I can't stand it when I forget my water bottle at home. Spending my time between sets at the fountain is a pain in the ass.
Water Bottle
Water Fountain
Shut up EXCESS, your polls suck!!!
Gallon Jug!!!
I can't stand it when I forget my water bottle at home. Spending my time between sets at the fountain is a pain in the ass.
I don't mind the quick little break to walk over to the fountain between sets. Just got to be careful nobody steals your equipment
I drink 64oz each workout thus necessitating (word of the day) a water bottle
What happens here, stays here
i get my water for my water bottle from the water fountain. what does that count as?
That counts as water bottle. Thats where I fill mine too.![]()
We're sure hitting the bottom of the barrel with some of these polls ....hehe![]()
LOL, I knew somebody would choose #3.Marky Mark, you bastard!
I have a gallon jug I carry with me all day. I go through one a day. Since I can't vote for gallon jug, I can't vote. Maybe I can edit the poll. Alright I changed it, now I can vote with a clean conscience.![]()
You just had to be special, didn't you?![]()
Mutter, mutter, edited my poll, mutter, mutter.....
LOL, sorry man, couldn't resist
I tried the gallon jug for a while, and I had another jug to "empty" into. That can get confusing in the dark.
Does,nt bother me where I get it from as long as i can drink water from some where although i would draw the line at the toilet![]()
I must have my water bottle at all times.
WATER FOUNTAIN, i spend all my money on juice so theres no money to spend on those fascist bastards who charge over 1 dollar for friggin tap water
so that WAS you on Dumb & Dumber...i knew itOriginally posted by EXCESS
I tried the gallon jug for a while, and I had another jug to "empty" into. That can get confusing in the dark.
What happens here, stays here
I lug around the gallon jug. I drink about 3-3.5 gallons a day. I'm like a camel who never leaves the water hole.![]()
well done...in your (our?) climate...you can't drink too much IMO
(water that is)
What happens here, stays here
Definately true primo. The Summer's out here and up there are scorchers. Like i said, i think im going to your old homeland...CO.
How'd you know i lived there...stalker...
Good choice though...just be prepared to start over with your training for the first few weeks b/c of the altitude
What happens here, stays here
You told all of us in a post about a week ago.
i have a short-term memory when it comes to certain things...what else have i told everyone about?![]()
What happens here, stays here
What HAVEN'T you told us!![]()
there's my little INXS...i was worried about you
i've told no one anything of real value...i just have you all fooled into thinking i've told you important things
What happens here, stays here
I'm waiting for the pillow talk.![]()
I guess gallon jug wins, hands down! I'm sure glad there's no way for anybody to rig these polls. What would we do if we had a shady administrator? Lets hope that day never comes.![]()
Originally posted by EXCESS
I guess gallon jug wins, hands down! I'm sure glad there's no way for anybody to rig these polls. What would we do if we had a shady administrator? Lets hope that day never comes.![]()
I agree, there's no room on this board for shady administrators. I am shocked that many people voted for gallon jug, but I guess it's a good thing I added it for you, huh? Otherwise 50 people wouldn't be able to vote.![]()
what would we do without you?
What happens here, stays here
I thought I'd made some pretty good polls in the past, but not including Gallon Jug was a huge error on my part. Can you add Gallon Jug to some of my other polls? If I had to vote again on "What Pisses You Off The Most At The Gym?" I'd probably pick Gallon Jug.
LOL, it's ok...you're still learning.Originally posted by EXCESS
I thought I'd made some pretty good polls in the past, but not including Gallon Jug was a huge error on my part. Can you add Gallon Jug to some of my other polls? If I had to vote again on "What Pisses You Off The Most At The Gym?" I'd probably pick Gallon Jug.
Primo, let's not even think about that. I don't want you to be troubled with thoughts of me not being a part of your life every day.what would we do without you?![]()
bump for the newbies!
DAMN this is an old old ass thread!!!
Yes Excess, because of what you said about Avril LavigneI voted for number 3! Your poll SUCKS!!!
But...seriously now... LOL ...I use a water bottle, fill it up AT the water fountain, drink about 1-1.5 litres throughout my workout.
i'm a fountain chick...that short trip to the fountain is a good stretch for me....lol everybody know's that i'm still workin and i never have any probs with people stealin my equip![]()
2 24oz water bottles or be jug. fountain only when i forget one of the two mentioned pieces of equipment. That line is usually 10 deep with at least three azz holes filling 32 oz each. Damn - do that shit at home. People are thursty and just need a sip. <--- pet peave.
i use a fountain. i cant afford to buy water.
I prefer to recycle my own urine . How come that wasnt a choice?Well guess im gonna have to vote #3.
I do both...
when lifting I use the fountain, it forces me to take a short break between sets.
when doing cardio, then it's water bottle and I definetly NEED it!
Water bottle here but make the occasional strole to the water fountain to see if there is any Eye Candy lingering!![]()
I haven't put a fountain in my garage yet. So water bottle it is
Though sometimes I use the beer tap out there
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