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  1. #1
    unclemoney's Avatar
    unclemoney is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light

    such thing as allergic to heat????

    Well I'm working at costco till the whole police ***artment thing pulls through... If it doesn't then I'm switching from reserves to active duty, love the army

    Anyways... I don't mind packing up carts and sh!t but today I worked the parkinglot the entire 8 hours of my shift, it's like non-stop cardio it sux especially when your tryin to bulk///recover from a leg day. Anyways I'd say after about 4 hours out in the sun, I started getting small bumps on like my arms and if i'd scratch at them they'd vanish and leave a little bit of a watery residue... pretty f'n nasty... I'm fine now but wtf what would cause this???

  2. #2
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    possible sun exsposure like a sunburn but probably not allergic to sun

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