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I think some people just hate the idea of the lifestyle. And thats why they look down upon it. when someone says I look to big, i just tell them to get over it and call them jelous. and usually they say "yea its true". A few of my buddies joke around with me a little bit, but then when it comes down to the nitty griddty and they need someone to back them up, they look for me.
Also I am no "bodybuilder", not even close. My dedication is high, but no where near the level it needs to be so i can get to competition levels. People do look down at me in the gym when im squatting 600+ pounds, they walk by and shake there heads. But to me its just motivation. Motivation to walk into the gym and do 700 pounds the next time to make them shake there heads faster or longer.
The only people i feel like in my gym who really understand me are the few bodybuilders, who i talk to on the regular or the personal trainers. Your always gonna deal with sh*t no matter what u do.