Originally Posted by
Well to be diagnosed with clinical ***ression it has to persist for more than 2 weeks straight. To be diagnosed with chronic ***ression is has to last for 6 months straight or longer.
Becoming unmotivated, tired, isolating, and changes in eating or sleeping patterns are all common symptoms.
Thats just off the top of my head I'm sure theres lists everywhere if you google it.
But seriously, the MAJOR #1 most SEVERE symptom you can have which doctors are taught to pay most attention to, because its the most common reported symptom prior to suicide is HOPELESSNESS.
You can be tired, isolated, not eating like usual, but you can still have hope that things will get better. Pay attention to that aspect of your thoughts.
Noone here obviously can tell you WHY your ***ressed.
If you don't have a history of ***ression it *may just be a phase. But what you need to do is create a timeline in your head from the point you started feeling ***ressed and try to link it to any external factors in your life around that time that surfaced or dissappeared.(like a break up, death, a job promotion can actually provoke ***ression, graduating school, things that SOUND good to the ear don't always have to have a postive affect on your mind) Cycles?
If you CAN'T. That most likely means theres something going on with the chemicals in your head. Either way Id suggest waiting it out for a minimum of a couple a weeks. This is only what doctors recommend, people may not agree with it. But if after 2 weeks straight (that means EVERYDAY) your still feeling symptoms of ***ression, GO GET HELP. Thats all I can really say about this.