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Thread: My GF dumped me This is so WEIRD.

  1. #81
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Honolulu, Hawaii


    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Yeah women are weird... a little too weird... that's why right now I'm staying single, number1 it's all too easy to find a girl out here, and number2 they all pretty much end up cheating on me or breaking up with me for no apparent reason... Like my last ex... She fell in love with me soo quick... Only to turn around and say she's not ready for a realtionship but she still wants to be friends, whatever... etc...

    So I'm at drill with my unit and she gives me a call... wants me to come by her place after I get off... I do and we hook up, and for about 2 weeks were basicly friends with benefits and doing the same crap as if we were in a relationship but we weren't... Then she's always saying how I'm the best guy she's ever met, blah blah blah yatta yatta yatta all this good crap about me and then all of a sudden turns around and outa the blue starts dating some other guy... So I go on to call her out on her ways call her a bitch, liar, faker, fronter, etc, etc and then she's surprised that I said that and didn't want to be friends anymore... Now is that weird or what???

    Anyways... yeah women are very strange... plus they take up too much of your time. That's why I'm choosing to stay single so I can focus on my goals and do whatever I want. I feel when in a relationship you always have to make time to do stuff with them and say if work or something else that pops up gets in the way of your plans you kinda feel bad (at least I do) but it's not like that with any1 else just with gf's... So call me selfish but I prefer to do whatever I want whenever I want.
    I've been single for about 10 years. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Did I say LOVE IT! Only me to worry about, only me to please. Selfish as hell but noone HAS to be in an emotional relationship. I hate the upkeep and all the f**C*Kd up shit. Their heads are screwed on wierd. Can't please em, EVER. No matter WHAT you do. Give em money, please em, etc. I

    I love my male buds best period. Come and go as we please and understand each other too well. No headache, no talk, no defining things, etc. just sit and everything is fine.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    If you want here back try to make her a little jelous. It was said in one of the first posts too. Be unavialable to her and see what she does. You, or anyone, always wants what they cant have. Tell her your busy sometimes etc..

    But be careful. You can push her away doing this if its overdone. You have to read her and what signs she gives out. And....Dont ring her. Let her ring you.
    ^^^Yep, exactly^^

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    HAHA, my wife was watching me type the last post and said, "you guys are stupid. Playin your stupid mind games." HAHA!!! Maybe you shoulda tried the shock collar?

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i have known this chick for long time finally we hook up. she is an amazing person- the whole package- smart, sexy, fun, thoughtful, kind, caring, and very honest plus she is really good in bed.

    we hit it off for quite some time, and she falls in love w/ me real fast (been like a year or longer since she has been/dated/done anything w/ anyone). the whole time im askin her r u sure its not infatuation/lust and not love? after asking this like 10 times and getting the same response "No, i know what i feel and its neither of those" im like hey this could work out great.

    things are going great, but in last 2 weeks she has distance her self from me... we talk less about anything and everything and she doesnt want to be touched as much... like i always had my hand on her leg when we were together driving and what ever.. but now its like "can u move ur hand im too hot." just lots of lil things like that.

    yesterday i get the call
    she says (all sad and crying like) that she Loves me but isnt INLOVE w/ me and she isnt attracted to me. she goes on to say that "it makes me even more sad to know that im not attracted to you when u are the most amazing person i have ever been with" (this made me go wtf?)
    so basically she said there is no chemistry and calld it off, but i felt chemistry the whole time so now im so perplexed by this ordeal, i know not what to think of it. she said that im very attractive but my size is very offputting, and she has never been with anyone who is thoughtful or loving towards her and that was weird too (how the **** is that weird). i guess its true i need to be an ass to keep em ><

    so my question is: why are women weird?
    Are you medicated?

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    girls who act like her are the reason why i vowed id be single all my life and just ****! but i ran into a kicks ass girl who is awsome hope i dont get screwed. Here is a tip that is very true you need to find a girl who likes you more than you like them, and you will never lose them... on another note.

    The main problem is that woman have small brain like squirrel

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The main problem is that woman have small brain like squirrel

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    After reading this thread, does anyone think hilary clinton is qualified to be president of the united states...........

    On the contrary that sucks bang some chicks and forget about this girl and she'll come crawling back....drooling.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    [QUOTE=Kennedy]After reading this thread, does anyone think hilary clinton is qualified to be president of the united states....

    I dont....

    This would be a good thread you should start one....

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