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Thread: hard times

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Texas

    hard times

    so....i need to vent, so here goes....well this past sat day, my gf of 9 months, which is a long time for me, breaks up with me....i loved this girl, but now i actually know how much i do, and how much of a total inconsiderate, uncaring asshole id been the past few months to her, it took her breaking up with me to figure this out, and now i cant eat...i ahve to force feed, i cant sleep, and on top of that, heres the good part....i just started PCT 10 minutes ago(100mg clomid, 40mg nolva, .25mg adex)this really really sucks, and i dont know if i can get her back, sorry for all of this, i just thought id vent a little, thanks bros

  2. #2
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i think its time to break out Sex and the City on demand and have a little sob session

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Yeah sometimes it takes shit like that happening for you to see the light. This applies for any situation where things aren't as they should be. It's known as a reality check or a wake up call. I had one recently...

    Sorry about your situation. I'm not sure how much of an asshole you were, but have you told your ex-girlfriend this? I'm pretty sure if you told her exactly how you felt she might give you a second chance. Tell her exactly how you feel in person, not over the phone. If you talk to her in person, she will really be able to see how you feel.

    And, for sure drop that Clomid. I felt like an emotional roller coaster on that shit, and life was going good for me. Throw in an OTC Test booster. It should help to keep you feeling up-beat.

    Good Luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    i think its time to break out Sex and the City on demand and have a little sob session

    I think that AR helps people who are having problems more than any shrink could.

    The lounge could even be renamed "Kleenex, Prozac, A Comfy Chair, and A Dimly Lit Room."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Texas
    thanks a lot bros, clomid has never really caused me any emotional probs in the past, im hopin that it stays that way, lol.....i plan on talking to her in person about it, however she is gone for a few days, which sucks....i'll def let u guys know how it goes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I am sorry to hear about your situation. Rally sucks. The problem with chicks are when they make up their mind it is rally difficult to get them to see your point. Maybe she just wanted to give you a fright so you can sort your sh*t out. Holding thumbs for you Bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    The best way to get over a chick is to go out and bang 10 more. It works, guaranteed. That could take a while if you're on pct, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by rugbySwoll
    so....i need to vent, so here goes....well this past sat day, my gf of 9 months, which is a long time for me, breaks up with me....i loved this girl, but now i actually know how much i do, and how much of a total inconsiderate, uncaring asshole id been the past few months to her, it took her breaking up with me to figure this out, and now i cant eat...i ahve to force feed, i cant sleep, and on top of that, heres the good part....i just started PCT 10 minutes ago(100mg clomid, 40mg nolva, .25mg adex)this really really sucks, and i dont know if i can get her back, sorry for all of this, i just thought id vent a little, thanks bros
    I sympathize with you, bro.

    Trust me bro, you got it easy. My girlfriend of 3 years decided that we should split up 3 months ago. Despite the split, we continued communicating to each other and seeing each other and she assured me that she loved me and had no plans on us breaking up. That was, however, until this past weekend when she broke up with me. And I have no one to blame but myself because for half of those 3 years, I was still chatting with someone whom I met before my girlfriend moved here with me from Alabama. Although I hadn't cheated on her, she don't believe it and can't seem to get such a thought out of her mind.
    Last edited by TheChosen1; 05-22-2007 at 08:09 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    The best way to get over a chick is to go out and bang 10 more. It works, guaranteed. That could take a while if you're on pct, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

    2 Thumbs up for you bro. go get her! If not just bang 9 new chicks. 1 girl to take away every month. it will work

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    West Texas
    well bros, i havent been on in awhile, but i thought i'd let ya know that i got her back, see, it took me agood five days to get over her(starting PCT at that time wasnt cool), after taht i started kinda getting to know this little cutie, well somehow she got wind of this, and i guess figured out that i can find someone else and am not gonna wait on her to come around, so she gave me another chance, i dont tihnk i told yall why she broke up with me, it was due to me being a self centered prick, that took her for granted and didnt give a shit, then when she canned me, thats what it took for me to figure out taht i may of lost someone i really loved....well all is good for now, except for the problem with my inner ear which is freakin me out, i have all of these symptoms episodically for the past 3 months:
    -tinnitus in left ear
    -45% hearing loss in left ear
    -disoriented, drunk, surreal, dumb feeling 24/7(#1 prblem)
    -balance is off at times
    -sometimes fatigued
    -floaters in my eyes
    -cant concentrate at all
    ive been to an ENT, which sent me to a neurotologist(inner ear specialist) in san antonio....they did some vestibular testing, i had an mri done yesterday and am still waiting on the reslults, which is scaring the shit outta one can figure out what my problem is, it could be a few things, i just wanna be fixed....well im ending week #3 of PCT, which is going well actually, its consisting of clomid(100mg first 10 days, then 75 for a few, now im at 50mg), nolva(10mg), and igflr3(50mcgPWO,5on2off, which is working amazingly)... of course my diet is perfect and lifting is going well, i try to do my best with my inner ear being all messed up, but ive survived for now....well bros, thought id just give yall an update, thanks and yall take it easy

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