OMG I am crying lau***ng at this thread !!!
OMG I am crying lau***ng at this thread !!!
you guys can't even see her face how is she "gorgeous"
...anyway be straight up don't lie don't bullshit be real
I think I should start going to Argo games
I Dont watch any sports. Couldnt care less about any team at all.Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Originally Posted by spywizard
I have a real simple default thing I do with chicks in situations like this (when I'm too lazy to think of an answer.. which is like 90% of the time)
I just reach into my wallet, pull out my psychotherapists business card, hand it to them, and say "you really should set up an appointment".
And don't smile because it ruins the whole affect.
Yeah, I agree with that. There are so many advice givers out there and they think they know better and they just create obstacles. When I was a kid, I found that with my parents. Basically, a problem presented itself and they had an "idea" about what needed to be done. They think in a black and white oversimplified way and their "solutions" actually created a second problem (like adding insult to injury). They were tying to take the driver seat when the more appropriate place was the backseat. But they defined themselves as "parents" and they were trying to take a parental role but their skills weren't up to the task and I had to act gingerly. Now adays I'm surrounded by people I respect so the exchange of information fascilitates problem-solving and no one's identity is endangered.
Granting that, in this situation, a girl looking like that trying to lose weight has body dsysmorphia and her risk is in danger. It's clear that her friend does know better and needs to take control (in as much as possible). Fake clen in this case is helping her out. She needs that help and more.
Originally Posted by tommik
Last edited by Mike Dura; 06-03-2007 at 11:28 AM.
What about the standard line: "You can get any results by doing cardio before breakfast and a clean diet, blah, blah blah."
Or tell her to take 120mcgs and if she shakes a little she must be allergic and should not take any more.
Last edited by Huckster; 06-03-2007 at 01:31 PM.
get her a cheese burger and some donuts she way to skinny now
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