sold it at 250k all i did was tile the house and sold in a month
    wow! great flip! you didnt even have to paint the place?

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    sounds like may be trying so hard cant function

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    join the military

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
    join the military
    not a good time for that..
    and the real estate bussines responds are not so deep enough, i do real estate as a career too, yet it takes some dedication and cunning planing and risk taking to make it, the amount of risj that you do take, when you get a mortgage is far beyond the risk you take when you fail one class, if you are making 120-150 in real estate, at least here in chicago, you should be loking for a different line of work... fliping time is coming to end yet its still available but dont make moves that were so popular in 2001-2005 period...

    anything you do, it should be only to achieve what you want and need, if your life goal dream demands BA then one class is nothing but a hard diet during your cycle....
    but if you think that you will be self employed for rest of your life- in which case i still suggest education is even more important- then there are ways around it...

    never give up on big picture man... one class, one fvking year... is nothing man... as long as you know what for...

    i say buckle down.

  37. #37
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    why isnt it a good time to join the military now, you dont have to join the army/marines where its definate that you are going to go overseas, i leave for the air force next month theres tons of jobs where you have a very small chance of going, but you could also be stupid and pick a job where you most likely will go like me

  38. #38
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    "The world needs ditch diggers too!"

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    no ofense or punt intended brother, i come from a military familly, hard core one too.. yet what i meant was, is, to join the army; it has to be in you, its not a decision that you make as you fail a class and you dont see your way out but army
    Last edited by anabolicshark; 04-09-2007 at 11:26 PM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    i dont expect him to actually join the militray i was just f-ing around and threw that out there

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