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Thread: The Marines

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    The Marines

    Okay, I'm considering the Marines again cause my buddy wants to join as well... Now, is there anything that we can sign up for to go to bootcamp together, and share the same platoon or bunk or whatever? I heard they had something like that in the Navy, and I wondered if the Marines may have had something similar... Cuz this guy has been my best friend through thick and thin and I'd love to go through this with him... In a strictly heterosexual way

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    That's a horrible reason to join the military because your friend is. Its a major life decision

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i say dont be a *****.
    join the marines..
    who cares if ur w/ your buddy or not.. its like u get to chit chat in bootcamp LOL

  4. #4
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i say dont be a PUSSY .
    join the marines..
    who cares if ur w/ your buddy or not.. its like u get to chit chat in bootcamp LOL

    Fixed post....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE
    Fixed post....
    LOL u do have ur uses!
    but when did that word get nerfed? lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    So I have three responses, yet none of them answer the initial question... And I wouldn't join just cause my buddy does, I've always wanted to join just... Ionno... It's a big commitment and I just need that extra push!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    yes they usually have a BUDDY program

  8. #8
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    you have had a lot of threads regarding life decisions, and i would seriously sit down and consider what is best for YOU and not use our opinions on such a big topic all the time

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    I've always wanted to join just... Ionno... It's a big commitment and I just need that extra push!
    If you need a push, then're not ready to join. More likely than not, you'll be wishing you hadn't. This is one decision you need to make on your own, so forget your friend, forget us, and decide if being a Marine for the next 4 years is right for you. Good luck!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    If you need a push, then're not ready to join. More likely than not, you'll be wishing you hadn't. This is one decision you need to make on your own, so forget your friend, forget us, and decide if being a Marine for the next 4 years is right for you. Good luck!

    My thoughts exactly.....

  11. #11
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    Aug 2006
    Guys, all I asked was if they had a buddy program (thanks Tai) I didn't want your guys's opinion in the first place, lol. And the reason I need that extra push is because I'm a lot like my uncle, who is 40 something and lives at home still... I'll do whatever it takes not to turn out like him and I think the Marine Corps, if I did decide to join, would change me for the better.

  12. #12
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    Well WTF do you expect? a lot of us are prior or current members of the AF's. Its really not a job it changes your life, so hell yeah were going to give you are opionions, and you should thank them too, because we volunteered, If you lived in Israel, you wouldnt have to ask this question cause you would already be in the military.

    Like ive said before,
    "A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week."

    Gen George Patton.
    Last edited by MFT81; 05-31-2007 at 05:03 PM.

  13. #13
    lawman you seam lost like me, ive read half a dozen different posts on you and ideas of what you want to do. i say just go for somthing and go hard at it and make it work, if you go for the marines dont stop just keep going, if you make it in the end it will pay off hard.. but dont sit around wondering and

    no flame intended, just do it and you will see what comes

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    yea....the marines had a BUDDY SYSTEM when i joined up...and when you got to boot camp you got split up....when we had enough recurits to make a company.....the DI'S said....wave good bye to your buddy....they were put in different platoons

  15. #15
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    Like everyone else says, they have the buddy system. There is no grantee that you will stay in the same platoon. You will be in the same receiving platoon for the first few days, but then you are up for grabs. You could sign up for the same MOS, then you would have chance to stay together your whole career. I suggest aircrew, more specifically KC-130's.

  16. #16
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    Most of the branches have a buddy system. Just they don’t always work out as planned or as desire. Also during in boot camp you won’t have time to talk about the old days. If you are seriously thinking about joining a service take this in mind. The service is a great way to learn a trade or job and transfer it into civilian life. Even if you plan to retire in the service you need to make sure that you can transfer it to the civilian world. I spent 6 years in the US Navy as a Gas Turbine Technician (GS). I have taken this training and knowledge and current have an awesome career. I currently run a power plant and have a six figure income at 30 yrs old. I have seen combat, most of the eastern hemisphere and loved it all. All experiences are different. My suggestion, don’t do because of a buddy. Do it because you wish to learn more and excel you future. Do if for yourself and the desire to better yourself.

  17. #17
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    Yeh, I was looking at the Marine Corps Guard Duty which seems like it would be very enjoyable. I would get to do two tours (15 months each) one in a third world country at an embassy, and one in like England or Ireland... Get to live in a "Marine House", equipped with own bed and bath, gym, potentially a pool, and a place for "social events". From everything I read the worst part about it was leaving, lol...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    And the reason I need that extra push is because I'm a lot like my uncle, who is 40 something and lives at home still...I'll do whatever it takes not to turn out like him and I think the Marine Corps, if I did decide to join, would change me for the better.
    That's.....SAD. Seriously bro, don't join unless it's something YOU really want to do, otherwise you'll just be regretting the day you signed your enlistment papers. Forget every other reason and do it because it's what you truly want to do. Unfortunately, it sounds like you want others to change you rather than changing yourself - not a good reason to join IMO.

    I'm not trying to flame you or discourage you, but you need to seriously examine your rationale for enlisting.

    I didn't bother answering your "Does the Marine Corps have a buddy program?" question because it's not guaranteed. They could say "yes" and you'll still end up in different companies/platoons.

  19. #19
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    Iraq now
    "Needs of the service" remember that phrase, because you may sign up in the buddy program, but, well needs of the service, read the small print, nothing is guaranteed, nothing. I have some freinds who were MSG, Marine security guards, you get two assignments, one decent post, and one in Africa, or south America, ie a SH**holt...... oh and you will be coming over here to Iraq.....First.

  20. #20
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    If your going to join either one, join the Marines. As far as the buddy thing, you can go as a buddy package, but thats only for 13 months after that you will probably ship to different areas verrrrry far apart. P.S. ship life sucks keep that in mind. NAvy your a glorified slave: paint, scrub, clean, .... then you have to deal with Marines call you a p**sy all the time.

  21. #21
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gtanker
    NAvy your a glorified slave: paint, scrub, clean, .... then you have to deal with Marines call you a p**sy all the time.
    Ummm, I was a Corpsman for 8 years..I don't remember ever painting anything. I was stationed with Marine Division for 4 of those years and I can't think of a time that I've ever scrubbed and cleaned my room more in my life. I never was called a ***** because I didn't fall out of any Force marches or runs. I think us corpsman were acually treated with more respect from them then they would thier fellow Marine.

    I went on a MEU and all we did all day was sleep and do a few classes...until we hit port

  22. #22
    Okay here you King6 said there are definitely buddy programs that will let you join together and for the most part you would end up in the same platoon but just like any other big organization the Marines is no different and the logistics could get F-cked up down in PI or San Diego and then you guys get separated. But honestly once you are at boot camp your days are so busy and long that you wont really even be thinking about your buddy. And plus if your DI's find out that you two are in the buddy program together you are in for a world of sh-t. Seriously I had two in my platoon back in 02 and they were on the quarterdeck or in the pit almost every single day. Whatever you do...if you do go, don't ever let it out that you are in the buddy program together.

  23. #23
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    Dizz i think i broke my ribs. do i need to change my sock, drink more water and take an 800mg Motrin? i give props to corpmen. you guys rock for the most part. hell our corpmen were part of our 4man sniper teams. but for the most part the navy is just a taxi.

    i think this is a classic battle between services that will never die.

  24. #24
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    This is your thought pattern (based on your posts):

    Day1 ) I want to be a gay pronstar

    Day2 ) I want to move to another country

    Day3 ) I want to be a marine

    Whats next ?

    Day4 ) I want to be a gay marine living in Spain ?

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    lol.... he just wants attention...

    lawman you have been picked on all your life havnt you ?

  26. #26
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    Dizz i think i broke my ribs. do i need to change my sock, drink more water and take an 800mg Motrin? i give props to corpmen. you guys rock for the most part. hell our corpmen were part of our 4man sniper teams. but for the most part the navy is just a taxi.

    i think this is a classic battle between services that will never die.

    LoL, Changing your socks 2x a day in the field will prevent broken bones, sand in you vag. and most other serious medical problems!! 800mg Motrin and water will cure anything from the common cold to Pneumonia !!

    Someone taught you well! How bout those dumb ass classes you always had to get about foot hygiene and hydration....I hated doing that crap but you have those motivated butter bars that want their Marines "trained"

    My battalion's STA corpsman was a crazy son'beotch that could run 16min PFT's. he was allowed to operate but the one before him was a bag and had to stay with a "safety" vehicle when they did stalks or field ops.

  27. #27
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    I have a sgt in my unit that's been in for sooo long. He's been in since he was drafted in the vietnam war. He's going to have to get out soon though, a few more years he will reach the cut off point for time in service and age.

  28. #28
    Hey buddy, I'll be waiting in Iraq for you. Go to college instead!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    Dizz i think i broke my ribs. do i need to change my sock, drink more water and take an 800mg Motrin? i give props to corpmen. you guys rock for the most part. hell our corpmen were part of our 4man sniper teams. but for the most part the navy is just a taxi.

    i think this is a classic battle between services that will never die.
    LOL, that was a classic. Take Motrin and Hydrate. Unless your pissing blood, then you get your bore punched.

    This is an old thread, I don't know if Lawman is even seeing this, but Lawman, this is not a flame, because you are entitled to your own views and opinions, but I have read some of your posts regarding your objection to the Iraq war and your remarks on the president and our country. If you take that shit with you to the Marines, you will be singled out and crucified. The is one way to do things in the Marines, and that is the Marine Corps way. You will notice that all Marines think and act alike, we drink we like *****, we support the war, and we like country music (except me). Individuals who think and act differently are quickly isolated then weeded out. I have seen it 100 times over. Do yourself a favor and pick another branch. It takes a special individual to be a Marine, you have to want to be one, not just because you can't find anything else better to do, or cause it is what your friend is doing. You will just cause problems for the ones who truly want to be there.

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