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Thread: relationship- mixed feelings, what wud u do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    N.Ireland, UK

    relationship- mixed feelings, what wud u do?

    guys, heres the situation as best as i can describe it.

    girl 1- my current gf, been with her just over 4 yrs, gd looking, we get on well though the past yr or so has been slow. shes uber smart, going away soon to train as an accountant for KPMG (HUGE accountancy firm) so the money she earns will be great.

    girl 2- my ex gf of when we were 15, so not serious relationship. iv been in contact with her for the past few months and been getting along like a house on fire, almost as though we never lost contact for a few years. she has no qualifications though and has a kid, whos dad is a real prick and a well known trouble causer.

    problem is, girl 2 is probably the most amazing looking girl in the world, and i know looks arent everything, but shes IMMENSE! rly good to tlk to, hot as hell, one of the nicest people iv ever met. her parents r gr8 too. my current gf, as i sed though, things r slowing down a lot (sex- its been once over thet past 6 weeks!) and her parents r probably the biggest dicks i have ever met. i rly hate them

    what would you do in this situation? smart girl, gd looking, good prospects, dick parents


    gd laugh girl, hottest girl iv ever seen, funny, likes havn a gd time, nice parents, kid, dick ex boyfriend

    thoughts please

  2. #2
    girl one witout question. although you prolly dont deserve either the way you talk

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    N.Ireland, UK
    haha what u mean 'the way you talk'

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    #1,, that one sounds long term material,, #2 is just someone you have fun with while your with #1,, so i guess if you run it llike that you get the best of both worlds

  5. #5
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    Jan 2007
    It takes more than money and good looks to make the long haul. I've got 13 years in the field. So nether.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Six weeks without sex?!?! Well she would be gone.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    wtf,girl 2 by a mile,who would date a girl for thier professional prospects,what u planning on doing leeching off her,ones got a dick ex the others got dick parents,let ur knob lead the way bro

  9. #9
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    the kid is the deciding factor for me really...i dont want kids myself plus you have to deal with her ex being a shit bag....number one is great but no passion there so its a matter of time before that is option#3, go find one that has the qualities you like from both of them in one nice package...

  10. #10
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    im putting the girl 1 ses situation dwon to the fact shes just finished her final exams at university studying astrophysics so she has been stressed. but her exams finished 2 weeks ago and theres been that 1 time we had sex, thats it. i know sexual relationship dims down after a while, at the beginning she was mega up for it. just my sex drive has never declined while hers has.
    as for her job, no its not that i would leech off her, in fact its killing me that if we stayed together she would be earning more than me! i just mean that i would be comfortable

    WEBB, i know wot u mean botu kids. the weird thing is, with my current gf (girl 1) i dont want kids. lol. the reason being, and i hope this doesnt sound heartless but i know i could not handle it, but there there is a genetic disorder runs in her family that only affects boys, its a learning difficulty (ie need to go to special schools, have tantrums, act like they r 12 when they grow up to be 50 etc). she is a carrier of the gene. despite this, iv never wantd kids.

    however, with girl 2, i dont no wot it is, but i wouldnt mind taking hers on, and im only frign 21! I know a genetic disorder can come about with any child, bit its pretty much guaranteed with my gf at the mo if it was a boy. and i need a boy if i had kids, coz id want to do father-son stuff properly, then make him mr olympia! lol

    with my gf as well, the majority of her family r alchoholics or are a little bit insane. yet they cant see it. my gf is normal, although when she has had a drink she can b an idiot, lol.

    i just dont know, its a hard one, i cant be assd with girl 2s ex bf, but i could do everything else, with girl 1 though iv been with her 4 yrs and i still love her, but her family r pillocks (yes i did say pillocks!)

  11. #11
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    ur 21 dont make a descision now about never having kids i said that at that age and now have loads of em,maybe webb is right they both have serious minus points for u to be mulling it over with us lot so get urself a newun

  12. #12
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    problem is im crap at ending relationships (well i never had so i dont know what to do, lol), and 4 yrs is a long time (i think) so its hard to break it off when im not exactly unhappy!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirish_mark20
    guys, heres the situation as best as i can describe it.

    girl 1- my current gf, been with her just over 4 yrs, gd looking, we get on well though the past yr or so has been slow. shes uber smart, going away soon to train as an accountant for KPMG (HUGE accountancy firm) so the money she earns will be great.

    girl 2- my ex gf of when we were 15, so not serious relationship. iv been in contact with her for the past few months and been getting along like a house on fire, almost as though we never lost contact for a few years. she has no qualifications though and has a kid, whos dad is a real prick and a well known trouble causer.

    problem is, girl 2 is probably the most amazing looking girl in the world, and i know looks arent everything, but shes IMMENSE! rly good to tlk to, hot as hell, one of the nicest people iv ever met. her parents r gr8 too. my current gf, as i sed though, things r slowing down a lot (sex- its been once over thet past 6 weeks!) and her parents r probably the biggest dicks i have ever met. i rly hate them

    what would you do in this situation? smart girl, gd looking, good prospects, dick parents


    gd laugh girl, hottest girl iv ever seen, funny, likes havn a gd time, nice parents, kid, dick ex boyfriend

    thoughts please

    Bro I HAVE BEEN THERE!!! Let me tell you.

    Let me just tell you this has always put it into perspective for me:

    "The Grass is always Greener on the other side"

    So damn true. If were to switch gf's the same thing would no doubt happen. Its not about sex though, it about that connection that you share. Eventually you just need to liven up the sex but that something you both need to discuss as it's very important. Seems like girl one has a bright future, you obviously love her, so it just really ***ends on do you plan on getting serious in the future?
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    getting along like a house on fire? never heard that one before..
    i would say niether..both seem like a down with love and soulmates and having a corresponding puzzle piece that "completes you" blah blah blah..but having someone elses emotional wellbeing as your own responsibility, and vice versa, is tough work...not having sex puts a whole new strain on everything..thats being denied your natural right as a human being..i think thats ****in ridiculous, "be faithful to me, the girl who isint ****ing you." women get sick, and pregnant, and have menstration..theres legitimate reasons for not having sex, but 6 weeks, why???? that seems like shaky grounds and impending hassle if you are looking for a longterm for the other chick..playing dad for someone else, especially a troublemakin punk can be a difficult thing, ive seen that shit turn out real bad with buddies of mine..all i can say she would have to be worth the inevitable sacrifice and headache that situation has great prospect for...otherwise, im sayin **** both of them. (not literally)

  15. #15
    Gear's Avatar
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    #1 and #2. You only live once. God bless females I love them all .


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirish_mark20
    guys, heres the situation as best as i can describe it.

    girl 1- my current gf, been with her just over 4 yrs, gd looking, we get on well though the past yr or so has been slow. shes uber smart, going away soon to train as an accountant for KPMG (HUGE accountancy firm) so the money she earns will be great.

    girl 2- my ex gf of when we were 15, so not serious relationship. iv been in contact with her for the past few months and been getting along like a house on fire, almost as though we never lost contact for a few years. she has no qualifications though and has a kid, whos dad is a real prick and a well known trouble causer.

    problem is, girl 2 is probably the most amazing looking girl in the world, and i know looks arent everything, but shes IMMENSE! rly good to tlk to, hot as hell, one of the nicest people iv ever met. her parents r gr8 too. my current gf, as i sed though, things r slowing down a lot (sex- its been once over thet past 6 weeks!) and her parents r probably the biggest dicks i have ever met. i rly hate them

    what would you do in this situation? smart girl, gd looking, good prospects, dick parents


    gd laugh girl, hottest girl iv ever seen, funny, likes havn a gd time, nice parents, kid, dick ex boyfriend

    thoughts please
    Beauty fades. #1

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    #1 and #2. You only live once. God bless females I love them all .

    ha ha i was about to add that,well said that man

  18. #18
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    ha ha i was about to add that,well said that man


  19. #19
    Join Date
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    1 time in 6 weeks. HOLY SHIT! i would explode if that happened to me. Go with girl 1. Fix ur sex life and everything else will work just fine. Not that it sounds like u deserve her though

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    6 weeks without sex? Goodbye.....

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirish_mark20
    there there is a genetic disorder runs in her family that only affects boys, its a learning difficulty (ie need to go to special schools, have tantrums, act like they r 12 when they grow up to be 50 etc).
    Do you mean you're dating Fosks mummy?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Do you mean you're dating Fosks mummy?

  23. #23
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    stop pickin on the guy, its not his fault his mummy is like that.....

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    neither. if you even considering options, you should be with none of them .

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Do you mean you're dating Fosks mummy?
    I don't have that many funny posts, but I almost shit myself when I was typing this one...

    Not to pick on the guy, as he's harmless, but I couldn't help myself. Sorry dude.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Bro I HAVE BEEN THERE!!! Let me tell you.

    Let me just tell you this has always put it into perspective for me:

    "The Grass is always Greener on the other side"

    So damn true. If were to switch gf's the same thing would no doubt happen. Its not about sex though, it about that connection that you share. Eventually you just need to liven up the sex but that something you both need to discuss as it's very important. Seems like girl one has a bright future, you obviously love her, so it just really ***ends on do you plan on getting serious in the future?
    iv always sed to myself that grass is always greener on the other side, but one thing stuck with me, someone quoted it on this forum

    it may be greener, but in the long run, its still just grass!

    anyway, thats the thing, with regards to a seriosu future, i cant see myself getting married. i dont think id want to, i cant be botherd with the hassle of it all. she (girl 1) also asked me about kids in future, and i sed that at this moment in time i cant see myself having kids, and right now i dont want kids (which i think is fair enuf)- so she stopped talking to me for an r or 2 then sed "u have to think about the future though, and i dont want to find out 4 years down the line that we want different things"

    my prolem though is that i dont have my own place, we r both still living with r parents at present. neither of us r in the career that we both want to have at this exact time, so i cant possibly think of bringing up a kid where things rnt stable! then she sed that wen she decides she wants kids shes gona have to come off the contraceptive pill without telling me because she knows i dont want one. so this has worried me in that she could get rly deceptive

    I also know beauty fades, but iv known the girl since i was 14 and have never seen anyone better looking than her, plus shes a rly nice girl.

    balls this is crap!

  27. #27
    I think we're all looking at this one sided. Lets look at it from the other hand with girl #1. Why is she not having sex with you? If a girl loves you, she will make time to please you. It sounds like she has a big career that is about to take off and it sounds like you don't have too much planned. That alone will make attraction drop from a girl's perspective. Do you also smother her by spending a lot of time with her and kissing ass? If so, that'll make your stock drop as well. It's not just "#1 or #2?" A lot of times guy's don't look at where they have messed up.


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i didnt read any of it.. just saw girl1 and girl2..
    is say ...
    SIT DOWN with both of them.. have a real heart to hear talk.. and see if they are both willing to let you have a lil GROUP LOVING.. if they decline.. stop hanging around w/ fosk's mom ><

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