How did you guys go about convincing your significant other or family members that steroids aren't all that bad as other prescribed drugs out there? I have yet to start my first cycle but I tell my S.O. that I am interested in doing them one day but not right now. She said they are bad blah blah blah gave me all the stereotypes and what not.
I've opened her eyes a to the light slightly but still not fully. She wants to to know why I'd waste money on it. She said that she does not want to me to put here is the key word "unprescribed drugs" into my body.
But yet here I am on 40mg of Prednisone and I feel like extra shit that past few days and she is ok with it. I said look I am taking the same shit, except it has the total opposite and worse effect than anabolic steroids.
She basically said that if I ever did them without telling her she would probably leave me, but not for good she can't handle that. But I told her that our relationship is based off of 110% trust (which she also agrees upon) and if I ever did decide to do them I would tell her. Her response to that was I appreciate that you would disclose that information to me but I still would not support you or your choice for doing it, she said she wasn't sure if she would leave me but yet she said she would be very disappointed in me.
I also argued that I'm doing it to look good for myself and mainly for her. Anyway she gave me the B.S. that you look good just the way you are and blah blah blah, anyway I'm rambling if you've made it this far.
So tell me guys what helped you to break the ice with your family or significant other to the use of AAS.