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Thread: gym issues!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Angry gym issues!!!!!!

    alright i have to vent some shit!!! gosh damm!! is it just me or is it you to?? I just hate that i go into a gym to train and get a work out and i have to be there next to someone who has a fucking cell phone taoped to their ear!! really are you that important do you really have to be on the phone in the gym?? what in the hell are you in the gym for in the first place?? I feel like i need to take the phone out of their hand and bash a 45lb weight against it!!! damm this shit pisses me off!!! Then these assholes wonder why they are still working with the same weight they were about 4 years ago and still wondeing why they are battling a fat issue!!! there needs to be some kind of law to this shit when entering a gym!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    one more thing that seem to get me tickled is when you have theses a-holes standing around talking and holding up the gym equipment, it's like go to the damm singles bar or the corner pub if you want to stand around and gabb out your shit box!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    alright one more thing, is this just me or does this piss you guys and gals off too?????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If there holding the gym up I'll tell them to move, I dont give a fuck. Theres always going to be some cocksuckers doing shit like that. I got a guy at my gym that likes to pose the whole damn time whiles he's there. I just sit and laugh and shake my head and go on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    they should have a sign when you first walk in turn cell phones off in the building. I know sometimes it's really important to have the phone on. i always get business calls on my phone, but they could always leave a message and you can call them back. it would be really disrespectful if it was getting in the way of someones workout. LOL you ever go outside the gym, or anywhere for that matter, and you see a flock of people all on there damn cell's at the same time. everyone got those damn things stuck to there ears, and whats up with the cell's with all the lights on the antenna's huh they look like fuc_ing martians..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Cellphones should not be allowed in the gym. I also dont like people that stand and fix their hair before going into the gym, like it´s some sort of beautyshop...guys like that dont last very long at my gym.

  7. #7
    WHo cares!! Unless you are waiting for the machine they are on who really gives a shit? Go in work out get huge bro and just dont give a shit!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cell phones should be banned altogether unless you break down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

    People always get pissed cuz I don't answer the phone. Reason: If I'm not at home then I'm busy, so wait.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    to rybee: it;'s not that i care and it does not change my workout it is the simple fact of the fu**ing cell going off in the gym!!! gods damm it's like for one hour or 2 can you not have a cell phone !! and for kreper69 i can understand business shit but like you said you have a voice mail and the world is still going to be there when you get back and the business will still be there also. and for titantiger, i dont't give a shit either i tell them to move or hurry up but it's the fact that i have to waste my breath because of someone else's lack of principles in the gym.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It happens all the time.. everywhere and everytime... I have started to ignore these bunch of people... hope you do so too and fight for your own dreams.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I think cell phones should be banned for safety reasons. I saw a guy once getting a spot on incline dumbell presses, the spotter's cell phone rang, fell off his pant onto the floor, he bent down to grab it before it broke and bam. The lifter dropped the 100lb dumbell on his head and was knocked out unconcious. The spotter apologized and was never seen in the gym again.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    shouldn't be allowed to drive and use the phone...but i know it's illegal in some in canada they need to pass that law as well.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by rybee10
    WHo cares!! Unless you are waiting for the machine they are on who really gives a shit? Go in work out get huge bro and just dont give a shit!
    word. i dont own a cell phone, but i sometimes like to take a little bit of a break between sets and so me and my friends talk and cut up for a minute or so. then we hit the machine again. no one really seems upset, the people in austin are generally very friendly, they just usually ask if they can "work in" with us and we're like "sure!".

    i have to admit, me and my friends are sometimes guilty of doing a quick flex in the mirror... but then again, i've seen just about anyone and everyone do it at one point or another...=)

    -clocky baby

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Los Angeles
    Amen, my brother.

    My favorite is seeing some dumb-ass holding a cell-phone to one ear, and lifting a 2 pound weight with the other hand in some half-assed attempt at a military press. To her credit, after 10 or so reps she did switch hands.

    I can just hear it now:
    "I don't know why I am so fat and flabby, I go to the gym five times a week for an hour!"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    there should be a club policy that all cell phones have to be kept at the front desk or they all have to be turned off

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    i am liking what i am hearing , these gosh damm cellular heads in the gym , need to be banished. like some of you said there need to be a policy to keep the shit off the floor.
    1. can cause injuries if not spotting correctly and paying to much attention to the phone.
    2. cause you look like a damm idiot with it in th the gym
    3. read number 2. and repeat!!
    4. there shouldn't be a number four reason 1 and 2 are good enough

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Los Angeles
    What I have noticed:

    You look at most of the people in the gym (especially those with cell phones) 6 months later, and they are lifting the same weight, for the same reps, same time on treadmill. A big waste of time.

    What can you do? We just laugh at them all.

    Then there was the time when the biggest guy in the gym (and the biggest cell phone hater of them all ) was caught giving "I love you-wuv you" messages to his girlfriend during his leg work out.

    Damn. Never have a camera when u need it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    West Coast
    I've actually never seen anybody talking in a cellphone at the gym.

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