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Thread: I was honest with wife.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks

    I was honest with wife.

    I hope I did right, but I was honest with my wife about the idea of aas. She isn't completely against but had alot of questions. She is against pins and needles in the house. have 10yr old daughter. I told her pills can be much harder on the body. She did some research and wants to know why I just don't do stuff she saw in back of magazine. something from sdi or lg labs or something like that. I know nothing of the stuff but it looked very warry. any suggestions of what to tell her. I hope I am doing correct.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Well, now that you already let the cat out of the bag, you need to help her research. It would be a great learning expirience for the two of you.

    AAS can be very safe and effective when used properly and if you are in a condition which promotes the safe use. (not fat, in good shape, lots of natural building under your belt.

    The thing to remember is that gear is not a one stop fix all. It will not replace good old fashioned diet and hard work. It will just boost your benefit.

    Another thing to consider, is once you cross over to the dark side, its very very rare that ANYONE does just one cycle. Again, done properly and with knowledge, is very safe.

    What is not safe is the legality of it. There is a real risk there that must be considered.

    Orals are definately hard on the liver. Most things you see that can be bought legally are supplements and no matter how great the advertising is, will never ever touch the results of real gear. Its illegal because it actually works. :-)

  3. #3
    have her join the board and ask questions

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Similiar thread in the lounge check it out!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    keep us posted of what she thinks!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    My wife knew I used steroids. Eventually, she went on a cycle. Later, we went through some tough times, she got pissed at me one day, took my steroids to the police station and told them they were mine. Shortly after that we filed for divorce. About 5 months later (after we were divorced) I was charged with possession based on her word.

    The charges were eventually dropped, but I wish I had never told her.

    I'd always been pretty honest about my steroid use. But no more. From now on, no one will know but you guys.

    Not trying to scare you. But one more thing - whenever we would argue, she would say "YOur on steroids, aren't you." Most of the time I wasn't. In fact, we hardly ever argued when I was on but I couldn't convince her otherwise.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by highrise
    My wife knew I used steroids. Eventually, she went on a cycle. Later, we went through some tough times, she got pissed at me one day, took my steroids to the police station and told them they were mine. Shortly after that we filed for divorce. About 5 months later (after we were divorced) I was charged with possession based on her word.

    The charges were eventually dropped, but I wish I had never told her.

    I'd always been pretty honest about my steroid use. But no more. From now on, no one will know but you guys.

    Not trying to scare you. But one more thing - whenever we would argue, she would say "YOur on steroids, aren't you." Most of the time I wasn't. In fact, we hardly ever argued when I was on but I couldn't convince her otherwise.
    The less people know you are "on" the better.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    strictly a need to know basis,hide it in ur car and shoot up in the bog in the dead of night

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Same here. Wife would point to AAS whenever we disagree about anything. Of course she loves how I look and likes me doing them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pins and syringes and in fact everything can be secured in a locked box even the used ones, so thats a mute argument. Stay away from the shit in the mags because thats exactly what it is, shit !!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    My wife has been aware of my use of everything. I can't imagine trying to hide everything from her. I have 2 teenage boys and they are both wrestlers and very athletic. They both train and lift weights. I have told them about all the dangers of steroid use in young people and they know that I use them and why. (I am on trt). I have a small safe that I keep everything (and I mean everything) locked up in. Even though I have talked with my boys extensively about steroids I know how curious teenagers can be. It's been over 2 years since I started the test and I have never had a problem at all with anything. I myself think in a marriage honesty is crucially important. Maybe I'm naive but I've been married for 18yrs and don't hide anything from my wife or my kids. But like I said with the kids just to be on the safe side I keep everything locked up.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by highrise
    But one more thing - whenever we would argue, she would say "YOur on steroids, aren't you." Most of the time I wasn't.

    That had me cracking up, I just pictured a woman in my head with that smug look saying that.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    Sorry about no responding to all the good info. Wife came home and the last thing on her mind was juice. she is promising to keep an open mind and we will do the research together. I will do research with her but I think I will keep to myself about locating and doing them. I will pass on all juicie(no pump intended) stories and information as it unfolds. By the way, I want to do because I want to keep my edge with the younger guys on the court. my screen name gives a hint to my occupation. I diet vg, and work-out consistantly. just trying to decide whats the best. gonna do my research.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ^^ Holly Crap, are you Pete Sampras??

    J/K, Congrats on having a wife that is that understanding. Most women would just blow up and not be willing to look at the flip side. She Sounds great.

    You'll learn so much on this site, When I first came to this site, I was considering using steroids but wanted to learn how they worked first. 5 years later im still learning and waiting to do the first cycle, Stick around and encourage your wife to come along and learn together.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    Got the money and the beautiful wife....s**t just the beautiful wife. income not quiet as high. Weird thing is, I make a good living, she makes 4-5x's what I do. It does help to read and learn here. Some all y'all know lots of stuff about everything and I am thankful for that.

    I will try to introduce her to this new world and of its adventerous life.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    My wife doesn't condone it but she is supportive. She helps me with my shoots being that she is a nurse. I'm not gonna lie it was a struggle explaining shit to her in the beginning, I had to take her on a fancy date and we ate and talked for hours about juice and why I wanna take them. Eventually she was on board with it and its being smooth sailing, hell sometimes when I lose size she asks me when my next cycle begins. Pretty much the only problem she has with my use now is the money I send on it. She is a pretty cool woman.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Thinking I'll have to tell my girlfriend when I do my next cycle. There is NO WAY she isn't going to notice and if i want to keep her around (LOL which I think I want to do) then it probably pays to be up front about it

    curious to hear how other gfs/wives reacted

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    My wife of 12 years who is a nurse, knows I brew, use and sometimes abuse gear. I have a medical background as well, so she knows I am smart and safe about technique. I am anal retentive, so I don't do anything without proper research.

    I wouldn't even consider doing a cycle without her knowledge. If something ever happens to me, she needs to know incase a medical emergency mandates total knowledge of my cycle. So I document exactly what I am on, how long I am running it, how much etc etc. She has access to that information should it be needed.

    Plus, if I ever have abnormal behavoir, she can point it out and know why. sometimes certain gear has odd effects on people outside of the typical over-agression and over-confidense.

    She is totally against it, doesn't talk about it. Doesn't ask "how's that tren cough these days" or anything. She just accepts that I will do it with or without her consent, so she does her part.

    She won't draw, carry, shoot, or anything for me. I had the hardest time giving myself glute shots at first. But never once did she say "here you r-tard, I will get i for you."

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Oh, and she likes the sex drive.

  20. #20
    not many people know about my aas use but if i did tell somebody important i would probably tell them to watch this. something about bryant gumbel's reputation seems like it would convince most people to think differently.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Louisiana. Source checks
    I want to envolve my wife because as was pointed out earlier, its good to have someone else knowing a substance that has potential to cause a medical problem. Also its nice to have someone whom can notice things that may be different(moods) and that can help with future cycles. 9ne of my concerns is she likes to talk to much. I've tested her on that and she failed.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    The less people that know, the better.

    Trust me, my GF always bases the fact that my anger and aggression comes from steroids. It just becomes a headache when steroids are the "cause" of every problem.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sandiegoweather
    The less people that know, the better.

    Trust me, my GF always bases the fact that my anger and aggression comes from steroids. It just becomes a headache when steroids are the "cause" of every problem.
    Maybe she is in denial that her boyfriend is just naturally an asshole and is looking for an excuse for you, because Roids DEFINATELY do not turn you into one, they just bring out your natural ""charming" personality.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I got interested in using gear and then talked to my wife about it. She basically was...well...she was not against it...but not wholly for it. She told me that I would have to do some research and if I could convince her that I knew what I was doing and understood the risks then I was good to go. I joined here in Sept 04 as I recall and did not cycle until Feb 06...spent the whole time researching. I am prepping for cycle 2 right now and before I bought anything I double checked that she was still on side and had not changed her mind at all. She is still good to go. During my first cycle I could not make myself put the pin in my quad. I was sitting on the toilet with my track pants down around my ankles with the loaded pin in my hand hovering centimetres (Canadian, eh?) from my skin and I could not make myself put it in. She walked in and looked at me...she grabbed a pin from my stash and left. A couple of minutes later she walked in, grabs the pin from me and pokes me. I took over to aspirate and inject. After I asked her what she did with the pin she took from me and she told me she had loaded it with water and injected a banana just to see what it was like.

    She has been awesome so far about everything. I am serious though when I say that if she were to pull the plug right now I would sell it all and not do it. I would never do anything behind her back and honesty is number one in any marriage IMO. That said, she knows this is important to me and so she is supportive. Also, like mentioned above, she knows every compound I am on and for how long in case something happens and it is required information.

    Good luck bro!

    EDIT: I like quad injections so she comes in before I inject and checks for visible veins so I do not end up going through one...she is awesome!

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Learnin from the best...
    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy
    Maybe she is in denial that her boyfriend is just naturally an asshole and is looking for an excuse for you, because Roids DEFINATELY do not turn you into one, they just bring out your natural ""charming" personality.


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    I was rolling when I typed that. Glad someone else got a laugh too.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    man, im always str8 up w/ chicks i start dating.. im like look i use steroids.. and no roid rage is a myth.. and YES i will probably try to hump u 12-15 times a day.. its just part of it.. take it or leave it..
    i feel this method is better kuz if shit gets seroius.. and u lie bout it then they find out 2yrs later.. OH GOD.. been there.. lots of grrrrr....

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    I have been doing my research and reading, but the wife hasn't brought up any conversation about related inquiries of aas. I don't know if she has forgotten..doubt it...or she is testing me. Either way I know I will be honest and hope to have her blessing if I decide to dabble in a new world. Keep sending the good gossip.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    man, im always str8 up w/ chicks i start dating.. im like look i use steroids.. and no roid rage is a myth.. and YES i will probably try to hump u 12-15 times a day.. its just part of it.. take it or leave it..
    i feel this method is better kuz if shit gets seroius.. and u lie bout it then they find out 2yrs later.. OH GOD.. been there.. lots of grrrrr....
    exactly what i say but then im not married or heavily commited,maybe his first mistake was being honest

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Margaritaville (I wish)

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    my gf knows and it 100% cool with it.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    The gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Biff Studly
    damn that chicks got nice calves in ur avatar...i almost didnt care that her ass isnt in the pic...almost

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