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Thread: Does the very presence of a bodybuilder generate animosity?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY

    Does the very presence of a bodybuilder generate animosity?

    In my experience it can. It's interesting how people in and out of the gym repond to your appearance. Sometimes it can be flattering. At other times, you really do get negative responses as people make interpretations of you based on your appearance. I think one common interpretation is that you are arrogant or narcissistic. Guys may smirk at you or just stare. You may get compliments or questions. Girls may give you an insinuating glance or go out of their way to look away. One time I was on the tread mill and these three woman and there forties were walking by and one of them said, look at him over there all steroided up with the attitude." I was natural at the time and I weighed about 170 pounds at 5'8." I'm sure some of you have had similar experiences yet it doesn't seem to be discussed much. In a way, just talking about it can bring about a distaste or misunderstanding - like your being insincere or bragging. Maybe that's why it's not brought up. I hope I get a few responses on this because I'm so curious about it.
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 05-17-2007 at 03:52 PM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    BC, Canada
    Alot of people think im unhealthy and im hurting my self by lifting weights and eating what seems like alot to them but is really only about 2100 cals of clean food. some people on the other hand love it and admire me even tho im not even that built. I have been accused of roids before many times because i have alot of natural bacne. Anyone whos smaller then me just assumes im a juicer because it makes them feel good. I openly admit to people that im going to sauce it up in the future and theyre are usually pretty shocked, but i could eat mcdonalds on a daily basis and they wouldnt think anything of it. Hrmm whats more detremental to your health? lol fast food daily or an intelligent cycle?

    Sorta off topic but lots of people out there think supplements like protein and creatine are like a legal form of steroids. About a month ago i braught a 5lb tub of whey over to my cousins house cause he had been asking me to get him some. His mother intercepted me at the door and was just blazing mad and told me to get it out of her house. She tells me that those muscle shakes are just another form of steroids and im a fool for taking it. Mind you, i could have been shit faced drunk with a half a bottle of whiskey and it would have been fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    its just like racism. i led a big training discussion today about it on my campus. its all the same. many people see a black guy and figure he's either a drug dealer or packing a gun. people see me and think i'm either dumb as hell or on roids. you see a blonde you may think she's ditsy. its all bullshit stereotypes.

    and i hate em.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    maybe a little, but i think it then turns to hate and thats why a lot of shit gets talked about.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    I think in some cases that's true.

    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    I've thought of that myself. It's dehumanizing to say the least to be put into a category of thought or a stereotype. You are more likely to see this with concervatives and that's backed up in the social sciences. I can site it from memory, see Arie Kruglanski, 1996, Psychological Review, article, seizing and freezing: The need for closure.

    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    its just like racism. i led a big training discussion today about it on my campus. its all the same. many people see a black guy and figure he's either a drug dealer or packing a gun. people see me and think i'm either dumb as hell or on roids. you see a blonde you may think she's ditsy. its all bullshit stereotypes.

    and i hate em.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2006
    I think some people just hate the idea of the lifestyle. And thats why they look down upon it. when someone says I look to big, i just tell them to get over it and call them jelous. and usually they say "yea its true". A few of my buddies joke around with me a little bit, but then when it comes down to the nitty griddty and they need someone to back them up, they look for me.

    Also I am no "bodybuilder", not even close. My dedication is high, but no where near the level it needs to be so i can get to competition levels. People do look down at me in the gym when im squatting 600+ pounds, they walk by and shake there heads. But to me its just motivation. Motivation to walk into the gym and do 700 pounds the next time to make them shake there heads faster or longer.

    The only people i feel like in my gym who really understand me are the few bodybuilders, who i talk to on the regular or the personal trainers. Your always gonna deal with sh*t no matter what u do.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    to the original question. yes. when a big guy walks everyone gets standoffish and they act differently. so yes just athe presence can make people uneasy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    Wow. I thought my legs were strong. That puts it in perspective. The personal trainers I see don't look like anything special (Bayshore Bally's, LI, NY).

    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    I think some people just hate the idea of the lifestyle. And thats why they look down upon it. when someone says I look to big, i just tell them to get over it and call them jelous. and usually they say "yea its true". A few of my buddies joke around with me a little bit, but then when it comes down to the nitty griddty and they need someone to back them up, they look for me.

    Also I am no "bodybuilder", not even close. My dedication is high, but no where near the level it needs to be so i can get to competition levels. People do look down at me in the gym when im squatting 600+ pounds, they walk by and shake there heads. But to me its just motivation. Motivation to walk into the gym and do 700 pounds the next time to make them shake there heads faster or longer.

    The only people i feel like in my gym who really understand me are the few bodybuilders, who i talk to on the regular or the personal trainers. Your always gonna deal with sh*t no matter what u do.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Wow. I thought my legs were strong. That puts it in perspective. The personal trainers I see don't look like anything special (Bayshore Bally's, LI, NY). They kind of gawk at me too. So much for understanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    I think some people just hate the idea of the lifestyle. And thats why they look down upon it. when someone says I look to big, i just tell them to get over it and call them jelous. and usually they say "yea its true". A few of my buddies joke around with me a little bit, but then when it comes down to the nitty griddty and they need someone to back them up, they look for me.

    Also I am no "bodybuilder", not even close. My dedication is high, but no where near the level it needs to be so i can get to competition levels. People do look down at me in the gym when im squatting 600+ pounds, they walk by and shake there heads. But to me its just motivation. Motivation to walk into the gym and do 700 pounds the next time to make them shake there heads faster or longer.

    The only people i feel like in my gym who really understand me are the few bodybuilders, who i talk to on the regular or the personal trainers. Your always gonna deal with sh*t no matter what u do.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Yeah, that's probably it. I'm standoffish in the gym for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    to the original question. yes. when a big guy walks everyone gets standoffish and they act differently. so yes just athe presence can make people uneasy.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by doolo
    Alot of people think im unhealthy and im hurting my self by lifting weights and eating what seems like alot to them but is really only about 2100 cals of clean food. some people on the other hand love it and admire me even tho im not even that built. I have been accused of roids before many times because i have alot of natural bacne. Anyone whos smaller then me just assumes im a juicer because it makes them feel good. I openly admit to people that im going to sauce it up in the future and theyre are usually pretty shocked, but i could eat mcdonalds on a daily basis and they wouldnt think anything of it. Hrmm whats more detremental to your health? lol fast food daily or an intelligent cycle?

    Sorta off topic but lots of people out there think supplements like protein and creatine are like a legal form of steroids. About a month ago i braught a 5lb tub of whey over to my cousins house cause he had been asking me to get him some. His mother intercepted me at the door and was just blazing mad and told me to get it out of her house. She tells me that those muscle shakes are just another form of steroids and im a fool for taking it. Mind you, i could have been shit faced drunk with a half a bottle of whiskey and it would have been fine.
    I have been in the exact situation b4. some people are so dumb

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    LoL. And you can only imagine the misunderstandings people have about testosterone or dare I use the word, "steroids"

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    [/U]I have been in the exact situation b4. some people are so dumb

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    LoL. And you can only imagine the misunderstandings people have about testosterone or dare I use the word, "steroids"

    no doubt.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by doolo
    Alot of people think im unhealthy and im hurting my self by lifting weights and eating what seems like alot to them but is really only about 2100 cals of clean food. some people on the other hand love it and admire me even tho im not even that built. I have been accused of roids before many times because i have alot of natural bacne. Anyone whos smaller then me just assumes im a juicer because it makes them feel good. I openly admit to people that im going to sauce it up in the future and theyre are usually pretty shocked, but i could eat mcdonalds on a daily basis and they wouldnt think anything of it. Hrmm whats more detremental to your health? lol fast food daily or an intelligent cycle?

    Sorta off topic but lots of people out there think supplements like protein and creatine are like a legal form of steroids. About a month ago i braught a 5lb tub of whey over to my cousins house cause he had been asking me to get him some. His mother intercepted me at the door and was just blazing mad and told me to get it out of her house. She tells me that those muscle shakes are just another form of steroids and im a fool for taking it. Mind you, i could have been shit faced drunk with a half a bottle of whiskey and it would have been fine.
    I get SO many people telling me I am killing my body. Hell, people try to tell me creatine will kill you. Everyone's an armchair M.D. and they are all freakin idiots.

    I also get a TON of hate from fat people. Around my office we have some really, really obese lawyers (older than me). They hate on me 24-7, but it always gets back to me because everyone talks.

    People hate people that are in shape because we remind them of what failures they are in life. These people haven't seen their dicks in 15 years, I'd be pissed too.

    My usual response is "I'd hate me too if I were you"

  17. #17
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    Long Island, NY
    From what I hear the pros get online and talk shit about each other. It almost seems like they are jelous of each other or maybe it's just the competitive biz they're in where moneys on the line. But what does negative speak accomplish? Maybe as a psych out (arnold style) prior to a show but other than that it's petty and useless. I'm not competitive at all. If I see someone who looks better I tip my hat and try to train with him or her. I just compete against myself and it's always, "I want to be more radical then last year" and maybe get a little pooh tang for the effort. I guess that's why I don't compete. What's the point?

    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    I get SO many people telling me I am killing my body. Hell, people try to tell me creatine will kill you. Everyone's an armchair M.D. and they are all freakin idiots.

    I also get a TON of hate from fat people. Around my office we have some really, really obese lawyers (older than me). They hate on me 24-7, but it always gets back to me because everyone talks.

    People hate people that are in shape because we remind them of what failures they are in life. These people haven't seen their dicks in 15 years, I'd be pissed too.

    My usual response is "I'd hate me too if I were you"
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 05-17-2007 at 06:25 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I enjoy food and going out too much to compete. I don't need to win the car show, I just want it to look good drivin around on Saturday night

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    I hear you. I go a little more radican than that. No beer. I do miss the Amstel lights. Hey you ever try that Jamaican beer Red Stripes? Good stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    I enjoy food and going out too much to compete. I don't need to win the car show, I just want it to look good drivin around on Saturday night

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    good post here mike.... I think so.. I havent really gotten any negative responses since I have started my competition regime.. mostly compliments & encouragement from the people in my gym. I am sure there are some "haters" or some that mutter to themselves or friends. I dont know which actually motivates me more.... the haters...or the positive feedback.. but yes... Ican definitely create either animousity OR encourage others to improve.

  21. #21
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    I really think the "stand-offishness" factors into the animosity. If one of the little squat looking hispanic dudes were standoffish no one would notice but if you look good and train freaky hard, and you spend too much time in the gym, you're noticable and people will start trying to figure you out. Add to that my aloofness, the mundane of everyday life and the desire for sensationalism to assuage the boredom; the negative t.v. programing where dissing others makes for mainstream entertainment (the average person watches 20 hours of t.v. a week) and bamn! You got all the ingrediants for hating and negativity in general. Consider the culture in general. Americans are statistically more violent than many other industialized nations. We are war hawks and the armament industry keeps us that way. They'll always be a war for America. Was it Eisenhouwer that warned of the "military industrial complex?" The murder rates, compared to other nations, also raises a brow. Our economy is based on competition and competition is made of "winners" and "losers (a zero sum game)" and that's our habitual categories and the basis for our motives. It's entrenched into our psyches. We Americans, it seems are violent folks full of blood lust. The wanna-be new roman empire. Ooops. A little pontificating there.

    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    good post here mike.... I think so.. I havent really gotten any negative responses since I have started my competition regime.. mostly compliments & encouragement from the people in my gym. I am sure there are some "haters" or some that mutter to themselves or friends. I dont know which actually motivates me more.... the haters...or the positive feedback.. but yes... Ican definitely create either animousity OR encourage others to improve.
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 05-17-2007 at 06:58 PM.

  22. #22
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    Honestly I agree with all of you, even though Im probally not at the level some of you are at. Sitting here at 210 18% Im very happy with what I have achieved from being a former fat kid. I love the look when I see one buddy talking to another damn that young kid is deadlifting 350+.

    The reality of this all though is what I believe that all lead us to this forum in one way or another. We all to an extent thought we were freaks, something maybe even wrong with us for doing this for the sheer enjoyment of bettering ourselved. We had to clarify to our "self" in terms of freud that we are normal and there are other people like us with similar lifestyles that WE choose to lead.

    Its amazing with science being at where it is, the knowledge we have on nutrition and supplements that the obesity rate is the highest it has ever been and is considered an epidemic. To me it is atrocious and quite frankly I feel ZERO remorse for anybody who is overweight (Medical reasons are excused). If I could do it, so can you and no reason you should be unhappy for something you dont want to put in the dedication for.

  23. #23
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    Nice post bro and kudos to you. I think everyone has different motives for doing this but I think there's something in it for everyone. Technology has made kids increasingly fatter. When I was a kid it was atari, coleco vision, and uhm, I forget the other ones. We had some fun with that on rainy days but in the winters we'd get up at sunrise to get to the ice and play ice hockey as long as the sun would permit. If the weather didn't permit ice hockey we'd have roller hockey. I started resistance training for hockey actually - that's why I initially emphasized legs and when the girls started noticing, I took an interest in Bodybuilding and learned what I could from Weider's Muscle and fitness. Times have definately changed.

    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Honestly I agree with all of you, even though Im probally not at the level some of you are at. Sitting here at 210 18% Im very happy with what I have achieved from being a former fat kid. I love the look when I see one buddy talking to another damn that young kid is deadlifting 350+.

    The reality of this all though is what I believe that all lead us to this forum in one way or another. We all to an extent thought we were freaks, something maybe even wrong with us for doing this for the sheer enjoyment of bettering ourselved. We had to clarify to our "self" in terms of freud that we are normal and there are other people like us with similar lifestyles that WE choose to lead.

    Its amazing with science being at where it is, the knowledge we have on nutrition and supplements that the obesity rate is the highest it has ever been and is considered an epidemic. To me it is atrocious and quite frankly I feel ZERO remorse for anybody who is overweight (Medical reasons are excused). If I could do it, so can you and no reason you should be unhappy for something you dont want to put in the dedication for.

  24. #24
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    When I first started to get very serious with bodybuilding and eating correctly, everyone gave me shit. Many of my friends worked out, but they lacked the discipline to get their trainng regime and diet in order. So, because of their lack of dedication, they hated on me.

    Everyone has their view of bodybuilders and most unhealthy people are going to envy the dedication you have to building the "perfect body". My parents support me in everything I do, but they think I take training and diet to the extreme sometimes. My friends look down on me when I don't go out and get smashed with 'em. The people that I find support/understand me the most are those that have the same intensity towards something. Whether it's other BBers or college/pro athletes.

    Good post Mike.

  25. #25
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    source check [email protected]
    if ppl are hating on you then you should be happy means you are looking good

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    a lot of the guys on my softball team have been asking for nutritional advice, what supps to take for joints and muscle gain.. strength that sort of thing..

    I guess i'm so stuck up i don't really notice people looking at me.. my brother in law that i train says all the time people watch me, especially outside of the gym if we are going somewhere.. thing is i don't think i'm in that great of shape right now.. (work in progress) but i guess it's always that way for me.. ..

    Body Dysmorphic syndrome
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

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  27. #27
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    I agree with Spy, it just doesnt cross my mind and 99% of the time people want to talk about how to help themselves, shit more then half the gym trys to do my routine.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  28. #28
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    Heh, well bigguns, WHAT IS YOUR ROUTINE!

  29. #29
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    On the point of advice, you ever notice that when you telling them about the basics it seems that they truly don't want the advice after all. It's detail-oriented, and I don't think people are driven to learn about it. If they were they wouldn't need to ask you they'd just go online or get a book and learn for themselves. Now when people ask for advice I go through a rapid laundry list and say, go online or to your library and research it. That's how I learned. When I was a personal trainer as a part of our sales training we learned to work with the preconceptions people had. You have to enter their point of reference for them to feel like you are "knowlegeable." It's part of the hustle. If they think they'll lose fat by doing situps then bring em to the ab station. People typically don't seem to want to break out of their little box. Look at some of the convervative that post on this site. It seems like the status-quo is their little container - it holds them together yet alienates them from true learning. Less common is the person who's fundamentally curious and open to experience. That's the person worth giving advice to if you can do it as a peer and with a humble attitude.

    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    a lot of the guys on my softball team have been asking for nutritional advice, what supps to take for joints and muscle gain.. strength that sort of thing..

    I guess i'm so stuck up i don't really notice people looking at me.. my brother in law that i train says all the time people watch me, especially outside of the gym if we are going somewhere.. thing is i don't think i'm in that great of shape right now.. (work in progress) but i guess it's always that way for me.. ..

    Body Dysmorphic syndrome

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Act of God
    I enjoy food and going out too much to compete. I don't need to win the car show, I just want it to look good drivin around on Saturday night
    exactly... could not be put any better

  31. #31
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    Long Island, NY
    That's typical and that's why you don't see too many super-ripped physiques walking about. It's not easy to diet radically and you suffer for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pro_built7
    exactly... could not be put any better

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    On the point of advice, you ever notice that when you telling them about the basics it seems that they truly don't want the advice after all. It's detail-oriented, and I don't think people are driven to learn about it. If they were they wouldn't need to ask you they'd just go online or get a book and learn for themselves. Now when people ask for advice I go through a rapid laundry list and say, go online or to your library and research it. That's how I learned. When I was a personal trainer as a part of our sales training we learned to work with the preconceptions people had. You have to enter their point of reference for them to feel like you are "knowlegeable." It's part of the hustle. If they think they'll lose fat by doing situps then bring em to the ab station. People typically don't seem to want to break out of their little box. Look at some of the convervative that post on this site. It seems like the status-quo is their little container - it holds them together yet alienates them from true learning. Less common is the person who's fundamentally curious and open to experience. That's the person worth giving advice to if you can do it as a peer and with a humble attitude.
    Very well-put. Everyone wants to know how you do it, they think its some overnight thing. When you begin to break it down to them and try and teach them how to do things right, they suddenly lose interest. Many just don't have the self-discipline to put in the months of hard work. Everyone is out for the quick fix. It's always been that way.

  33. #33
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    i never cared what anyone thinks about me.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar
    i never cared what anyone thinks about me.
    Collar bro, is that you in your avy?

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Learnin from the best...
    maybe it is just where i live or something, but i get nothing but respect and great feedback from everyone....they always ask about my shows and wanna see pics...i am very outgoing and friendly so that helps...also i dont see myself as big, i am just average so i think that makes a difference, some guys that are big act like they are huge, they go out and when someone bumps them they act all huge, when that happens to me and it is not my fault in the least i always apologize first...the president of my company wants tickets to my next show and is going to try and get me corporate sponsorship too...i have one or two very very close friends that want me to just be careful cause i am 300 pounds and they know what i am doing to my body but they say it with concern and not in a condescending way....basically i think it has to do with how bigger guys carry themselves, when they act arrogant they get no respect, but when we treat others no different (cause we arent) we get respect and do not get the negative side....dont get me wrong, i have had my mom tell me i am a freak and her friend calls me " the no neck monster", and i am sure i dont hear some things at the gym, but even my girl has said she hears people in the mall make comments, but they are 99% positive...might just be a different situation here...

  36. #36
    There's not a single bodybuilder where I workout, so I don't even know...

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    In Jessica Alba's bagina
    I think it has a lot to do with the alpha dog "thing". Everybody knows where the biggest guy in the gym is..and they (me too) look and see how much he is lifting. (sometimes...I'm the biggest, and I love it)..

    they are always very intense and I make it a point to not get in their way...and sometimes my mind is going " don't worry about anybody else" and I get resentful. (childish, I know)

    ///just a few random thoughts on the issue
    ///started mast/prop this morning

  38. #38
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    lost in translation
    im not that big my self but sometimes i am the biggest guy in the gym(its a lifetime fitness)its very middleage and frumpy so no big accomplishment.but it does feel good to get "the looks" and to see people noticing u but i never get all cocky or act like im all huge cause i know im not.webb has got it , treat everyone normal and theyll treat u normal. when i get big enough that everywhere i go everyone stares cause im so big then ill post up and tell u how i feel.i really dont think it will be any diff than i feel now though, peace brothers!

  39. #39
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    North dakota
    I think bodybuilders are overly sensitive. I know pro fighters who have gone into a club and people disrespected them instantly, I know bodybuilders who get looks at the gym. People will be jelous over anything having muscles is no different.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    Collar bro, is that you in your avy?
    yes it is.

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