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  1. #1
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    Night time Nose Bleed

    A mod feel free to move this if you like, i wasnt sure where to put this topic, and its kind of funny to, so ill put it in here

    Last night I got into bed around 11:00 last night, and fell right asleep (like i usually do). My whole family are insomniacs, and me i sleep like a baby every single night. its a great gift haha.

    anyway i wake up at around 2:30, it was one of those random quick wake ups where u toss to your other side or somthing then fall right back asleep, you know what im saying?

    so anyway im about to fall back into my sleep when i feel somthing wet on my cheek, im like wtf is that, and its pooling on my pillow. so i turn the light on and my whole f*cking pillow is COVERED in blood. I mean like soaked. My nose was leaking like a Siv.

    so first thing i do of course is go to the bathroom and get a tissue and try and stop this damn thing. Takes me f*ckin 45 min till my nose stops bleeding! First off i have a nose bleed mabye once or twice in my life and they were both caused from somthing hitting my nose ( 1 was a baseball when i was lil and the other was face planting snowboarding) so random nose bleeds are pretty damn rare in my case.

    my question is, i just got off a cycle of SD/PP for 4 weeks. Im taking clomid right now along with CyogenX for my pct. do you think in anyway this could be a side effect from it, or what could it be?

    My BP is a lil bit high, but nothing huge, 140/70. I no high BP can cause nose bleeds, but i doubt that my Bp is high enough to even come close to nose bleeds. Anyway what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    A few ??????s

    1. Do you get nosebleeds easily
    2. Is the weather unusually dry
    3. Have you considered taking Hawthorne Berry or any other supps to lower BP
    4. Have you considered getting sea-salt to spray up there while your septum heals????

  3. #3
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    A few ??????s

    1. Do you get nosebleeds easily
    2. Is the weather unusually dry
    3. Have you considered taking Hawthorne Berry or any other supps to lower BP
    4. Have you considered getting sea-salt to spray up there while your septum heals????
    The reason my blood presure is high is because i just came off cycle and stopped taking the hawthorn berrys actully.

    No i do not get nose bleeds easily.

    never thought of the sea salt thing, if it happens again i might have to. and yeah the weather around here is pretty damn dry, and i sleep with a fan on, which prob doesnt help with the dryness of the air either.

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