Check this out:
Hey, some Gyms are offering belly dance class, and separating male and female classes because this may be little known but there are masculine and feminine belly dances that have been around for thousands of years.
Let me say I can do countless situps, crunches, walk/jog 10 miles in an afternoon and ironically nothing makes me break out in a sweat or actually does an exercise to the ab muscles like belly dance class. One session and man can you just feel ab development like crazy all week. To top that off, I have never done anything exercise wise that just drops body fat percentages on you as fast as belly dance, its actually incredible that it can take belly fat off you like nothing else can and really bring out abs definition. Never mind in the video above the man is not that defined, he was also supposedly 300 lbs a few years ago.
The dance is actually not that hard although it looks complicated, its more done in the knees but what really works out the abs is trying not to let your head or shoulders move or shake while making your hips shimmy, figure eight, hip circle, slide, step moves, etc. This might not be a macho enough idea for everyone, but some out there that just cant bring out your abs, this might be your answer!