Is it possible to have a relationship without sex???? I'm 22 and i've had my fair share of college poontang but...what if i want more? Will I go crazy in this possible relationship? What will happen to my penis? Will it fall off or anything?
Is it possible to have a relationship without sex???? I'm 22 and i've had my fair share of college poontang but...what if i want more? Will I go crazy in this possible relationship? What will happen to my penis? Will it fall off or anything?
You mean just friends? It might work being only friends with a girl (not sure) IMO you are entering dangerus and unexplored grounds.
I would stack up with some test cyp and maybe some dbols to coupe with the task in hand.
Good luck!
Of course it's possible...I'm sure there are many people that practice this for various medical or religious reasons. However, be prepared to lube youself up with some KY and posted by Fooboy
Is it possible to have a relationship without sex???? I'm 22 and i've had my fair share of college poontang but...what if i want more? Will I go crazy in this possible relationship? What will happen to my penis? Will it fall off or anything?
Shit my wife held out for 6 years. We did everything except for sex. If your not doing nothing at all, dump her.
It's hard to do but can be done. You will probably gain more respect for the girl if she does hold out for a while. Sometimes when a girl gives it up too easy then you lose respect for her.....unless you want that.
You can always punch the clown......
I was friends with my fiance for years before we actually got together, and got serious about everything. it's cool when you could have a chick that you could just chill with and she wont drive you crazy. then when the lights go out it's on!!
Last edited by Pete235; 08-14-2002 at 08:31 AM.
From my point of view
the reason we have women as friends without sex is because they wont let us. hehe i value friendship but gotta be honest
My wife was my best friend before anything happened and i was ALWAYS secretly trying to hit it
I think (imho) that one of the most important qualities in a SERiOUS relationship is your ablility to be friends. id like to think that the girl i marrry one day will infact be my best friend. (not my best friend now necessarily but we'll have to be best friends...get my drift) If you cant get along as friends w/out sex. its just another one of those high school sex based realtionships imo. what do you other bros think?
Symatech, that's kinda what i meant when i said it's good to have a woman you could chill with, and not drive you crazy. you just put it in a better perspective thanks..
"My wife was my best friend before anything happened and i was ALWAYS secretly trying to hit it" same here buddha, but she's not my wife yet..
I totally agree with your statement symatech.I always felt that what separates human being from animals is that human beings have the ability to go beyond simple instincts and to evolve mentally and spirituallyOriginally posted by symatech
I think (imho) that one of the most important qualities in a SERiOUS relationship is your ablility to be friends. id like to think that the girl i marrry one day will infact be my best friend. (not my best friend now necessarily but we'll have to be best friends...get my drift) If you cant get along as friends w/out sex. its just another one of those high school sex based realtionships imo. what do you other bros think?
my gf is also my best friend, but If I wasn't getting sex anymore from her I would go crazy. It all depends, I guess some people can do it but I really wouldn't know. I think mine would fall off btw, it jump off my body and try to find something to bang by itself.
I guess if you don't got sex, and nothing else is happening, then shit bro, you're screwed. I know it sounds like an ass thing to say, but guys have needs. It's harsh, but true. Sex is damn important. I read a survey that sex-related problems were a high percentage of divorce reasons, something like 35%? F*ck, I don't know.
Oh, and I forgot to add, if there is no sex, what happens when you get horny. Self-abuse can only go so far until you really need to have the real thing. It's gonna lead to either rub-n-tugs or strip clubs gone bad, or worse, you cheating on the broad. It's a deep, deep plunge into an unknown abyss bro. Take advantage of it if you're going to do it and sauce it up.
yo foobie,
you know me and T boned really soon and she hounded me for a long time till we became bf/gf. then slowly, over the years, i began to love her and then i realized we were best friends also...haha, oh i crack myself up. thats a sick example i guess...her being all up in my sheet until i eventually fell in love and had a new best friend...kinda the other way around from what most people are talking about here.
anyways, about E, bah, we both know what she is all about and we know that you're not about that so it'll never work!!!
about being friends with a girl. bahaha, i've never been able to do it! most girls i want to talk to, i'm attracted to also. and if no messing around happens soon, we kinda just stop talking...there is a girl at my lab that i work with...she's cool, good conversation, she's pretty but i'm not attracted to i might consider changing my ways...=) we had a beer today and talked. maybe i'm finally due for a female friend???
-clocky baby
Jeez C,
that's awefully discouraging...but I see your point. But it's not like she's ALL ABOUT the bible. She's just one of people. *sigh....what to do. She's really nice and pretty. *sigh...bye bye's been fun.
I understand no sex when starting out a relationship with someone you care about. I held out for 6 month with my last gf. It's is increasing tough especially with a high testosterone level. It was like a self control test to prove I'm not runned by my horomones. But you know what .. we broke up after a 1 1/2 after we starting having sex. So was it worth the wait for me ..... NO! I don't think there should be time limits. If you wanna do it .. do it. Also it's just way too hard when you are with someone with a different sex drive than you. IMO
WHAT!!!!!......There are relationships without sex :0...
...everybody is different, and some people need more time then others...personally i like to know the person first, and then play later...XXL
I'm sure it's possible but i sure wouldn't try it. I would have to be bonin' someone else. Too much testosterone to be celebate.
If we are at least doing the other stuff, I could totally be chill with that. I'd probably hold out 2-3 months without doing anything...but shit, for real guys...does it ever take that long? Not likely...more like a week or two tops. After those intial three months od doing nothing, I would confront her about it and ask her why are we not exploring our sexual desires in the bedroom. If she answers that she does not want to do anything before marriage, I wooul straight up tell her then we have got different views on subjects, and this is going to be hard to work with me wanting and you not. I've never had it come to that,, however I have had a girl friend for 5 months before and we really did next to nothing. She was a great girl too, and she's now my best friend. So if it can't workout sexually, maybe just be friends?![]()
Is there a thin red line between a relationship and friendship? If so, what detirmines it? Could it be the natural feeling of which is understood...or does one have to state it somehow and the other acknowledge?
Whatever the case may be, I really like this girl and have for the past 3.5 years. I've been through a few girlfriends and dated around since then but attaction always boiled down to her. Could it be that I'm done with the scene and am searching for "the one?" Or am I just living in a fantasy world because I'm single once again. But what if, just what if I get so frustrated with the fact that there is no sex on the menu, and that frustration causes me to do something that will absolutely tear her apart like a superset. Then is it really worth it?
It doesnt say anything in the bible about using the back door, rear hatch, going in the out door, you know, poopy d**k.
Hell were only human, were only here to breed and thats it.
bahaha, this is a laugh riot. it is definantly the latter: you're living in a fantasy world cuz you're single again and you haven't been with a chick for a while...=POriginally posted by Fooboy
Could it be that I'm done with the scene and am searching for "the one?" Or am I just living in a fantasy world because I'm single once again.
"the one"...pllleeeaaaazzzeeee! you've known her 3.5 years? i've known you 6 and i haven't heard you ever mention her name before that time you went out to dinner and the movies with us later...=P
we'll nail some rehab junkies while in LA and you'll see clearly again...i pwwwooomise....=)
-clocky baby
A chick knows with in 30 sec.s if she'll sleep with you, if not shes just fucking with your head.
what?!?! thats not true is it? thats freaking messing with my head already...=P what about with guys? sometimes i see a chick and then change my mind about her a week or two down the road...Originally posted by anabolicmyo
A chick knows with in 30 sec.s if she'll sleep with you, if not shes just fucking with your head.
hmm, so next time i meet a girl, i can count to 30 then ask her what her verdict is? =)
-clocky baby
whoa....where did this 30 sec thing come from...what source???
I don't really believe it but it could be true. That's really weird. I'm gonna have to ask around. ooh ooh...go to the women's forum and ask them. They should know right?
dude, a relationship without sex is like dating your sister!! dont do it
......last yr i got in a fight....with my left hand..(rosey) wouldnt work the remote control to the vcr, wouldnt touch me or anything!!!i was pissed!!!
it was over something stupid but i didnt know the reason for awhile. so when i started comunicating with (rosey), talking about the problems, everything turned out ok....
this yr (rosey) is pissed again cause i have a girlfriend..oh well you cant please you know what??as stupid as this sounds i was kinda true with my current girlfriend...she was not as experienced as i. she kinda lived a sheltered life. we hardly had sex!!! so that was an issuse..i want her to be the aggressive one sometimes so i had to cummunicate with her, tell her what i wanted. we even went to the porn shop together short i'm turning her into a bad girl. its been now 6.5 months..lifes good....moral of the story' communication' is the key!!!...oh yea.......(rosey) is still
Last edited by MR PHATT ASS; 08-17-2002 at 03:27 AM.
my girlfriend waited 6 months, but I didn't really mind. She's young so I wasn't surprised at all. But the other stuff. I think it was two days. Then comes the "other stuff" once she got more comfortable with everything![]()
I think its the six minute rule if I'm not mistaken.Originally posted by Fooboy
whoa....where did this 30 sec thing come from...what source???
I don't really believe it but it could be true. That's really weird. I'm gonna have to ask around. ooh ooh...go to the women's forum and ask them. They should know right?
Originally posted by Fooboy
relationship without sexCan I get a translator here?
J/K, I think its possible if both people are secure enough to realize that there is a reason behind it.
ya whatever X, you're a man whore.![]()
a relationship without sex? that's like having no sand at the beach...just my opinion
2 words to no sex:
c ya![]()
Not in Arkansas!! LOLOriginally posted by maguilagorilla
dude, a relationship without sex is like dating your sister!! dont do it![]()
U know how Chicks are they don`t wanna gave you any and make you wait for months but the second they go Out and get drunk . they gave it to the first guy they see
i think it depends of whats normal to u. some people may think once a week is normaly, others may want it everyday, while others they stop completely having sex after their frist child......
just like some woman dont really enjoy it, some use it to get a guy, and so on...
personnally, when im in a relationship, sex is 80% is of it. i cannot go out with a guy that doesnt know how to kiss,(the kiss tells it all, ..if he cannot kiss, he cannot *ck ..) i cannot go out with a guy that has a small peepee (sorry !)...ect....
but i think everywoman shouldnt sleep on the frist date they have, make them wait.....and then have it several times a day![]()
Yes, I agree on the waiting part...If I have sex with a girl on the first date, what else is left? I mean there is not a whole lot to look forward to and I don't see a future with them...I wonder how many others they did that with.
Now, if a girl makes me wait, I want her sooooo much more and the first time together is way better. My current gf made me wait a two months (which about killed me!!) now we can't get enough of each other...sometimes three and four times a day. It makes the relationship so much better to wait...No matter how blue my balls got or pissed I got after we got so close to having sex, I really am glad that she made me wait. I don't think I could have a relationship that lasted longer than six months with no sex at all...I think I would explode!! Now, if we at least got each other off in other ways than sex, I think I could handle that...
With pasyt Girls, Id sleep with right away and the second it was over, i felt disgust for them....HTought they were dirty and wanted nothing to do with them
Now with my current GF(soon to be fiance) We became good friends first, and Had the most PERFECT kiss....When we started going out, We waited like atleast 3 months. And when we finally did do it, i was so petrified that i was gonna feel the same thing i felt about the other girls i slept with...but nope....didnt happen and ive never been so happy in my life....
So the waiting this is a good thing, shows the girl has some self respect and a backbone....
Hey adaptations, I wish you the best of luck with your proposal...good to hear that you are really happy!!Originally posted by adaptations
Now with my current GF(soon to be fiance)
Hey thanks man.....gonna do it in................................5 days...Originally posted by woodsy169
Hey adaptations, I wish you the best of luck with your proposal...good to hear that you are really happy!!
Sept 4th
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