YEAH this is so MY LUCK!
i get up
i go in to get tattoo
the dood is like sitting in the backest darkest corner looking like shit.
turns out he is tottally EFFED UP from lack of sleep
like weds night Saliva (JoseyScott the singer dood is humping/married or wat ever to my friends sister so he comes her ALOT) came in to all get tattoo's done and he worked on them all till like 4am..
next night they give him like free passes and shit to come to their show.. so he doesnt get in till like 5:30 am!
so he got lke 4hrs of sleep in 2 nights plus all the alcohol he probably drank last night SO I HAVE TO POST PONE TILL TOMARROW at 2! ><
of course thats fine! i dont want him workin on me in the condition he is in anyways since he looked like he could BARELY STAND UP!