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Thread: unfaithful thoughts/ways

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Men tend to have a desire to "graze" when they feel as if they've conquered what they currently have/own. A man's heart is built upon adventure, where he feels the need to not settle with what he already knows. It's a man's instinct to want to win over a new woman which leads him to being unfaithful. It's just part of temptation that we must resist in order to be faithful to our spouses and ourselves.
    First of all this mans a f*ckin genious!

    also i have cheated in the past and do regret it. the way I see it is every girl is nuts, and every girl see's every guy as nuts. its just the way it is.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Quote Originally Posted by SubmissionGrappler
    I say unless your married ,engaged or committed to doing so it's "game on"
    This BS about cheating on "girlfirends" is total crap.They gave up the ass and expect you to bow down and not even explore other alternatives is insane.Any guy who falls for that mess is a total chump.I cheated on every girlfirend I ever had .thank god for that becauseI found the right one in the process .. and have never cheated on her in over 12 yrs of marriage .before that I did and I was open and honest about it.Don't buy into the hype just play your options until you find the one.If they don't understand the too bad.they should Quit giving up the ass so easy and the problem is solved.I prefer the challenge ...make me chase it.

    Once you do get married don't be a fool and ruin over another piece of ass's totally not worth it.I can't say i enjoyed cheating on my girlfiends because it made me paranoid and ruined the times we had together but I was driven by the inner voice that told me I could do better.The voice was right.
    Oh yeah never have a threesome with a girl you like it can get real wierd..but that another story.
    Exactly what I said earlier in this post!!! My brother is a senior in highschool this year and he asked me the one thing that I regreted about highschool, its that I didn't bang more chicks. Truth is I had my share, and almost always had a girlfriend and was cheating on them all the time. But You gotta get as many chicks as you want now, because once you find the right one, thats the last one, besides divorce or something.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I cheated once. But if you want to hook up with a lot of girls don't have a girlfriend. I that's what makes someone your gf of not. If you are committed to her and not seeing other people. If you want to screw around just date her. Sounds like you want it both.
    If you think its OK for you to cheat. Do you mind when your girl is out banging other dudes?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    West coast of Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by pwerfll1
    ^^^^^^get a bigger bike fosk thats ur problem

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    West coast of Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    hey get ur own thread if u got a problem.. im the one in need right now
    rival whore?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    chanes are sorry to say

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    I have never cheated and never will...
    i fear karma too much to do such a selfish act.

  8. #48
    it dosnt matter no more, im single now, we broke it off recently.. she has some personal problems ect and shes just not happy right now and to herself.. cant do much about it. but i think she will come back soon and patch things up

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    Quote Originally Posted by SubmissionGrappler
    I say unless your married ,engaged or committed to doing so it's "game on"
    This BS about cheating on "girlfirends" is total crap.They gave up the ass and expect you to bow down and not even explore other alternatives is insane.Any guy who falls for that mess is a total chump.I cheated on every girlfirend I ever had .thank god for that becauseI found the right one in the process .. and have never cheated on her in over 12 yrs of marriage .before that I did and I was open and honest about it.Don't buy into the hype just play your options until you find the one.If they don't understand the too bad.they should Quit giving up the ass so easy and the problem is solved.I prefer the challenge ...make me chase it.

    Once you do get married don't be a fool and ruin over another piece of ass's totally not worth it.I can't say i enjoyed cheating on my girlfiends because it made me paranoid and ruined the times we had together but I was driven by the inner voice that told me I could do better.The voice was right.
    Oh yeah never have a threesome with a girl you like it can get real wierd..but that another story.

  10. #50
    I'm going crazy right now in my relationship. I've been with her for just a little over nine months, we completely love each other, but she's so ****ing busy with her schedule it's not even funny. I've always been smart with my money, so I don't need to work hard, which gives me time to workout, sleep in, and do anything else I want to. My girl is the complete opposite and it's pissing me off. We used to have sex every single day, now I'm ON my cycle and we haven't done it in 9 ****ing days! And it probably won't be tonight, either. Such bullshit.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Don't sweat it! You're a young guy! Go out and dip and get rid of that guilt it only holds you back! Enjoy sex and variety as long as you can because eventually commitments, obligation and duty catch up with you. I'm 38 and I still struggle with fidelity. I have an attractive wonderful Latina girl but I've been flirting with this cute black chick who works for me! She's making it clear that she's ready to tango and I know it's going to happen! I'm really nice and considerate with my Latina girlfriend but I'm weak when it comes to being faithful. There's some guilt but I also enjoy sex with the newbie!

    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    anyone has a great girlfriend, really beautiful and sexy. great girl and more then you want.

    but still look at other girls down the street and think dam they are fine.. like we all like girls a certain way and when i see them im just like holy shit i want a girl like that oneday.. i just feel like a complete asshole and bad person. i dont really flirt or hit on other girls. but i always like to get the best and ones im attracted to when im out in clubs even to just drink and dance. i dont cheat and hopefully i wouldnt.

    but i just dont seam to have the right mentality for a girlfriend, even if im loyal. i cant help to be sad when we have problems, but then i really think hey im a asshole anyway and deserve it.


  12. #52
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    I want every hot chick I see wether I have a girl or not.

  13. #53
    Sounds a little like you are getting too attached already and she may not be commiting in the same way you are. Women can be pretty brutal in the way of cheating themselves..don't buy that shit!

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