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Thread: So This Cop...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    So This Cop...

    dropped his badge and said....

    ..."Oh, my BADge!"...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI

    lol, c'mon, you have to admit you laughed a little on the inside??

  4. #4
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    S.Florida by way of NY

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    someone quick
    put his thread in the hall of shame quotes

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Learnin from the best...
    can we put a whole thread in the "hall of shame" cause thats were this belongs...NOW....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    This goes in the Hall of Shame, and AR goes ka-boom!

    Does anyone have a sense of humor? Well, its more funny when you've been drinking.

    Can't you just imagine a cop walking by and dropping his badge...hahaha, then bends down to pick it up and looks at you, "oh, my BADge." lol, thats just too great

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    I'm sorry but BAD and BADGE really just dont sound alike, maybe a bit but not enough to make a joke out of.

    Which is why the only reason I did laugh (on the inside) is at the idea that somebody else actually found this crap funny.. so do I still have a sense of humor now or what? =]

    .. and I think threatening to blow up ar not only can get you banned but arrested too in like real life. (now that shit would be *FUNNY)

    speaking of bombs, its ok to bomb a joke btw, now you will know never to tell a joke again in the future. (<--- I thought that was funny too ) or maybe your sense of humor is just rubbing off on me and Im not funny anymore. I think have to leave this thread now.

    Seriously though Im just busting your chops.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I'm sorry but BAD and BADGE really just dont sound alike, maybe a bit but not enough to make a joke out of.

    Which is why the only reason I did laugh (on the inside) is at the idea that somebody else actually found this crap funny.. so do I still have a sense of humor now or what? =]

    .. and I think threatening to blow up ar not only can get you banned but arrested too in like real life. (now that shit would be *FUNNY)

    speaking of bombs, its ok to bomb a joke btw, now you will know never to tell a joke again in the future. (<--- I thought that was funny too ) or maybe your sense of humor is just rubbing off on me and Im not funny anymore. I think have to leave this thread now.

    Seriously though Im just busting your chops.
    lol as long as you found it a little funny. Now I can go to bed and sleep tight...thanks

    oh yeah, and no bans! I mean, blowing it up would be damn near impossible. I would have to be on this site and blow my computer up, but thats just myself...that wont work...see, all shits and giggles PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!

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